Theres also reports of an unnamed LEO that fired return fire which could be the second volley or third volley. Its difficult to tell anything because our corrrupt piece of shit government tells us nothing and 80% of what they say is always a lie.
Looks like the cia shooter shot his first three methodical perfectly aimed shots and the patsy panic shot off the remaining rounds before being domed. I bet the patsy shooter thought he was being shot at and just pulled the trigger as fast as he could.
Democrats don't know they have been completely defeated already. We are better people than them. They are evil, terrorist scum. We are natural, good, family building positive people. Our enemies are sick, psychos and now we must eliminate their threat once and for all.
Their base is a coalition of anti-white minorities and anti-male feminists. That and the socialist leftists have chosen the democrat party as their political vestigal organ until they take over the country and finish outlawing all opposition.
Can we not set some boundaries on this bullshit? This is fucking pathetic