They seemed happy tonight, too. President Trump was holding her hand & she stayed close to him. I noticed she even laughed when he started dancing when they were leaving the stage. It’s so important for them to show America that they, as a couple, are strong. They’ve been through so much & to come out of this together is a miracle. Another blessing from God. He is in control!!
What a fabulous rabbit hole!! I’ve just spent the past 2 hours reading the Law of War Manual, chapter 11 & more. So fascinating to see it unfolding before our eyes.
Maybe someone here can help me with something: 4 yrs ago I read somewhere that if a current president had proof of a fraudulent election that it was his duty to inform the military or he could be prosecuted. I would love to know where I read it. If anyone knows, please respond, even if it’s a guess, I’ll look it up.
Thank you Hammer_of_Leftists for this post!!I can’t wait to listen to Trumps rally tonight -Friday- after his day with Joe Rogan & now Israel bombing Iran. Fascinating! WWG1WGA
Great post party1981. I’ve thought these exact things for the past 4 yrs. I think my family thought I’d lost my mind but as of today, I have 4 Republican children, compared to only 2 from 4 yrs ago so they are listening. I read somewhere that in order for the 2020 election to be overturned it had to happen before the next presidential election. I can’t find where I read it, of course, but if someone else has heard this, please let us know. All I know for sure, no date fagging necessary, is the next 2 weeks will be a wild ride. The Q team sure taught us a lot, didn’t they? God bless you. WWG1WGA
When I saw this last night it sparked something inside of me. Today is my son, Jeremy’s, birthday. He died in 1977, at 9 weeks & 1 day of SIDS. He would have been 47 years old at 4:14pm today. Those memories are so vivid in my mind that when I followed this link and was looking at the pictures & reading the stories on X it made me so very sad for these aborted babies and the precious life God had recorded in the Book of Life.
I forwarded many of these stories to my FakeBook feed just to make people open their eyes! At least my son had 9 weeks & 1 day to fulfill his legacy of life. These babies are never held or caressed by a parent, they suffer great pain & are discarded like a rotten mouse in the cesspool of Planned Parenthood. What sorrow must God feel when he looks at the evilness of just this ONE sin! His heart must always feel so heavy. In the days ahead we need to be in constant prayer for this upcoming election. If this election is stolen, we are doomed. God is greater than all of this but He requires us to go to Him in prayer. Pray Warriors, with all your might!! God is listening.
This makes my heart so happy! I’ve lost 2 children, 1 to 2nd trimester miscarriage & 1 to SIDS. You live with those deaths every minute of the day for an extremely long time and now this beautiful young couple will get to experience the joy of parenting a precious gift from God! Thank you for doing Gods work!!!
I think he was talking about the big guy with the green hat that was standing next to Vincent Fusca. Waaaay too coincidental. It’s starting to quickly all come together. Every day we get new pieces of the puzzle instead of having to wait for a month to get one. Great speech tonight.
I found an entry on that shows that Joseph Biden died in 2007. The obit was posted in Dec 2007 & all the stats matched up. I realize all of the info is placed by humans but it’s interesting that it’s the same year as this video & its SOOOO obvious that we have an actor playing him right now. I wish I could share it but I can’t find a way to do it. I’ll keep trying.
My former leftist liberal daughter just called me 2 days ago to ask if JD Vance would be a good partner for President Trump, then yesterday asked if Biden’s Covid illness was how they were going to “off him”? She then said,”I’m so glad President Trump is Okay.” She is the mother of 3, Praise God.