Knew2u 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, I like Grenell and have confidence he is 100% loyal. Maybe this "Interim" title at Kennedy Center is just that. He would be a great asset directly in his home state of Cali to clean things up. I'm hopeful he'll be positioned to do MAGA things wherever Trump assigns him.

Knew2u 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone's got the dirt on Google. First they update their maps almost instantly yesterday to reflect 'Gulf of America', now this. They're folding fast. And if you look at any cv19 vids on YouTube (which Google owns) they've softened the tone of their 'community notes' re: cv19 pandemic.

Knew2u 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was reading thru this post and commented that Grenell was named Director of Kennedy Center. Then searched and didn't see this news posted on GAW yet (at least as far as I could tell). So created this one.

I like the comms in Trump's Truth. "Golden Age" and "Show Business" and "Only the Best" all caps'd. However, I'm not sure why the "Interim" title for Grenell, in case anybody knows. (?) I was waiting to see what role Trump had in store for Grenell. Especially after he sat shoulder to shoulder with the Boss during the visit to Cali.

Trump's Truth:


Knew2u 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like your thinking!

Note tho that yesterday Trump named Grenell to the Kennedy Arts position:


I am pleased to announce that Ric Grenell will serve as the Interim Executive Director of The Kennedy Center. Ric shares my Vision for a GOLDEN AGE of American Arts and Culture, and will be overseeing the daily operations of the Center. NO MORE DRAG SHOWS, OR OTHER ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA — ONLY THE BEST. RIC, WELCOME TO SHOW BUSINESS!

Knew2u 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea, noticed that. And moments before the "tonguing" it almost looked like he threw up in his mouth or something. Bizarro

Knew2u 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. And unlike the quote, those crimes are still unforgiveable even after the hanging.

Knew2u 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think it was sometime his first week in office when he said he wants a "plan" to release the files in 15 days. So that "plan" should be due any day now I think. What that "plan" says however is anybody's guess. I'm confident Trump will keep this promise and continue pressing. Whoever is overseeing both the "plan" and the files however, my confidence is less high.

Knew2u 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some crimes are unforgiveable IMO.

Knew2u 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. But one shield isn't enough. They're attacking from multiple angles (TV, schools, tablets, etc). Need at least a dozen shields.

Knew2u 1 point ago +2 / -1

I took it as "mass" (like Catholics attending Sunday "mass" since we're talking about the pope in this post.) The M just added to the derogatory terms for A-hole

Knew2u 10 points ago +10 / -0

Wow. Not only that number again, but the citizens of Liberia owe DOGE a YUGE thank you. If the U.S. was giving "tax policy advice" to any country, you can bet its the citizens of said country that would be fleeced to death.

Knew2u 13 points ago +13 / -0

I suspect we're going to see a whole lot of countries bailing out of these ridiculous "projects" like climate change, etc bc the USAID is gone. Suspect it was the head of many of these snakes (aka "projects")

Knew2u 10 points ago +10 / -0


Makes no sense (other than fraud). Lake is/was beloved. Gobblin has the appeal of a bedbug. No (legitimate) way Trump takes AZ but Gobblin & Gallego win. AZ needs serious help, so I hope you're right and it was done to expose the fraud we know exists.

Knew2u 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely no apologies necessary, especially given the context. I have no Pittsburgh roots, but I was YUGE fan of those early 90's Pirates. I can still recite the lineup (Merced, Bell, Van Slyke, Bonilla, Bonds, King, "LaPudge," Lind, Drabek, Wakefield, etc etc). We could probably go on and on for hours on that topic alone. I was a YUGE baseball fan as a youth in the 80s, the 90s Pirates made me fall in love. Only to have that 3-peat of heartbreaks watching them fall to Cincy then the Braves twice. Bream's winning run...I was equal parts shattered and happy (for him, as a former Pirate).

I don't follow the Bucs as religiously anymore, for all the reasons you mention. They could put a competitive team together, but refuse to. It's not bc of "small market" b.s. It's bc ownership is cheap and doesn't care about putting out a decent product, only lining their pockets.

Anyway, I actually ended up playing the game thru college. Once my "career" was over, I kind fell out of love with baseball, right as the steroid era and McGwire/Sosa saga was going on. It just seemed to smear the game, and the "beauty" of it like you said. Plus I was kinda bitter I think bc something I gave so much to was now over for me (wasn't good enough to play past college). So I left baseball (as a fan) for almost 20 years before I had a son, and one thing I could teach him was baseball. He's very into the game now, plays and watches just as I did, so its kinda special to get that feeling back and share it with him.

Appreciate your detailed and personal reply. Brings back good memories.

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