Juju7 11 points ago +11 / -0

Apparently the Aryan brotherhood have good relations with a few Mexican gangs, not all but some. Many Mexican gang members will consider themselves as white and they share hatred for blacks. I guess in that aspect they find a common ground.

One thing that some people online started pointing out is that if you search mugshots of Hispanics their race is listed as white. Now the question arises how much are the statistics off on violence by race. Looks like Hispanic crime should be significantly higher and white crime should be significantly lower.

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. I think this is also their mainstream introduction to this term. This story is making headlines around the world and now the world knows these letters. They will start talking about "RWDS" often. It will the the new "terrorists" group. I think we will start seeing multiple events occur in the future that they will then tie to "RWDS"

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

They came out with the identity of the guy. Saying he is a right wing white supremacist. A Hispanic nazi that took out white people? Makes sense 🤨

Juju7 8 points ago +8 / -0

One thing to consider is money. When an individual gets to the point of too much wealth they tend to get bored. With boredom and wealth boundaries seems to disappear. Maybe you could call it a challenge or a high for them. Possibly a mind frame of been there done that...what next?

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm pretty sure they had the contents of the laptop. At one point a link was posted to all pictures. Unaware of what I was getting into I opened the link and saw many unblurred photos of hunter naked. The link was taken down quickly but it was a full folder with 100s of pictures.

Juju7 5 points ago +5 / -0

This goes to show a chain of command. If they are not deciding then who is?

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would think so. He was smart to call them out. The way I see it, Trump knows they want to attempt this but they have not found a way to do so. Trump called them out and they had to react way before they were ready to.

On another note, a call for Putin to be arrested was made. Putin is being accused of taking children from ukraine and bring them into russia. Wouldnt that arrest be interesting. Ukraine has been known for corruption, human trafficking, and organ trafficking since the early 2000's. If putin is arrested would the truth fall into place about human trafficking and US involvement? Probably wishful thinking but that would be a great way to induce evidence.

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whatever happened to that video where "q shaman" was let into the chambers of congress and the police officer asked him something along the lines to not touch or destroy anything because he would lose his job for letting him in and shaman responded with no problem brother we are just going to be taking some pictures and a quick video. Fox needs to get that video back out on the internet.

Juju7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Eh his argument is to obtain the footage for his media network. I say release all footage to the public without media in the middle. The only reason I can think of why they won't, is crowd control. Too much footage of the truth would enrage the public after viewing.

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

100%....I know a narcissist and one day I pointed out their flawed thinking and their response was "I'm sorry your view of me is so jaded. If you reached out to anyone in my contacts on my phone they would disagree" .......of course the contacts would disagree because the narcissist cut all ties and blocked anyone who disagrees or challenges them.

That is a personality trait I can never understand and not worth a second of time.

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

The travis scott concert had multiple deaths. The news is reporting the deaths as a crowd surge and people were trampled.... But cellphone footage, witness accounts, and details suggest these people died of fentanyl or vaccines. The concert required proff of vaccination to attend. There were many videos that surfaced of kids having seizures and cpr was provided, clearly not a trampled. Some suggest people where dropping like flies and the head count was much larger than what was reported. Whatever happened that night the truth being hidden from the public.

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone can do what if scenarios to validate their point. When you start to do this things tend to get convoluted. Of course in your scenario the stupid Dr would be worse.

I could counter with a charismatic person that appears to be decent but is out to slip something in someone's drink to then take them for their own pleasure, whatever that pleasure may be.....or a stupid guy was convinced to go rob several houses of their electronics.

We could do scenarios all day long but we would go no where. Or maybe your answer is situational?

I'm just convinced that there is a balance in all things. Nature, human behavior, ideas....there always seems to be a balance and when the balance is thrown off, forces come in to correct. Isn't that why we are all here on this site. We feel the balance is off and are trying to change that. With that line of thought (this is just my opinion) evil or stupid being worse, it doesn't matter in the end because everything gets corrected at some point.

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm picking up what you are throwing down.

I'm not going to lie I struggle with the the word stupid and the idea of people Choosing to be ignorant. Obviously people don't say "I want to be ignorant"....I think it's a choice most people make inadvertently. A choice that is not ideal and could be detrimental but I don't see it as a choice with awareness.

Back to your original topic, evil or stupid. I'm putting my money on evil. Stupid could go either way and if evil did not exist then stupid wouldn't be a problem to deal with. I would think Stupid is easier to spot than evil. Evil can be cunning and sly. Once Stupid is spotted they can be swayed easily in a new direction.

In regards to the herd mind, I don't disagree that many are stupid. The herd mind has a magnetism about it and the people involved think they are thinking for themselves not realizing they are not. One thing I have noticed about these groups shown on the news is that they are young 18-35. I bet in 5-10 years from now 80% of them move in a new direction with their life and look back saying "wow I was dumb"

I'm putting faith in humanity, stupid or not. There's enough people in the world that are smart and aware to balance out the stupid. There is more than enough good in the world to prevail over evil...but it still appears to be a never ending battle. Will evil or stupid ever cease to exist? I say win over the stupid and prevail evil.

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess that depends on what one defines as stupid and what one defines as evil. I hear the word stupid thrown around all the time and I don't necessarily agree that what or who is being labeled as stupid, is in fact stupid. I think people have dumb moments, forgetful moments, or lack of exposure to the task at hand and is just simply inexperienced. I don't think I have ever encountered a truly stupid person. I have dealt with many that are stubborn, closeminded, and lazy. These characteristics create limitations for growth and learning.

My personal opinion is that desperation and heard mentality if lead by evil is the most dangerous.

Desperation may be the worst emotion/state of mind/position than a human can be in. In this state I think people are cable of very evil acts that they would never have considered prior to being in this state. My favorite quote from Shakespeare is "Tempt not a desperate man".

In regards to heard mentality...most people seem to be guided by emotions and not logic. When people start grouping together in misguided emotions this can take a turn for the worse. I think it is very human for people to group together under the same idea or emotion but when logic is out the door and only emotions are steering the heard, it is very easy to get on a wrong path.

Juju7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't hear it through. Like you, it also sounded like a bunch of sound effects to me lol. Curiosity got the best of me and I looked up the lyrics. It's trash for sure and could be considered a waste of my time but on the plus side I now know what I'm working against so that my children are not exposed and brainwashed by this filth. In my eyes there is no reason or explanation for anything that they did. Out of all the costumes, props, lyrics, and stage set.....this is what they went with. The options are infinite and they chose this? Rediculous.

Juju7 3 points ago +3 / -0

That song he sang is about a family man cheating on his wife. The part kim petras (who is a man btw, not a woman) sings is the part of the prostitute that enjoys doing things for said family man because she gets money and fashion designer items out of him.

Juju7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here is one of his first sites. He was an investigated journalist looking into the Haleigh Cummings case. This is where he says he stumbled on child sex trafficking and his path went from there. https://haleighcummingsdotme.wordpress.com/

I actually just watched a video he posted on bitcute about Daniel Carleton Gajdusek. A guy that won a Nobel peace prize, worked for fauci and the NIH, worked for a children's hospital and openly admitted have sexual relations with 300-400 children.


Juju7 5 points ago +5 / -0

He clearly has set up his own false reality to cope with actual reality, Veritas shattered his coping mechanism. This resulted in this highly irrational and defensive breakdown. He will be running in circles for a awhile to figure out his new and current reality.

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. When he asked how did we see it I said "How did you not see it? If you don't know how by this point, then you still don't see. So, once again....how did you and how do you not see it?"

He didn't get it and still doesn't get it. He needs to find his answers on his own at this point. If I am going to tell someone you were right I would have already come across the information that clearly shows me that person was right. So why is he saying we were right but still so lost?

Juju7 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because this is what happens when someone breaks into your home trying to find your wife. You stand there with only one hand on the hammer and a drink in another with a drunken smirk.

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to hear. I've been down that road and know it is very emotional. After I miscarried me and my husband took a break from trying and the mindframe of being set on having another child. 1 year later I was pregnant again and gave birth to my first and only son. My advice is work through the emotions and don't stress about the timing, your child will come.

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appears to be a step in that direction if it were to ever happen

Juju7 2 points ago +2 / -0

How did you not see it? If you don't know how by this point then you still don't see. So, once again....how did you and how do you not see it?

Juju7 0 points ago +3 / -3

With you on this one. I deal with commercial lighting and this makes the most sense. When I started about 10 years ago the majority of lights were still fluorescent and incandescent. Led was just starting to take off. Now everything is led. We are now seeing the problems that can occur with led. Warranties only being 2-10 years depending on the manufacturer. I bet Warranty on lights are over and no one wants to pay for a replacement.

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