Jammyjams 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had "covid" or some type of illness 2 times.

As my mom cursed ivermectin that it was poisonous, I popped the pill with zinc right in front of her face.

24 hours later, 100% better, up and running. She saw it with her own eyes TWO TIMES and STILL to this day, thinks it is poison.

Yuri Bezmenov was correct. Even with fact in their faces, they still cannot see the truth. Propaganda is absolutely powerful.

Jammyjams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, congrats on your sobriety. Just looking at it objectively and with people like you who can testify to the effectiveness of it, this could do tremendous good for our situation in this country.

From the accounts that I've read, it is not addictive, but actually a very painful and tough experience. Not an addictive substance at all.

I'm assuming you went down to South America to do it?

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very wisely said. Thank you. God bless you

Jammyjams 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is absolutely nothing Presidential about her. Just like Jill Biden. Just looks like a low class wannabe with a low IQ.

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one buys these damn books. I would be surprised if 10 people in total bought each book.

Obviously bribery payments. Disgusting corruption. But it shall soon be done and we will see this filth put away.

Jammyjams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your last paragraph gave me a laugh. My dumbass didn't even consider that. Probably not a solution for the elderly unless they are dying of cancer. I hear that shrooms really help people who are terminal accept that it will happen and get rid of the depression that follows.

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes they have. In California, Trump outlined how they send out 38 million mail-in ballots. Dude, that is exactly how they take California every single time. No one is libtard except for the degenerates.

Jammyjams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. Your way of thinking is what I believe too.

If using psychedelics to mingle with other spirits and wanting to have "spiritual" experience, this is what I believe is forbidden.

But trying to better your life, habits, addictions, or even your physical brain, I think God would be accepting of that as long as you're not trying to find another "god'.

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting. So you would be against using ibogaine for heroin addicts?

Jammyjams 7 points ago +7 / -0

How many beautiful cities have been absolutely crushed by democrat policies? Libtards are virus. They infect and destroy everything.

I can't believe people still vote for these imbecile traitors. Whenever some says they're a democrat, I automatically think that person is a fucking idiot is an enemy of all Americans.

Jammyjams 1 point ago +2 / -1

I remember Mike Tyson was kind of out of the spotlight.

Once his daughter died, he got movie roles and became very relevant again.

Sad to see this. He took the oath for sure.

Jammyjams 3 points ago +3 / -0

The research on ibogaine is incredible. We have an opiate crisis right now, and people are basically skipping the withdrawal and dealing with their trauma. The success rate is pretty damn high.

Of course, it is illegal in the US because this demonic entity wants to profit off of addicts. This could be a huge step forward in combatting this epidemic if it were legalized and priced into an affordable package for anyone to receive this therapy. I was blown away when I read about it.

It is a bit dangerous, but with proper medial staff, very safe. Heroin addicts are flirting with dying every single day from fentanyl.

But there are the ethical questions that have me wondering about if this is acceptable by Christ. It is a plant made by God. I'm still debating this as I've seen other Christians saying it is sinful and unacceptable.

I think they might be wrong.. Who knows. Im glad mushrooms helped you

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the scripture references.

Psychedelics have been used by witches and warlocks to convene with demonic entities. Is intention the difference?

If you go into a psychedelic experience trying to heal trauma or addiction, would that change everything?

It's just tough to see the bad side of psychedelic therapy being a sin for medical purposes, but it is basically going into the unseen realms. This is one of those confusing questions.

You believe it is not a sin, correct?

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure about medbeds, but I am sure about Rife Machines.

I was gunna buy a spooky2 because of how sure I am about this technology, just don't know if it is worth it in my current state of health.

Anyone have a rife machine?

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm thinking the Yakuza will do some behavior modifications soon.

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Deep state is going bigger. They're going to try to cancel the election.

Get ready. They are already in checkmate for the election. Too many eyes, too many people paying attention. Kamala is destroyed in the real polls.

My guess is a launched operation of illegal terrorist setting off multiple attacks in big cities. Mayhem. Power outages. Etc.

Jammyjams 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perfect example of low IQ libtard.

Let's post this and get fired from the only job that would hire me. I want virtue points. They don't pay for anything, they rarely give me anything, but I want those virtue points over money, stability, and a good job.

This is libtard thinking. They are literally walking retards.

Jammyjams 2 points ago +2 / -0

RFK Jr. and what he did represents EXACTLY how things should be in America.

Regardless of beliefs, you come together and try to execute the best outcome for our country. Not go completely ape shit and demonize the other side. Dems have become the enemy.

Even if he's got some libtard ideas, what he did was history in the making. I don't care if you're lib or conservative. If you try to do the right thing with the right intentions, and team up with even the people you have differences with, that makes you someone you can work with.

He deserves a massive amount of credit for what he's doing. I'm here to give it to him.

Jammyjams 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just laugh at libtards who are supporting her.

They really are just imbeciles who have no idea of anything pertaining to life.

They convinced these people to cut off their genitals to become the opposite sex. It really is amazing how powerful propaganda is to low IQ people.

Jammyjams 7 points ago +7 / -0

As much as I hate getting involved in overseas issues, it is quite apparent how important the US is to the world.

These people across the Atlantic are rooting hard for Trump to get in office because that means America will fight for their freedom as well.

But they better learn from this mistake, You NEVER give up your guns. Ever.

Jammyjams 6 points ago +6 / -0

She is completely worthless. What is the dems message?

Change? Change from themselves? What a stupid platform.

We all have to vote and makes this election the biggest blowout in US History. Beating Reagan with all 50 states. Let's do this.

Jammyjams 50 points ago +50 / -0

Flynn, RFK Jr, Elon as Trump's advisors?

Goodness gracious, what a team of deep state killers.

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