How many boosters do you plan on getting? They are apparently only good for a few months.
Pray it was saline
I have inside knowledge that BBVA was laundering cartel money.
buy GME shares from whatever broker (fidelity)
transfer them via DRS to computershare
Profit immensely generational wealth
amc is distraction
transfer from TDA to Fidelity..its free
then transfer a % from fidelity to CS
CS has 1 million limit per share at the moment.
See you on the moon
buy a shitload of seeds
find a farmer with land
niceeee man enjoy that circle!
Broker ->Fidelity -> CS
to the people for a reasonable price!
was AZ a whitehat? CIA had him in prisons all over the world....sounds like Assange
uh you did .3 of 60 mins
7.2 is what youre looking for.
buy hodl drs
Is there some sort of "core antenna array" for Earth here?
There has got to be something special in Racine that we need to take control of for good.
this dig is insane, friend..
we need the MAP
ley lines of some sort?
ley lines on a Flat Earth map?
"Polar shift" on Flat Earth is way diff than what we know.
"He" knows shit only groups at the very top would.
nah bubba, you would be home with them enjoying life.
brilliant.... double meanings :D
Hears from grapevine?
Grapevine, TX? GME HQ?
right click the title of post and copy
You are strong for letting it out to us.
Get back in the fight, you are on the front lines, and certainly not alone.
firsthand knowledge here./..he is protected by very very powerful tech