Kurskar 19 points ago +19 / -0

Isnt it interesting that all these companies were happy advertising on twitter when it was filled with pedo content but now they dont want to advertise because of "antisemitism" and hateful content. What a load of shit.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember reading this exact post over a year ago, possibly even 2. Just to make people aware this isnt a new post from this Dr, she called it a long time ago.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

What continues to give me concern is shedding from the vaccinated. I fear we are now more at risk from those that took it and continue to do so. Latest pfizer drop shows they were aware of it and it is a possibility that it can happen.

Not that i live my life in fear or anything but i think this is what also helps to account for those of us smart enough not to have been vaxxed but end up getting illness similar to the vaxxed.

Kurskar 5 points ago +5 / -0

100% this, perpetuating the lies of ww2 and comparing Biden to Hitler just reinforces the lies of the past.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anyone read the story?

Its utterly bizarre. The "person" that phoned in the swat later called the police again using "a robotic voice" to admit that it was them that did it and stated it was for trans rights or some faggotry and including a link to a website/forum with their user name?

Why would someone do that and not just give their actual name as to who they were and instead making the police jump through all these hoops that they know they can do to find out who it is. This story makes so little sense. I mean i know trannies are fucked in the head but what kind of sense does this make?

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Couldn't agree more, he is a symptom of the sick system. I've read much on central banking and HIV just reading it all in one place hearing all the accounts one after another is hard to listen to. I'm just working through my backlog of reading at the moment. Just another piece of the picture! I agree 100% he is put there on purpose, it needs dismantled, toppled and all of them lined up.

Kurskar 3 points ago +4 / -1

Your links: First one is of a guy literaly just reading the same thing as whats been written above, thats using the same circular referencing which has been shown wasn't said on the show it was claimed to be.

The article of him being on the graeme norton show talks about the audience being annoyed about his anti semetic comments that he was recorded illegaly saying and that he was on the same show with some domestic abuse victim.

The other video definetly talks about suspicious shit going on in hollywood and defo seems to be insinuating about pedo shit and sacrifice etc but doesnt directly say what the quote says.

I'm not saying its not possible it was entirely scrubbed that he was on the show and all videos removed of him saying it but it seems abit unlikely. I also think its highly likely whats written in the quote is exactly what goes on in hollywood but it does seem weird this cant be found while attributed to him saying it.

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks man, much appreciated!

I've been reading through Robert F Kenedy's book about Anthony Fauci and none of this surprises me anymore. That motherfucker should be put to death.I'm sick of this status quo bullshit. They'll wait until the old fucker is dead and then slowly start to acknowledge that what he has done to the medical community and the atmosphere fostered around medical science was negative bla bla bla fuck off. Put that cunt under investigation now. He belongs in a jail cell along with any and all that helped facilitate his numerous fraud and crimes. Just more evidence to me that the whole fucking world is a facade of authority and justice.

Anyways....thanks for the link!

Kurskar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Have you got a name of who this person is or where the rest of the video is from? I'd love to read the slides she had made up and its also the first thing anyone is going to ask me if i post this to them.

Kurskar 14 points ago +14 / -0

I have no experience on this subject nor of this drug but i found it interesting that this medication is used for river blindness, as is Ivermectin, i wonder if they work through the same pathways and would have similar results?

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love the unfiltered thoughts from this guy. I share much of it, i originaly believed virus' to be real, have since heard compelling evidence to the contrary, i can neither confirm nor deny their existence and i am willing to accept either of those outcomes as true. I am erring on the side of them not being real but as i say i am open to either. What is real is the disproportionate response for purposes that can only be described as evil.

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The husband of one of the teachers died a day after this incident, of a heart attack. No idea how common that is after having your world shattered but it seems pretty suspect.


Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the real deal,this actually goes into how the medical trials are essentialy marketing campaigns. I read through the book illusion of evidence based medicine and it laid out how in the past they used techniques to misrepresent trials. I knew they would have evolved to further be able to misrepresent stats but i wasnt smart enough or clued up enough in medical research papers to understand or figure out how, i knew they would be doing it to come out with ridiculous efficacy numbers figures like they did and suspected they were doing similar to what they had in the past but so many people caught onto that that i figured they must have new ways of lying. This stuff is exactly what i've been looking for, this is the kind of stuff that you can use to utterly shut down "intellectuals".

What disgusts me most is at university we had a module on detecting bias in research papers. It was the most surface level dogshit you can imagine. No mention of how pharma actually works nor how you actually dig deep to find real bias. I have never been more disappointed in people when these supposed lecturers which encouraged us to question pre covid all of a sudden wanted me to shut up when it actually came to putting that into practice when there was a real serious case of malpractice and fraud infront of our very eyes, the same people that lectured us on medical ethics were silent when mask mandates came about and encouraged students to be vaccinated, even facilitated a mobile vaccination center to the university. The whole thing is a shit show.

Thanks for posting this anon ive been waiting for something like this!

Kurskar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not seeing any change in narrative on the news, they are pro Ukraine, blame Russia for everything as they've been from the start. I could only find the same article other anon found.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was some critical info and eye opening. Abit annoying it's hidden amongst an hour long vid. Ty for sharing

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is some footage on /r combat footage on reddit (literally the only place i have been to on reddit) careful though the majority of those posting as expected are NPCs. Russian telegram channels and ofcourse 4chan pol.

There is a fair amount of footage of the conflict. I have so far only seen 2 videos with dead civilians, one was from cars that after passing a jack knifed truck in the middle of a highway were being engaged seemingly indiscriminately in an ambush. Another was again from the pov of a car drivers passenger where the car gets machine gunned from a distance and his friend who is driving appears to get shot, as the passenger leaves the car when he goes to check his friend he is lying dying on the road. There is no way to tell however if alot of this footage is from 8 years ago, or even if it is friendly fire incidents.

I would say though, prior to this week there was no footage of civilians being engaged. I think it was obvious from anyone with half a brain that the Russian approach at the start was very much the softly softly approach, they were putting their troops in serious danger by deliberately not engaging with aircraft or artillery, After it became apparent that Ukrainian civilians are taking up arms and doing hit and run attacks etc this past week the gloves are off. Ive seen a fair few videos of high rise buildings etc being bombed or shelled. I have come across videos of "civilians" in normal clothes driving by russian vehicles and petrol bombing them. There is also plenty grim footage out there of dead soldiers from both sides.

I had heard that Russians were taking minimal footage due to lessons learned from geo locating isis footage in Syria, no idea if thats true or not. I am surprised actually that they are allowing Ukranians to just mobile phone video them so freely as i would think this information is probably being relayed to Ukranian military,

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anon i do not wish to downplay the vaccine effects as we all know they are serious, however i do not believe that in every case its a death sentence. The human body is capable of amazing feats especially in repairing itself. I think quite simply we do not know the long term effects, is it possible it leads to auto immune deficiency? Absolutely, is it a certainty - unknown at this point all though as im sure you know some data leads us to believe that could well be the case. Does that mean every person that got jabbed will get aids? Again, we simply don't know. Until they show their hand and people that have been jabbed start getting tested en masse we again won't know. Even then, what if the tests just like the pcr are dogshit and it quite honestly is a false positive? Either way its a money maker for pharma.

Try not to be so certain on the outcome though, as i said, the body is resilient.

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thats handy, having the full name, title address etc for the people that if that passes are responsible for the death or permanent injury to every child thats forced to take this. Parents will know who to go looking for.

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for doing this anon, i am wondering, how does this look for those under 60, is their data for excessive mortality for these age groups or maybe it doesn't correlate so well because less proportion are vaccinated? Saying that ... the propaganda campaign here is unbelievable, 17-25 year olds are lining up for the shots and these are university educated students. The idea that the SNP would be lying to them is inconceivable. I posted a link to Ron Johnsons covid second opinion and was messaged by a "student", that they dont think i should be quoting someone that is a far right extremist. They are incapable of independant thought, i have no hope for the so called "educated".

Kurskar 1 point ago +1 / -0

100%, this isn't true. Their are still tons of restrictions in Scotland, still daily case numbers on BBC, still encouragement of vaccine and still mandating NHS be vaccinated.

Kurskar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have a look through this thread fren https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/141En9fpDM/compilation-of-alternative-cance/c

I can't help you on the cancer front as its not something i know enough about. I can say though that if you need to buy ivermectin, HCQ etc the indian manufacturers work just fine, if your UK based it takes around 1-2 weeks to arrive. I imagine if your USA it will take maybe around 4 weeks. That thread also has links in it which i assume are from the same/similar places. Just bear that in mind that it will often take around a month to arrive. Good luck!

Kurskar 11 points ago +11 / -0

They are spineless that bent over for the vax, Nadal said something about him having the right to not take it but that he must face the "consequences" for doing so.

Kurskar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I absolutely agree with your sentiments and message.

It's hard for people though that they feel deep down they know the vaccines are dangerous, they may not know why or the reasons they say its dangerous are not the real reasons or atleast the technicaly correct means of explaining it, but ultimately they just want to stop their loved ones from being hurt, I can absolutely understand that but like you said. Convincing someone of something is a skill in and of itself of it is not done in a very nuanced way then it just comes across as crazy at which point you've lost them.

Your also spot on about the numbers. While deaths and injuries are completely unacceptably high and should never have reached this point in the first place, people are not dying in their millions from it. It is going to be a slow burner and even then its going to be hidden behind a million different things that they can and will blame on other things. Heart attack, heart disease, etc etc. If we are lucky this won't even happen. I think it's unlikely there won't be long term worse effects but it's entirely possible. One thing that stuck with me in the Peter McCulloch podcast with rogan, the body is remarkably resilient and an amazing self healer. I don't want people to have problems in the future just so I can say I told you so.

All that being said, the fight for our bodily autonomy is no less important just because it is not killing millions (probably yet). It is still a hill I am willing to die on.

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