That might be a good defense if the CDC and FDA weren't under Regulatory Capture. But seeing as they are, Big Pharma regulates the agencies, and not the other way around. To the extent that the agencies agreed, or complied, or had anything to do with this fraud, it's because they were carrying water for the pharma companies.
it's limited hangout foreshadowing. They show how the sausage is made, as part of a fictional show, and then call you a kook for ever thinking something like that could happen, even when you're seeing it happen with your own eyes. I recently saw a clip from the Barney Miller show where a guy talked like Alex Jones in the 80's and they told him he needed psychiatric help.
Soooo, it doesn't have to make sense, and she can't explain it, and when the kids ask questions, she plays dumb, because she can't answer their childish, simple questions. Somehow, she thinks it's the kids who don't understand, not her.
Ain't that some shit? What a drag queen is NOT is a feminist.