JustJon1956 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can do all the works for farming,ranching,cutting meat,shipping it,pulling,fleshing,wringing hides,ran a tannery lab.Throwing chain,worm,derrick hand on oil or water well rig,roust about,pull an engine,rebuild it,replace it,drive 18 wheeler,skid steer,bulldozer,two enlistments with the USMC,became a nurses aide,Lvn,Rn,,surgical nurse.Helped loosen,turn hearts in the chest for cardiac graft.Even managed an OR. I was busy feeding my family with ever increasing skills.I really love hearing some keyboard snark talking shit about uneducated,low IQ people.Especially from someone who doesn't even know what most those jobs are.Eat a bag.

JustJon1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

Released and people charged,hopefully sentenced before mid terms. If we don't know who is making decisions in our Congress, it's kind of hard to move ahead.
So does this indicate that the boxes of video found at the ranch,were in fact sealed.

JustJon1956 4 points ago +4 / -0

Loving your fire.So much truth.I have assumed the slow push was him hoping for more self deports. But I'm not seeing much real threat to induce them to leave. This cheesy approach is doing way more harm than good. If we citizens don't take Mr Hohman serious,why would people who are already gambling be frightened.

JustJon1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

My version.Perhaps people who have accepted the feel good news reports also accepted feel good religion.Primarily to be able to continue keeping their families afloat.I also think it should be mentioned that readily available information is a new thing to older generations.If you're doing all the bailing you can to keep the boat floating,you don't have time to find the leak.The age of education loans and grants did not exist for many.Squeezing out time to be with your family was rare and a treat.

JustJon1956 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe our opinions are observed and noted.President Trump is who I chose to trust.Everyone else must prove up.Certainly my personal opinion is worthless,but all our opinions together matter.I agree also,it is not disrespect to President Trump. I would also like to note many of us have taken a bullet or two and laid out lives on the line.Together doesn't mean we have to agree.If we can't argue among ourselves,how will we possibly save normies.

JustJon1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

Force all business owners caught hiring illegals to raise their pay rates 3 or 4 dollars an hour for every employee.Encourages employees to report illegals. Attracts new hires from citizens.

JustJon1956 4 points ago +4 / -0

Somebody will answer for 13 dead warriors.

JustJon1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to volunteer for the deterant squad,you know,the people that skin you alive.Tell us what you know or we give you to them That squad.Some how,we need that too,right.The heart wants what it wants to No help here,I know.I feel better.

JustJon1956 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of what we call parents are still children themselves.Caught up in enjoying their lown life,not raising their kids.

JustJon1956 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another technical collar with chain,like shop only repairs,computer shut down cars,gun registration,national Id,DNA catalogues, social media bugging.Is this perhaps the true end game.

JustJon1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bit coin,like national ID is slowly becoming acceptable.Hmmm,almost as if that was intended.Perhaps the frog has a second meaning.

JustJon1956 0 points ago +1 / -1

So we set through the period where a supposedly senile president was in charge of the nuclear "button",even while the VP wasn't even in the country.Both heavily espoused here.All the cabinet people who sabotaged the previous President Trump administration.The wanton slaughter of palestinians.Now we let the mussies slaughter the very people we were fighting beside in syriaThe Afghan debacle.The election cheating.And on and on.South Carolina flood, hurricanes,fires.Yet everyone touts this autistic intelligence.This phenomenal memorization of the GTTs.This is undoubtedly an op,some for good,some not.So I will continue to follow for informations sake.But I gotta say, y'all are mostly full of it.Bondi,Barr,Sessions,Pence,it truly is a movie.

JustJon1956 1 point ago +1 / -0

The same corruption that brought the Chinese,Russians,French as well as Americans to revolt.Over and over throughout the world,same critter,different name.

JustJon1956 3 points ago +3 / -0

Legalize all currently illegal drugs.No risk,cheap price.Fairly soon availability will decrease.Tired of giving up rights so a.junky won't OD.Sme with bathroom privacy or illegal immigration.90 percent of us surrender rights so 10 percent can screw up.

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