Can someone please interpret the tweeting of the misspelling, then the correction, then the one minute interval? What does that mean exactly? And what does ‘“use graphics” mean? Thanks for the help, just trying to be able to explain this to others.
Thanks friend. I too feel the strain. But also a great coming together as well.
Watch the water.
Come on guys, he’s doing a thing from a kid on YouTube. Watch the video of the Rizzler and you’ll see.
I read it as “storm” because this was more than a mere storm.
Vance was amazing.
One of the replies says she attended the same schools as Trudeau? Is this true?
It could be all of that. Or… for the first time after reading that Q post is that Epstein’s dome is the colors of the Israeli flag and it looks like the dome in Jerusalem.
Which all just may mean what we already know but didn’t then, is that Epstein was an Israeli spy.
Sending love to her, the babies and your family!
Techs at Apple can access the Face ID. They can see when your face was used, it stores a photo in your metadata. Police can likely use it against you to prove when someone accessed the phone.
This is what local law enforcement used too. It’s a disgrace.
The chart was very beautiful.
That’s on them. And if we don’t apply the pressure nothing changes. They know better.
It’s like rope-a-doping us. Kamala takes the punches, we are celebrating demolishing her terrible ass, then they throw in someone quick enough for the momentum to ride through to the election. Big Mike? Hilary? No one is off the table imo. Obama. We need to hedge our memes and beat them to the next punch. Be mentally and physically prepared for a momentum shift in the media cycle.
The people in the crowd who saw Corey and others shot, ask them if it was real?
What about the photo of the bullet whizzing past his ear?
Parents, friends etc. of Crooks? Secret Service, FBI, CIA, all hating Trump? Who really does hate him? We know Antifa does.
Is it just a lone lunatic? Obviously not. More people than him are in on it.
One more theory is that a sniper did take the shot, but timed it perfectly, purposely only hitting his ear. Do they have non lethal bullets that would show up in the photo but not kill him if they missed?
The hate for him is real. The left has already killed MAGA people. Is Ashli Babitt real? Watching that live on Jan 6, it didn’t seem real. But is that how all shootings are when they are seen in a video? What about the people in attendance? Did they hear or feel real shots? They would know that at least.
Could it be the other side shooting him in the ear on purpose? A rallying cry to boost him in, while they undermine him in the shadows?
Why would it be her? She’s a loser. Or is she? She can turn serious when needed. Remember she was a prosecutor. We need to respect the evil and deceit of our opponent. I watched the Pence debate. She didn’t do terribly.
I’m not getting my hopes up Heels Up will be the nominee. You shouldn’t either. If we know anything about these lying scumfucks is that they take pleasure in our misery. They will do anything it takes. So, if it is known loser Harris, then what’s their play? For the House and Senate? Or is this a bait and switch? Biden only endorsed her? That means nothing.
Future proves past. I finally think I understand it now.
I just threw up in my mouth.
If we don’t address the root of the issue, then it’s all meaningless. Which there are multiple.
This, in my opinion, is entrapment. A victimless crime that everyone pleads to.
What’s the goal here? To shame men? Or to address the fact that internet porn has ruined lives, or that women have been awful (liberals, feminists). Finding a 16 year old attractive is biological if they are dressed as an adult. So address bad parenting. Address movies, books, psychology and internet.
But to publicly shame a man, who may commit suicide, who is otherwise a good dude, like come on guys. That’s where I draw the line.
We never hear these charges in detail, we never hear how they violate rights, it’s just the media shaming men. They just plead out because they are ashamed their entire private lives will be open sourced to the public. This isn’t right all around.