KevorkianKoolAidShot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Needs to be a convoy there and / or FEMA HQ. Not playing around. Crossed the line WAY too far this time. How many times? Their laws are nothing now.. No protection and I’ll be a as straight forward as possible without censorship, or else the ones that censor are for that also.

by penisse
KevorkianKoolAidShot 1 point ago +1 / -0

He’s acting I can tell. Not real.

by penisse
KevorkianKoolAidShot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The name. JK BOLD IN 85

KevorkianKoolAidShot 10 points ago +10 / -0

I’ve been a federally licensed storm chaser for 28 years and in no way is this scenario possible. It’s absolutely manufactured from the hurricane hunters seeding and growing it right off the coast over the water. It’s not hard at all for them to do this. This needs to be the last time.

KevorkianKoolAidShot 2 points ago +2 / -0

HOLY SH*T I just did not a joke. This weekend and it’s under the Getty Villa. Across PCH man made and new. Here’s a cat box video. ( I also got followed big time ) TOO LARGE, I’ll try and post or post pics. Please check out it’s nothing to take lightly. Doing it now

KevorkianKoolAidShot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know Alec Baldwin didn’t shoot anyone and the thing was made up because the address they gave in Venice Beach was my street at the time and after. No such adress…the closest to it, is a large apt building. Not a house they had a guy and kid photographed. None of it was real or true. They never lived there / here. That person lives in the valley. And the video was fake they put out. So why did they???

KevorkianKoolAidShot 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean the White House? The new one

KevorkianKoolAidShot 2 points ago +2 / -0

How stupid do they have to be?? I mean is this the movie part of what and how it actually happened? After the last one and things sucking? Because now we all know, no one will defend lies

KevorkianKoolAidShot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we DID it’s just playing out after the fact with actors and showing what DID happen, or could’ve happened. Hence clones. They already took care of anything reported, so rather than the media hide it like they do, or favor it, they e orchestrated their own films to basically be a documentary somewhat, to show the “North American contradiction dipshit” species. I’m pretty sure I’ve caught on. Clean ups aren’t being messed with and going smoothly because of it, and focus is elsewhere to the next thing, as the cleanup process is done. Then the next then the next. And where did popcorn come from that we were taught? The Natives supposedly. There’s the changing history part of this -MAYBE but it has to be revealed. All of it.

by DrMcCoy
KevorkianKoolAidShot 2 points ago +2 / -0

D.W. Is a badass.

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