Also, it seems that nothing can stop the dangerous and deadly covid vaccine agenda either. They are now pushing them on young children who are unable to make their own decisions, and are at the mercy of their ignorant parents who fully believe the media and big pharma are their saviors. I would like to think that Patriots are in control, and that nothing can stop them, but when I see now that vaccines are being forced into young innocent children, it is terribly difficult for me to still believe that "Patriots are in control", and that "Nothing can stop what is coming" in the way I used to believe.
When he says "we", Trump is talking about "America-first Conservatives" and not himself.
People try too hard to stretch things in order to confirm their beliefs. Most often these examples seldomly make any sense once the least bit of critical thought is applied to the context of these things seen or heard. Stuff like this has happened far too many times here already.
I've heard that her body double is actually JFK Jr in a Hillary mask. If he goes to jail, how can he become Trumps VP when Trump is reinstated in just two more weeks? And this explains why JFK Jr never appeared in Dallas last week - he was making appearances as Hillary that day. He couldnt be at two places at once!
Its getting rather difficult to continue buying into all of this stuff anymore...
The world is going to complete hell, and at full throttle. If its true that the "patriots are in control". I am starting to question their intentions. Things looks worst now than ever before. And there are no signs of that changing any time soon. If they do accomplish something in the future, most will be dead from the covid vaccines which Trump continues promoting at his rallies. And I have yet to hear Trump voice his opposition to vaccine mandates which will cause most of us here to be unemployed soon and our kids will be forcefully vaccinated once they are taken away from us when we cant put food on the table after becoming homeless.
We are sinking down into hell at full speed.
So whats the plan with Trump promoting the covid vaccines and remaining totally silent on vaccine mandates at all of his rallies? Lots of people are getting seriously hurt from these vaccines, and dying. Most people here will be unemployed soon, and their children are being forced into taking vaccines.
How does this all fit into the Trump/Q plan?
No, I am not a Liberal, nor a shill, just frustrated with the whole "Plan" and trying to figure out if this has all been a total fraud and if we were all conned.
Instead of hurling insults in your replies, why not show me where I am wrong? Because I hope more than anything that I am wrong. Please show me!
I have read it, and there seems to be something rather HUGE which Flynn must have forgotten. HOW can anyone win any election when the voting process is rigged???
Explain that one please!
We still wait several months for the Kraken. Where is it?
We still wait for the AZ audits. Whats the deal there?
We still wait for all the evidence from the Lindell Cyber Symposium. Oops, he made a lot of promises, yet delivered nothing.
So how does anyone good win any elections at this point?
I would love for Flynn to address such important questions.
I really dont know what to think about Flynn anymore.
According to the "new" General Flynn recently, our inaction makes us complicit in this current mess. The "old" Flynn suggested otherwise and for everyone to enjoy the show.
Mixed signals coming from Flynn. Thats not a typical trait from a General in my book. Wondering what his deal is.
According to the "new" General Flynn recently, our inaction makes us complicit in this current mess. The "old" Flynn suggested otherwise and for everyone to enjoy the show.
Mixed signals coming from Flynn. Thats not a typical trait from a General in my book. Wondering what his deal is.
So, are we still thinking that Biden is a body double, or is he the real thing now?
For me, the current Biden just doesnt give me the same evil vibes as the old Biden. I sense a major difference between "new" and old Biden.
Bald people do the "comb-over" all the time, using other hair to lessen the bald spot. When they cut their hair, it thins it all out and makes the bald spot stand out much more obvious.
So these pics dont do it for me. I have seen much better examples online which seem to show that he is wearing a latex mask. The neck portion appeared to have risen up in one photo I saw. But who knows, maybe someone photoshopped it. Cant trust anyone anymore.
But for me personally, the current Biden just doesnt give me the extremely evil bad vibes of the old Biden. The current Biden just feels like a different person to me for sure.
Big Pharma has all the power and deep state support to have delayed the vaccine for as long as they wanted to do so. There is NO WAY that Trump or ANYONE else has the power to twist Big Pharmas hands and pressure them to release anything before they or the Deep State wanted it to come out. Big Pharma wasnt pressured to do anything they didnt want to do. They could have made excuses after excuses to delay this thing and NOBODY would be able to stop them.
So this is extremely difficult to believe.
Pay close attention to what this Patriot says at the one minute mark.
After suggesting to everyone to basically stand-down and wait around for the "Plan" to take care of everything, General Flynn recently does a complete reversal and ties our lack of action to being complicit in the sh*t happening. Unlike Flynn, this lady takes a leadership role offering the suggestions for which Flynn should have done when he basically called us out as being complicit in the current situation.
Oh, and pay close attention to what she says at the one minute mark.
If taken for Covid, it is much more effective when taking it with meals or after meals.
The first time I took it months ago (the exact same brand you mention) it didnt do anything for me. Then I read that it must be taken with meals to fight Covid. So taking with meals it cured me by the third dose. My first time around when I took it on an empty stomach, I went through two tubes and it didnt help me. I hear it needs food (specifically fats) to transport it where it needs to go to eliminate Covid.
If using it to eliminate stomach parasites, take on empty stomach. For Covid, take with (fatty) foods!
Instead of promoting the vaccine, and choosing not to speak up against vaccine mandates in America, THIS is the type of stuff Trump needs to be saying at his rallies.
Much credit to Putin. Maybe he will achieve Making Russia Great Again while we trail way behind...
I hope Lindells upcoming event will go a LOT better than his last one. Lindell made a lot of really bold claims in the months prior to his August Cyber Symposium, all of which failed. And once again, leading up to this next event, Lindell has brought the hype again with more of the bold claims. If he fails again, I really think he will lose a lot of support going forward. He brought a ton of hype before his last event, and made his conservative and patriots followers look like fools. Hoping it goes better this time.
"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on ME."