JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is where we need to be sending the ones who committed heinous crimes like the animals that murdered Laiken and Jocelyn. I don’t want them in American prisons, but I also don’t want them getting deported and just get to walk free after what they did. I’d be in favor of swift execution, but I think I like the idea of letting them rot in horrible prison conditions so much more.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has he considered learning to code?

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

The issue with Reddit is that free speech is not allowed. They downvote and ban anybody who goes against the hive mind. They spread fake news and then get their DNC bots to astroturf. It’s a literal echo chamber where no discussion is allowed to be had if it upsets Liberals

JoeBidenEatsBabies 15 points ago +15 / -0

I’ll be honest- I’m not brave enough to speak up on my personal accounts, but I’ve been fighting the good fight from my anonymous ones

JoeBidenEatsBabies 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m all for free speech and discourse from both sides, but Reddit is an absolute cesspool of DNC bots and radical communists, as well as your typical low IQ Leftist sheep. Site needs to be nuked at this point

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been saying- once we are done fixing our own problems, I really hope President Trump turns his attention towards helping our Europe brothers and sisters fix theirs. As much as I would prefer to not meddle in other countries business, Europe as we know it will cease to exist in a few years if something isn’t done to mass deport their invaders and chase their corrupt globalist leaders out

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do hope that the pressure of having to live in the shadows watching over their shoulder, plus cutting off all of the free shit, will motivate a good portion to self-deport. Self-deporting is by far their best option if they want to be able to keep their belongings and have a shot at ever coming back. It makes a lot more sense to back up your truck and a trailer full of your things and take it with you than risk getting deported and only being able to take a ziploc bag of belongings with you

JoeBidenEatsBabies 4 points ago +4 / -0

This new scorched earth Dark MAGA Trump is my favorite version yet. I think in 2016, he was naive to just how deep and extensive the swamp was. Now he’s had this time to see just how bad it is and also these past 4 years to get really really pissed off and it shows. He is not wasting any time or playing any games this time around

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happened to the idea of sending them to Rwanda? I remember them saying they’d be willing to take some of our people to help rebuild

JoeBidenEatsBabies 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s a shame all of these anchors will still be fabulously wealthy with or without their jobs, assuming they’ve made wise investments. Doesn’t Maddow make like $15M a year? Sure would be a shame if the victims of her propaganda and lies (namely the J6 hostages) sued these disgraced anchors for everything they have left

JoeBidenEatsBabies 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drop the stepson’s name and info. Drop the names of all the so called family members who sent their family to the gulags. They cannot be allowed to live peacefully among us

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was originally watching it on Fox, but switched to YouTube when the commentators couldn’t shut the hell up and quit talking over the video. Trump was signing EOs and they were talking so we couldn’t hear what he was signing. So annoying

JoeBidenEatsBabies 9 points ago +9 / -0

We are trapped in our starter home because of it. Bought our home when we were just 2 newlyweds coming from apartment living so it seemed like enough house at the time. Now we have 2 little ones and dream of at least 1 more, but we are absolutely maxed out in our little house. But any house we look at is at least 2-3x our current mortgage for a house just to get one more bedroom but a downgrade in actually property. It’s been very frustrating

JoeBidenEatsBabies 22 points ago +22 / -0

Bingo. Also confiscate all land owned by foreign nations and foreign entities cough Chyyyna cough

JoeBidenEatsBabies 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was amazing! Originally we had planned to drink it on election night 2020 but it worked out perfectly because I was pregnant that night and would not have been able to partake. Hard to imagine we got another chance!

JoeBidenEatsBabies 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know it's disappointing for them to not be able to see it in person, but I don't feel sorry for them! As Trump supporters, our #1 priority is protect President Trump at all costs, so anybody who would want his safety jeopardized for their own entertainment is not a true Trump supporter. He did an amazing job of still including them and making it a once in a lifetime experience for them. Safety concerns aside, nobody would've enjoyed themselves outside. It was too cold and could've opened attendees up to cold-related issues.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 19 points ago +19 / -0

The amount of Liberal tears that I am getting drunk off of today is almost too much to handle.

But in all seriousness, my husband and I got to pop a bottle of 2010 champagne from Trump Vineyards that we've been holding on to for almost 8 years now. Popped it right as he finished his swearing in. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!

We did it y'all! We did it.

JoeBidenEatsBabies 13 points ago +13 / -0

As somebody who lives about 45 mins away from the Gulf of AMERICA, I cannot even begin to express how excited I am. We are planning to take a little day trip to the beach this weekend to celebrate!

JoeBidenEatsBabies 4 points ago +4 / -0



JoeBidenEatsBabies 6 points ago +6 / -0

Extremely hard to imagine our Founding Fathers would have thought so. But our Supreme Court is absolute garbage so I doubt they would rule to uphold the Founding Fathers wishes

JoeBidenEatsBabies 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m wondering if it will be possible to revoke his pardons of Hunter, Fauci, and the J6ers when it comes to light that he was never a legitimate president. Not to mention the fact that he has been deemed too senile to stand trial, so that questions if he is too senile to sign EOs and grant pardons

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