Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome now lets disciple them to make sure they stay spiritually strong. Yes good to see the numbers but that doesn't matter if they go right back to how their lives were before they knew Christ.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like how he words it. But we are republic not a democracy. But other than that, well worded.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well to add to the mask thought. Maybe that's why they stick with older people in politics easier to hide a mask with more wrinkles. Think about old movies and stage plays, old person makeup or effects can be achieved easily. So not make a more advanced version with unlimited funds from tax payers. Just a thought, could be totally wrong. I just never see people say AOC, Kamel toe or other younger people have masks on.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. I knew polaris I'm glad it's still made here. Might have to get into the market for one. New and/or old.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bring back Good American manufacturing. I have a kawasaki but I mayget an Indian motorcycle. Unless they go woke. But anything native themed is a sin to the left right now so maybe they aren't. Haven't researched much, since I'm not in the market for another bike.

Kanime1224 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could have told you that with one word. Livewire. Harleys "EleCtRic mOtoRCycLe" aka manufactured landfil that can only go a quick 1hourish trip till it needs to charge for 5 hours. They are a joke and have been a joke for a while.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I did mention windows and Linux (PC operating systems) and browsers can have their own code to so yep that confirms that it's a change exclusively effecting the website or app.

Kanime1224 16 points ago +16 / -0

So for those confused about the emoji being different. First this is a change to the X/Twitter platform, so it's only viewable on their website, for now, until then anything outside of there will be replaced your phone manufacture and that depends on the phone. Unicode is the code behind the emoji. That code is changeable by manufactures of devices, so a Google pixel and Samsung galaxy have different emoji, same with windows, iPhone, Linux etc. This is a form of censorship from Google and the likes because "guns bad". But not specific to this post. Find an old phone that hasn't been updated but can get on Twitter and boom the gun emoji is there,(haven't tried this but in theory that is how it would work) apple swapped the gun emoji for a watergun back in like 2016 with IOS 10 and everyone else followed soon after.

Kanime1224 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha. Damn that's a good meme. Regardless of the necklace.

Kanime1224 4 points ago +4 / -0

and all the back end stuff is still all twitter, basically call musk did was cross out the bird, aka X'ing it out. like a sticker almost, just peel back a layer and boom.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm at peace with all of this, honestly I'm at a place in my faith that I have good people around me and I'm walking well with God right now, I'm just relying on Him. He provides and I'm just remembering that, even if it has to look different than I have ever known, I remember that its all Gods in the end, I'm just borrowing it for a time.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why we need to fight fatherless-ness. Lol

Kanime1224 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing is ever impervious to hacking or malware. Less people use it so malware and hackers tend to target it less. It was the same thing with the apple mac'sback in the day. People were told that macs don't get viruses. They definitely did. Just less than windows at the time.

Besides. The best anti-virus is a sound mind, maybe don't click on that weird link from 10 years ago for free GTA 6+gameplay(real) downloads.

Or in this case. Maybe dont trust a cyber security firm linked to Hillary, Blackrock, etc.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

they are saying it would be a over a week before its all corrected so there is something to be said here

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah most people weren't effected who was, major corporations, medical, government. almost like their coms are out of commission and as they are saying for a few days as well. is this the Coms blackout mentioned in the Q-posts.

also are these the booms? trump shot at, Coms blackout, and idk what else.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I was like. Wasn't the other building sloped that they had the snipers on? I guess sloped roofs are never a security vulnerability because the sloped means everyone rolls off. Right? Right?

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

But maybe that's the point. You want him fresh, before deep state can fully sink in a capture him.

Basically I think he's a blank slate thatTrump can guide and mentor or he's just the pick for vp but the person Trump will pass the fight on to is a completely different person.

I trust Trump because what he makes for himself he wants to see last, not just shrivel and die the second he isn't involved. So he's not gonna let the push back and change in culture end.

Trust me I hear those points. I don't like that he feels like a generic politician, and we do need someone to keep shifting the culture.

At the end of the day. God chooses the leaders. And I will remain allegiant to Christ. Not a man, idea or feeling, yes I support and back and fight for those things. But at the end of the day I know I an held in God's hands, and try not to worry about what 2028 holds or what's 10 steps down the line. Because I know how this story ends.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

I said it and will keep saying it.

  1. Wait and see.

People change. Many of us have it's called the great awakening because everyone past present and future who had bad takes on Trump, MAGA, or whatever it is. Will see that they where wrong and change. Why not afford JD the same chance, especially since many woke up after seeing the attempt on Trumps life.


  1. I will vote for Trump.

Just some food for thought. It's almost like the reverse of Pence. Pence started strong with Trump or so we thought and he ended up becoming anti Trump/MAGA. JD started out hating Trump (never Trumper in his own words) may end up becoming his biggest defender. We shall see.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even Bigger. GOD! took it away from them. He said nope that's not in my plans. Remember we are at God's will and mercy, we can make plans but He changes them.

Kanime1224 19 points ago +19 / -0

I think we are all still recovering from Judas Pence, but yes I am a bit concerned. His voting history is good. He is a fresh face. Proceed with caution is what I will be doing.

Basically. Wait until he proves himself one way or another. So far he seems to be lined up well enough with Trump from what I'm pulling up so far.

Kanime1224 1 point ago +1 / -0

actually it was an 8 year old me professing Christ as Lord and savior. But as I drifted and was hurt by the world my parents were in prayer over me to return. and here i am today wrapped in His arms because the courage of an 8 year old many years ago.

Kanime1224 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can't agree more, we all sin. People always will sin, myself included. The only time we will be sin free is other the other side of this life. And only if we are washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

The difference is, do we repent, hand it to God, and get back on track with the mission Christ gave us in (Matthew 4:19 follow me and I will make you fishers of men.)

Follow Christ's teachings (follow me)

Be changed by Christ (I will make you)

And on mission to make disciples who make disciples. (Fishers of men)

Doesn't mean we won't slip into old ways of the flesh but that we know to look up and crawl out. Or avoid the hole when possible. If that makes since.

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