Imagine claiming thought as property... what kind of world would that create? (looks around observantly). OH! I SEE! Mental slavery and slow technological and cultural process: by discouraging creatitivity, slowing human advancement considerably. AND increased monopoly power, which aborts any would-be competion with make-believe legal decrees; driving prices to the maximum, far beyond the prices that could be bartered in a free society.
That depends a bit based on how your terms "mental" and "governor", so I'll take my first 2 views on it.
- If by mental we mean in the microcosmic sense of my own mental activity; and governor meaning one who has rightful domain to use a thing; Then I answer: I am. I am the rightful ruler/king/governor of my own thoughts, emotions, and actions. Where there is ownership, there is responsibility and consequence as well, etc
- Since I have been reading a lot of hermetic literature lately: I could also interpret "mental" in the wider macrocosmic sense: like in the first hermetic principle of the Kybalion: (all is mental). Perhaps our reality and everything we experience here is actually mental in nature; in the mind of the All. The governor in this case would be the creator. In a pretty deist hermetic/ rosacrucian sort of way
No, it's a contradiction in terms. Governments seek total submission of the populace and use coercion, deception, and violence to accomplish it. They are a parasite class that wishes the willful cooperation of its host. Replace the word "government" with "slave master", and it becomes much clearer. Can a slave master be benevolent? No. While it is true that some slave masters beat their slaves less frequently than others; all are sacks of shit for thinking they have the moral right to rule over others.
One of my favourite movies of all time. The movie is not about left vs right, it's about the truth vs reality. The belief in ANY government authority IS the mind control. Both parties work for the same system. Why hasn't any politician from either side abolished the federal reserve or repealed the federal income tax? It's about creating a slave society with lies and deception, and maintaining an ignorant population who won't be able to see past their smoke screen of immoral and fake authority. Not to mention that depicting extraterrestrials orchestrating the whole illusion and living among us in the movie probably isn't as far fetched as one might think, if you actually look into human origins, the Annunaki, etc.
Does anyone here get the sense that maybe the left vs right political thing in America is actually a fake WWE-type drama? The face, the heel, the underdog, foul play, deception, threats, defiance... What is actually happening and who is actually scripting this shit? And why?
Great, now apply that rule against stealing something that doesn't belong to you- equally among everyone and execute everyone who works for or has worked for the government and receives stolen money in the form of taxes
To the self-proclaimed retards and social rejects reading this: if you are still trying to vote your way out of tyranny, you are NOT winning, the system is winning. You have been duped into a "hero's journey" type story. Government is immoral, regardless of which party "acts" as the president.
Because you are not an egotistical satanist and know that needless suffering of humanity and death is bad? Hopefully anyway... Oh and also your tax money is funding the death and your deep-state government provoked the war. Hard to imagine someone being so lacking in empathy to post something so fucking stupid. Everyone in the world is a slave to their government. Imagine a slave, cheering the death of other slaves, just because they come from another plantation. Dumbass
Spot on with the occult knowledge correction! Although Katt was incorrect about baphomet specifically, I still see the trans agenda being pushed by satanism and globalism in general, and bigtime in Hollywood. For one, it's occult mockery at its finest. They are laughing hysterically at all the mentally retarded, naive, mental midgets that fall for the trans trap conditioning that they push. It's just more proof for them that humanity is a bunch of ignorant animals and deserve to be ruled by their betters (which the elite psychopaths see as themselves). As an added bonus, it will kill off some family lineages voluntarily and take the stupid out of the gene pool. Not saying I agree, but I understand why they are doing it.
This isn't wise in my opinion. In this analogy, supposedly the wise should not attempt to educate the ignorant, I disagree. This attitude it exactly what is manifesting this shit reality. We cannot ignore the "flies", because they have taken over government, enslaved the "bees", taxed their "honey", corrupt the young bees in fly school, discouraging critical thinking and pushing trans, climate alarmism, and other such bullshit. The bees are under attack by the ignorant flies by mandating fly vaccines, and cannot be ignored. They must be fought intellectually, spiritually, and physically as need be until the bees are free. This "ignore it and it will go away" bullshit will not enrich your life at all. Neither will sitting on your ass waiting for a saviour to do it for you. The opposite of thought, emotion, and action is: ignorance, apathy, and laziness. This misguided post from a supposed "wiseman" encourages apathy as a response to ignorance (and also takes comfort in laziness since causing positive change in the real world is difficult). Wake the fuck up people. There are mind viruses even in these supposedly alternative communities that do not serve us or humanity in general.
As an attendee to many liberty/crypto conferences, I can confidently say that the real anarcho-capitalists/ freedom loving people are the Bitcoin Cashers BCH. The Bitcoin maximalists were those that wanted to play nice with the big banks and governments, pay taxes, ID verification, etc early on. Look up any debate between Roger Ver and Tone Vays to see BCH vs btc. Roger Ver actually understands liberty and Austrian economics and Tone Vays is... well, a jew. Tone never even showed up to the liberty crypto conferences, whereas Roger set me up with a wallet and sent me Bitcoin back in the day just to show me how it works. If you own Bitcoin and don't move it, cool. But I actually used Bitcoin a lot early on and I remember those crazy fees in 2017 with btc. If it's intangible, price should follow it's utility. On the other hand, we don't have rational markets and now that Bitcoin has other mainstream adoption vehicles that are not bitcoin, plus tether and other stable coins etc, btc can be manipulated and I think it is. I think THEY will blow Bitcoin way way up, then crash it, and then roll out CBDCs as the solution to their Hegelian dialectic
Yes, it was co-opted to be slow and expensive. This was the reason for the split to Bitcoin cash BCH. That's where the real Bitcoin is IMO. I was involved since 2014, and I think the world will eventually come around to bch more and more. The Bitcoin minimalist crowd is brainwashed and co-opted, and most of them don't use Bitcoin to transact or understand it. Transactions need to be fast and cheap to be useful
No, "all men" are not to blame for this retarded person's retarded comment. Do not feed their fear of personal responsibility. You alone are responsible for your words and your actions, and if you fuck up, own it. Don't pass the blame to another person or another group of people or indeed, an entire gender of people around the world who are somehow responsible for this little moron's lack of knowledge, and getting burned publicly when she decided to get on a videotaped podcast or whatever. Her fault, don't pass blame. I hope she feels bad, becasue that was a pathetic display of brainwashed libtard. Maybe she will take personal responsibility and educate herself? Well, a man can dream..
I think it's more of a common sense talking point that may get some normies to question the vaccine, without having to come to the ultimate conclusion that the vaccines are bioweapons (which I think they are). At this point, anything to promote vaccine hesitancy is a good thing. If improper storage issues can make it into the mainstream to where even the unread masses may question the vaccines as potentially dangerous, it's a win
I've been Bitcoin cash since the split. Waiting for more people to do some reading and critical thinking and come to the same conclusion. Bitcoin was clearly highjacked by TPTB