JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know exactly what you mean! But of course we are just imagining what we think we are seeing, LOL. Funny how government never consulted we the people before they started dimming the sun in the early 1990s Just the fact that its all classified and the CIA is running SRM program, it it tyranny. Only tyrannical governments keep secrets from their people.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sadly for us in the midwest they do the same, fouling and dimming the skies and damaging the ozone layer in the process. The chemtrails are usually mostly from east to west, other times like giant perfect Tic Tac Tos in the sky. We have no say in what the government DS is doing to us and the environment, its frustrating and discombobulating to know that our Air Force pilots are actually aware of what they are doing to us.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 7 points ago +8 / -1

LOL, that is similar to what I have shown to some of my family that deny the existence of chemtrails. Upon observation of planes that run out of chemicals during flight, I actually say, ohh look that jet just ran of fuel there are no more condensate trails so they must have run out of fuel. Then moments later I say, that plane will start falling out of the sky any minute of which is does not. Then I start laughing at them because they can't explain what just happened. Sadly for these people common sense will never kick in.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I remember several years ago there was an issue about how Roberts obtained adoption rights of his kids. Was not aware about Barrett adopting children, there must be some deep dark story about that too, which I am sure the corrupt FBI have the goods on her too, so the DS got their wish.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Federal Executive and the Federal SCOTUS are now violating Federal Law that demands that the borders be secured from invasion, go figure. Such subjective and twisted reasoning to attain that conclusion, while they are now both violating it themselves. I give up!!

JohnQ-Arkenstone 15 points ago +15 / -0

Exactly right Unvaxxed! These judges are openly sanctioning the breaking of Immigration Law by aiding and abetting the criminal activity of the Biden administration allowing uncontrolled Illegal immigration.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 4 points ago +4 / -0

More lies, no one has covid, if so they would be in the hospital. Definitely planned election interferrence.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL, these people are just plain stupid. Ecocide should also include those in the so-called Green Industry that have destroyed millions of acres of agricultural land and ecosystems worldwide along with the fouling of billions of gallons of water from natural aquifers that can no longer be used as drinking water. They destroy the environment with Wind Turbine footprints that also have thousands of miles of ACCESS ROADS paved or gravelled, needed to service these turbines along with DISTURBING the natural air flows of wind currents and air drainage over the land. Of course we also have giant solar panel installations that have destroyed agricultural land completely. There is also the issue of Wind Turbine installations in the ocean that are harming whales and other sea creatures with their continuous ultra low frequency vibrations. So lets talk about the truth of ECOCIDE.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 4 points ago +4 / -0

People in Africa don't need any jab from Big Pharma for malaria, all they need to do is take their regular weekly dose of HCQ, that has always been the protocol in those regions. It is Safe, Cheap and Effective. As with the SARS-2 plandemic, I don't think the African nations will be fooled into taking an UNPROVEN JAB by this misrepresentation of a malaria epidemic, when HCQ is already available.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 4 points ago +4 / -0

In 2022, President Putin spoke of mass graves and atrocities commited by the Ukraine Nazis in the Donbass region which was totally ignored by the European Union. Many of these people were civilians of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republic that broke away from Ukraine in 2014 fighting against the Kiev Nazis. The Donetsk Peoples Republic and the Lugansk Peoples Republic remain as independent States that will never be part of Ukraine again. The mass graves were discovered at about the same time that the Russian Ministry of Defense also discovered bioweapons labs in that area. This new evidence is just MORE PROOF that the Ukraine military are involved and are experts in building mass graves. Being that the EU ignored the evidence of the mass graves in 2022, I consider them complicit with Zelinski in these high crimes against humanity. We need new Nuremburg trials.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Totally agree. That's why dirty FBI agents have college degrees, to learn how to LIE, DECEIVE and setup anyone who disagrees with the DS agenda, and if that fails MURDER them. Our Local and State police can do a much better job than the corrupt FBI. Shut them down!!

JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very true Maui_boy. The Liberals in Canada have reduced their military down nothing because their governent over the decades decided that the US military could help them out in a crisis. From what I read, under Justin its become a woke organization where many Conservative Canadians in the military have quit because of it and the forced jab mandate. About 40% of Canadians have government jobs, parasites living off the private sector. It is something that is unsustainable for a small population like Canada. Like Maggie Thatcher once said, "Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money." They are having really tough times right now with massive CARBON TAXES really killing their economy. The Liberals are doing everything to squeeze out the life-blood of the economy to push for the reset, while parasitic government employees have NO worries.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 1 point ago +1 / -0

The teachers could easily push their woke agenda online just the same. Policies have to be in place beforehand, if the teachers break the rules, they are dismissed. My point was however, that online education for children is substandard and any families cannot afford broadband internet. Real priorities for most families is paying utilities like electricity and natural gas to heat their homes, these are essential for LIFE while internet is NOT.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup, dirty cops FBI always lying and setting up people to prosecute on behalf of the Democrats and the Deep State. Defund and shut them down.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's too bad, I thought Poilievre was a good guy for Canada. Canada seems too politcally correct, there is definitely NO FREE SPEECH in Canada even if it is the TRUTH. If you say the truth about some corrupt person, you can still be prosecuted for defamation by the courts because the TRUTH is NO DEFENSE. A Canadian friend from Alberta told me this way back in the 1990s. When the truth becomes the enemy and is concealed by the government, then there is tyranny.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL, they may not understand the American Revolution, but we have taxation with representation with Congressmen that think they can tax and spend us into prosperity. Sadly we are no better off then the Canadians in that regard.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seen her, she is a real firecracker Patriot that won't take any BS from Justin. You need more like her in every Province.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know a certain Canadian from Ontario whom told me that his son fractured his arm and for a hospital visit they had to wait 5 hours before anyone would even see him. Sounds like really substandard health care. One nice thing though, you can get the FAKE Pfizer Vaxx for free.

I also know from another Canadian friend whom is a physician that moved to the US to work in Des Moines, Iowa about nine years ago, was actually joking that the majority of the TOP 20 percent of physicians that graduate with highest honors from medical school in Canada come to work in the US and that Canadians get the diversity left overs.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 2 points ago +2 / -0

stray502, calm down a bit, you are too easily offended. We don't paint all Canadians with the same brush, that is only your perception. YOU paint us all with the same brush, saying that Americans believe that they are better than anyone else, that is simply not true. I know many Patriotic Canadians that think just like we do are are very aware of the true enemy, the Deep State and of the destruction of Canadian culture and traditions that are almost gone because of so-called political correctness and the emphasis on "diversity" rather than qualifications. Its happening here too.

I did say in my blurb; "Although there are a many Patriotic Conservative Canadians out there, it will be a struggle to ever escape the DS etc." I know of many Canadians that have communicated how much they love Trump and are very Conservative. I especially like your leader of the Conservative Party, P. Poilievre, he could be a great Prime Minister if you give him a chance. First you have to get rid of Castro's bastard and challenge the elections if need be about electronic tabulators that count your paper ballots.

JohnQ-Arkenstone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely right, that's why the DS is doing everything to bad mouth Russia and keep us apart. DS will continue to hurt the Russian Federation in any way they can, like blowing up their pipelines, sanctions of every kind from the West, but worse of all, to push the Russians into the arms of our real enemy, the ChiComs. Russia has to survive so they have to find new customers for their goods and trade deals for natural gas and oil with those countries. Wonder how that's working out for the European Union since they shot themselves in the foot with sanctions against Russia, its been awfully cold these winter months, with expensive oil and natural gas prices for heating and electricity all because of the DS.

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