I'm in the same boat. My social Security barely gets us by and I sure could use a "Ship comes in" scenario. Another question I'd have is, can someone invest just a few hundred. I don't even understand the lingo. Hope some answers show up.
I get a clip of CNN trying to discredit the audit ....https://crooksandliars.com/2021/04/arizona-maricopa-audit-ballots
Normies would buy into this with no problem IMO.
I can't stand corporate media. What's obvious to us corrals in the gullible.
Trump, Pompeo, or Our Generals will inform us "when" something is happening. Until then posts like this are bullshit. If there are deadlines to come forward by, they don't need to be announced publicly. They should or would be notified privately with ultimatums stated. To me this is some asshole theatrics of some asshole who enjoys playing with peoples heads, while he girly giggles behind his keyboard.
I'm a total lurker because I'm a man of few words on here. I don't have the answers but something's gotta give. We're standing by and watching our Country slowly being taken from us with bullshit laws by an illegitimate Government. What the fuck does it take for justice to prevail? I'm just sick of it and blowing of steam but I'm as ready as ready can be.
No doubt at all.