Well I barely go outside so I think I will be okay. Who the fuck wants to go outside anyways? I enjoy flipping from home and being in my room more than anything. The world both annoys and bores me. Sure, I like going out sometimes but ever since the scamdemic I have stayed inside almost 90% of the time.
Has anyone seen this FFDP video? It looks like he makes a nod to Q by saying "Question everything."
https://youtu.be/eOkkWIOkWl8 Here’s another based FFDP song
For fucks sake. Our gas bill and house bill went up. The last we fucking need is more high energy costs. This so called war has me on the edge of my seat. Someone fucking make a move already. Either the Deep State is going to win and have their petty war or we are going to stop this altogether. God save us .
I vaguely remember Trump carrying the football with him on his way out the White House because the MSM was screeching he’s gonna nuke us and they were screeching why does he still have the nuclear codes etc. Conclusion: I think Trump and the White Hats have the football. They surely wouldn’t have given it to pudding-brain. And the cabal aren’t the brightest but they surely know pudding could press the big scary button by accident so of course he wouldn’t have it in his possession.