People don’t have a right to run a private business how they see fit. I have the right to tell them how to run their business because I need them to run it that way.
Next, I’m going to go to tell other people the kinds of services they can provide and how they should provide them.
I personally think tattoos are unhealthy and have risks. We are gonna transform all tattoo parlors into face painting with organic paints.
I can’t handle that people make unhealthy choices and they pay others to do provide the services they’ve learned.
They will now have to become re educated, and perform the healthier service I like best.
They obviously don’t know what’s good.
Sure, I could just go provide face painting myself and invest in others who have a healthier business model, but this is a free society where I get to force people to do the things I believe in and they have to change because I said so.
Maybe he should just juggle. Let’s get a petition together and scream all over social media that he has to become a juggler because I feel like I’d like that better.
Yep, I’d rather he’s a juggler and so I’m gonna make him do that now.
I called up this fire breather and invited him to my birthday party. I don’t like fire breathers. But, so many other people did the same thing. I gave him money, and asked him to breathe fire at my party.
After he breathed fire, my kids were upset. And there was smoke in the house.
Now I’m suing him for breathing fire in my house. In fact I’m going to make sure he can never breathe fire again, and also, he can’t do it for anyone else who wants to pay him for his services.
I believe in a free society and I’m just doing my part to make sure people do what I say and when I say it.
Remember, our baby boomer parents, their ignorance, made China what it is today by the Christmas toy phase in the 80s and 90’s, that’s when they got hungry for more. There aren’t many Christmas toys made in the US, if any.
Christmas greed got us in this place. My two were born in the 90s. They broke their flashy worthless toys so I bought them books and art supplies. My mother accused me of ruining Christmas. I had this huge awakening after 911, my ex was an airline mechanic. 100,000 airline mechanic jobs, good middle class jobs lost because they can fly planes overseas for heavy checks. Lights checks and fueling, de-icing still done in the states.
At that time I was livid my fellow Americans weren’t up in arms over lost American jobs so I gave up.
Now here y’all are. Welcome to hell. At least people are waking up.
Start by reducing those Chinese Christmas toys.
You can buy your kids musical instruments, books, invest in a camp over the summer, take on a trip to somewhere special. Buy any art supplies.
We don’t have to give China money at all. At all, beyond what’s needed to before we bring our manufacturing back. We should put those CEOs on trial, Republicans sold us out as much as democrats. I’m sure all those top CEOs voted Republican.
Benadryl is fucking common sense. Actually us nurses all tell each other to take Benadryl with covid because it’s an allergic response with TH2/eosinophils. Benadryl can’t stop histamines, it’s only preventative.
Any amount of cytokine build up will have to go away over time like hives. Benadryl can stop the build and any further build up. It’s good as prevention. But see here’s the thing, we don’t do prevention, we see sick patients after they become so miserable they find us.
I opened a holistic practice and I still have it. I try, I teach, hell I sit here and try to teach you guys. No one gives a shit.
The country is fat, they can’t breathe. There’s so many things. We can blanket say take Benadryl at the point you get sick, it’s sedating, car accidents, falls, work accidents. We have to assess these situations or we get sued.
It’s because of our lawsuit culture that we have no freedom to recommend common sense stuff or self practice, we have to abide regulating agencies put there to keep shit, mayhem from filling the courts up.
“My husband died at 92, fucking doctor killed him.”
92 percent of lawsuits are filed after death because people are grieving and emotional. It’s our culture to blame. Personality disorders everywhere. It’s never personal accountability anymore or for fucks sake your husband was 92.
We literally can’t suggest Benadryl because thousands would die from falls or accidents and clog the courts up. We’d have to assess them and teach each of them how to use it, monitor them.
So, they have to read it for themselves and take their own risks.
I want to take my own risks and shit down regulating agencies. But people keep blaming and not assuming risk, which clog up American courts to Er therefore have a nanny state. It’s literally the people who sue. I don’t own your body, whatever happens to it, you failed to become a doctor yourself, so you need to ask me. That’s fine, but his didn’t assign me from heaven to be responsible for you. It’s your risk. Understandable big screw ups like chopping off the wrong leg or blatant medical errors, giving enough of something to kill a horse.
Other than that, we should ban lawsuits and call them frivolous unless it’s a clear mistake. Just because there was a bad outcome, that’s not someone else’s responsibility. We are born on a wild planet. This isn’t”someone else is always responsible for you”
I see so many people I thought were supportive of taking individual risks to lower taxes, encourage a free society where of you learn shit on your own you save money.
But have the people here want medical communism through suing if they don’t like something or suing because someone died. WTF did people do 5000 years ago, Sue the shaman or the tribe doctor?
What makes people think now it’s someone else’s responsibility to tell you about Benadryl?
What, you so special other people have to make sure your body is okay? That’s slavery, and communism.
If exposed to the virus when you have active memory cells for the spike protein. Your body has to remember it. So theoretically you get the vaccine, within the year you get exposed to covid and may end up with a stroke, a fall, or a lung reaction. If you got vaccinated and didn’t ever come across covid, or you were exposed to only small amounts of the virus you may have a mild inflammatory reaction. In the study they vaccinated and the next day put covid virus in their lungs directly.
I can imagine people who eat a diet high in plants and fish may not have any reaction at all.
In the ferret study, which I can quote by memory btw, since I read it years ago, and have reread it and will gladly cite and point out, it was not an ADE reaction but “another, unknown reaction” which they said was a Th-2 response. Those are eosinophils and we see that in asthma. The lungs flood with histamines/cytokines, and you can’t breathe.
In fact that’s the reaction in covid, or CoV-2.
The spike protein causes a priming reaction. So first you get the vaccine then when exposed to the virus the body over reacts.
Same thing with bee allergies. You get stung, and are fine. The next time you are stung your throat closes up.
This is why every single CoV-2 study had this remarkable phrase and I quote, “only Th-1 reactions were noted”
It was the Th-2 reactions in the ferret study that caused the animal deaths.
I was probably one of the first people to advertise the ferret study deaths and then it took off. Now I’m trying to clarify a few points.
I do think TH-2 reactions are occurring but I also think they occur with covid virus itself. That’s essentially the covid disease, lungs flood, can’t breathe, like asthma.
Also it’s happening with the vaccine but it’s not a late reaction. You die right away after a bee sting not two years down the line. Almost all your cells will be recycled in two years.
Those reactions are happening but they happen really right away, within hours to days. Within a month that body inflammation may lead to strokes. If you survived a vaccine for covid and most people have, any sequela will need to be studied.
And fish oil or high quality cod liver oil can prevent even asthmatic reactions, allergies and any Th-2 reactions. You have to take it every day though for more than six months.
I have so much respect for the people who were frightened with news of children being harmed.
As a nurse I’ve done thousands of interviews and histories.
I can tell you, most of the crimes against children are statistically from parents and family members, neighbors. In fact there’s so much child sexual abuse it makes me spin. When one out of five patients has a history of abuse (physical or sexual) you can’t just point your finger at a sub population of people, it’s everywhere and it’s terrifying.
Much of it is never known. People hide these things.
You never supported those before, and you didn’t need to study it before you knew you wouldn’t support it.
You have great intuition and power over your life. You can even keep your kids and family safe.
It’s sad that 1% of the population is born a psychopath. No empathy. Enjoying watching people suffer.
It’s this small percentage of people who do 99 percent of the harm in this world. And how do they do it?
Through manipulation. In fact, studies have shown the most upstanding people are more likely to be psychopaths. Because everything they do is about perfecting their image.
Healthy people are outwardly faulty. We make mistakes, we talk about them.
It’s the people who you’d never, ever guess. Bundy dressed up like a clown to perform for children. He had no kids, why was he investing in other people’s children?
Everyone has an MO. Even our saints are sinners. I’d much rather trust someone who isn’t so obsessed with goodness and looking like a good person because it means they are hiding something. So in that 1 percent, they are always a coach, a teacher, a decorated war veteran, or the town mayor. They like attention and always act like they don’t want attention but sure as shit whenever you see them they are at the center of attention.
People who get arrested for parking tickets or get a bad rep for drinking too much and pissing on the hosts couch are probably more trustworthy.
I want to ask you. What’s wrong with your life?
Really, what’s wrong with it that you are so miserable?
If you knew, you could change it.
But maybe nothing is wrong with your life?
Your taxes are a bit high, but you had a memorable childhood. Had a sweet loving mom.
You have some kids that make your heart soar.
If all that’s wrong with your life is what you read on the internet, maybe the internet is the one making you miserable?
If you can list what’s wrong with your life, you could set in action a plan to change it, mind you, people who have alcoholics in their life struggle their whole lives to let it go. You can’t fix them or other people. We can only handle our own lives.
What good is knowing any truth if you are powerless to change it? Sure now ya know about evil humans, but lived a much nicer life not thinking about it all the time.
Now you think about it constantly. That’s all you do is bathe in evil all the time.
Evil was there before you looked for it, but this time it plagues you. You have dreams, you can’t enjoy your family, or a game, a few beers with friends.
You are consumed with the truth of something you can’t change. And now you are another victim of it.
Psychopaths love this kind of collateral damage. They love knowing that terrorizing you, terrorizes all the people you know and prevents them from spending quality time with you.
And that’s all that happens. Now you know and life will never be the same.
I learned a terrible statistic about domestic violence. Anyone can be abused, it doesn’t matter who you are, any class, any gender.
The only defining commonality between abuse victims is their character trait of having: hope.
Since they were effortlessly hopeful, they were the ones to stay in an abusive situation. All other non hopeful people acted, aggressively acted to change their situation.
Abuse victims are paralyzed by hope, that things will work out despite no evidence for it working out. They somehow “believed”
I can live without my internet.
I don’t think I can, but I actually can. I was born in 1972. My parents were hippies but my grandparents were normal and watched the evening news. That’s about all the contact we had with the outside world, on that amazing farm.
You don’t need internet if you have a chunk of land. I only care about the power because I can only play my whistle for so long. I have an electric piano I can’t live without.
I’m sorry about y’all. Change your hobbies? 😂
I work in a hospital, yeah, it’s true. There is a lack of empathy right now. I had three covid patients last night, they were all unvaccinated so I know it’s that. People do judge. Not me, I’m there to be a force for good.
The private business sector of hospitals are lacking sympathy for unvaccinated covid patients.
While I don’t agree, I’ve seen it and so I’ve tried to be there for people I think deserve support. It’s probably also burn out? Who knows but if you go to a hospital looking for their services, it’s your choice to pay for services from these people.
You might want to look elsewhere.
If aliens are here, most of the great awakening would be politicians who are working with aliens for their agenda.
Then all the democrats are innocent all the RINOS because they are trying to save humanity by doing what the aliens say or they wipe us out.
It’s possible this has always been happening. That would be the red pills of red pills.
It wouldn’t matter if the cabal was exposed or not, or aliens are exposed. There’s literally nothing we can do about it but go along with whatever they say.