Some of us are the deplorables within the deplorables I guess (not you, I mean those of us who seem to be on C5's radar). We learned how important it is for our country that we have open minds and speak freely, but we forgot that those things aren't allowed by the immature drama queen who somehow runs the biggest Q forum (which is a shame in itself, it makes the whole thing seem so low-rent). That's just one of many problems currently with this place though.
Yeah the possibility of such proof is why I was hoping to not sound like I was defending him specifically. Controlled op definitely is a factor and I have my own guys who I don't trust and who are seen as good guys.
Idk anything about him tbh but it seems like we can't have a single person, whether it be from politics, ex-Hollywood or music industry, media, YouTube, etc., on our side without people saying that they are controlled opposition. I know our opposition would love it if we didn't listen to a single truth-speaker in the world.
I don't mean to come after you, just wanted to take the opportunity to kinda vent about that whole issue. I don't follow Clandestine.
<3 % comparison:
NBC News- 0.16%
Clandestine- 11.88%
I think it's a Nordic/viking symbol.
Edit: what I got from a quick Brave search actually makes sense:
"It is believed to represent fertility and rebirth, as well as the power of Viking practitioners and shamanists who were said to be able control people’s minds and bind their fates."
Hence his nickname and viking horns.
You're saying why wouldn't they instead escort someone up there who would be more of a hell raiser, or escort someone up there and order them to act like a maniac? That makes sense, QAS wasn't violent or anything.
Yeah this news is shocking to me cuz if he was a plant then they set it up super-thoroughly, cuz I remember his Rumble channel having a bunch of conspiracy videos. I thought he seemed like a heavy hallucinogen taker type but also all-in on the things we talk about here.
It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. Then the winter came and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. And also he got a racecar.
(Sorry, had to add this great Fry quote here)
And I'm sure the big reveal wouldn't cause pretty much everyone except Q followers to hate him either /s.
Trump: "Hey guys, no you misunderstand: it's all good, I had to let all these awful things happen and all these people get tricked and sick and die, and give money to Ukraine even though Putin and Russia are doing God's work...I had to do this all so that you would see how bad things would've been with the far left swamp stooges in charge."
Everyone: "What do you mean 'would've'?? It all happened anyway just so you could prove a point, and you could've stopped it?!"
Trump: "Oh was a beautiful plan. A big beautiful plan and it worked. No one else could've done it but me and it worked and I'll tell ya something: it worked big league!"
(I'm not making fun of Trump, as I don't believe this is what's really happening)
Now he can start wearing his hammer and scythe patches and hats again.
Glad this is finally getting attention on here. I made a thread about it half a day prior to this one but only like 20 ppl looked haha. But then I'll post a meme and get several hundred upvotes ¯_(ツ)_/¯
She's not flipping him off, she's flipping off the cameraman. This is a very common thing to do nowadays.
Edit: whoever downvoted must be going blind, she's clearly flipping off the camera lol.
"Buy when the cannons are firing and sell when the trumpets are blowing." - Nathan Meyer Rothschild
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild
"I paraphrase Lord Rothschild: The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." - David Dreman
Lol Pence at 0.4%, serves that traitor right.
"I met this fun lady" <--- That makes sense then. She's probably one of those charismatic types of serial frauds that's able to lie themselves up the ladders of society.
Also this may seem like a nitpick but the pic itself isn't technically a diss to Fauci. She's flipping off the cameraman. People who think they're cool do this all the time, especially when posing with someone they know their fanbase probably doesn't like. For example Sam Tripoli did it when he posed for a pic with Machine Gun Kelly. But there's literally thousands of examples of this type of photo and gesture. It's like "Yeah we're friends, fuck you!", know what I mean?
And Fauci was in charge of HIV/AIDS response as well.
I saw a documentary that said several studies turned up no zyklon b traces in the shower rooms. Apparently the wooden doors on these shower rooms would've been a problem for gas chambers anyway. I'm no expert on chemicals and all that though so idk.
I do completely doubt the stories about masturbation devices being used to torture Jewish men and boys to death though. And the roller coaster-like apparatus that victims would supposedly ride on their way to being dumped unceremoniously into ovens. And live babies being thrown into the air for target practice.
This whole victors writing the history books is a helluva thing. Especially when the victors are controlled by the people that Hitler was against and who still control things today. He wasn't the first btw, they've been expelled from countries over 100 times.
He once described them as a "small international clique that sets the peoples of the world against each other and does not want them to have peace." That sounds a lot like the Cabal/Rothschild Illuminati, right? Who was the only person to ever have a Rothschild arrested btw?
Lol calm down. It's just a NY Post article, linked from /pol/.
And to hear Maher's liberal audience members firmly on his side too! I know Bill has been calling out the left once in awhile the last couple years but I didn't know it was this much of a shift.
I read at the time that it was only protestors that died, other than one cop who died of heart complications after breathing in pepper spray used by other cops, and he had heart problems beforehand. What's crazy about that is that before the real cause of death came out publicly, the media tried to say that a protestor bashed his head in with a fire extinguisher lol.
Forbes article about it:
Plus at the end of the day they're serving the same masters as the democrats.
Fake news and late news sure happens a lot here. Kinda makes the whole "we are the news now" thing seem not true at all lol.
Funeral Home Directors HATE Her!