Probably. But we need to also understand that not every single person Epstein was involved with was fucking kids. He was an influence peddler, a finance guy who just happened to have all the contacts. He was a guy you went to when you needed something to happen and you were willing to pay to play.
That would be one hell of a boon to everybody in this country. Get rid of judicial and prosecutorial immunity, hold the bar association accountable to we the people, and no more QI for cops and making up the rules as they go and having the whole god damn kangaroo court system back them up, and finally start prosecuting people for conspiracy to violate rights.
Pretty much this. Short of foreign military intervention to overthrow the SA government and expel the black SA, this isn't going to go well for the Boers who stay. They need our assistance to get out. We can spend way less money and lose way fewer valuable, skilled lives by offering refuge to boers and then cutting off all foreign aid to SA and encircling them to prevent any imports or food smuggling. Let those parasites die without the host. Then we can come back in and reclaim the land after they are allowed to have their natural generational cycle of famine and disease and war and pestilence drop their numbers back down to the point where one of their tribes consists of a dozen or so families all living in loosely scattered family compounds, rather than basically being a parasite horde of a hundred thousand or more.
I could have built a house out in the country with cash with all the money that's been taken from me in income taxes over the years. Instead, I had to struggle to barely survive for over a decade. I sure could have used that 30 percent they were taking every single week.
Some cattle, yes. But I haven't seen it on a huge industrial scale. All I've seen is alfalfa and barley and some other extreme cold resistant grains and some small family run cattle operations that are barely above the scale of a hobby farm. Also sheep. Sheep seem to do pretty ok out here.
I think that covid might have been a necessary part of the plan. It was a soft preview of the sort of total government and societal intrusion and control into your private life that they had planned for us, but were trying to slow boil to get to that point in order to keep us asleep. Covid, a stolen election, 4 humiliating years of a puppet president who was the ever changing figurehead of a parasitic and seemingly omnipotent bureaucracy whose entire stated goal was to make your modern life impossible until you are living like a hunted animal in the jungle. I think people really needed to wake the fuck up and start paying attention. I wonder if Trump is just the figurehead and if our real masters are simply another ancient faction of vampire lords who possibly adopted a different governing strategy and are just winning a civil war amongst themselves. That would fall in line with how Aristotle said most oligarchies fall,
Why do I feel a weird mixture of relief and anxiety? Is anybody else getting this? Like it's a total shift in the direction of history, so it could go good or bad. What do we do if the deep state manages to kill Trump?
Yeah... for some reason, I don't think they will have the troops to oppose anything should push come to shove, considering that to do so would be an act of sedition and open rebellion and mutiny. In other words, this bill is window dressing to ensure that their retarded, empty ass liberal echo chambers keep on echoing with soundbytes and to provide a narrative for their fanatical followers to latch on to in order to keep the beast on life support for a little while longer. They are cornered and using political insurgency tactics to play this out until the midterms where they're gonna cheat like no tomorrow. We don't have time to play the long game and they damn well know it. So they're gonna give us whatever trivial wins we want while protecting the vitals as best they can, wait while we lose steam and gas out, and then next round they're gonna come back with gypsum loaded gloves and a paid off referee with murder in their eyes for the beating they just took. We need the knockout hit and we need it fucking bad. The question is whether or not Trump's team will be able to deliver. My best guess is that we gotta get their assets seized and freeze the money flow. If we can empty their warchest and plug up the leaks while delivering solid results and measurable improvement in everyone's quality of life, and if we do a good enough job with recruiting talent for the midterms, we win. if Pam Bondi keeps sitting on her ass and not a single fucking big name Epstein client is arrested for these crimes despite Ghislaine obviously being in a position to sing like a fucking bird, we lose. I mean fuck dude, make an example of one of these fuckers and the rest will scramble to throw their friends under the bus in order to not be next.