Any chance the hackers were white hats?
My first thought at the headline was, "WHAT oversight of the USSS?"
Interesting... Melania mentioned something in her statement earlier this week about how DJT loves music and other things people don't appreciate or know about. Someone else mentioned his love of music too within the past few days.
where there apparently are no visitor logs...
I've seen it spelled Fauxcahontas.
Trump himself said in an interview today that two of the USSS guys came at him so fast that they knocked his shoes off.
Thank you for posting this, fren! I was just about to go search the drops for that triple-FIGHT... thought I vaguely recalled it from way back when.
Purple violets? Color revolution?
heartfelt thanks and continued prayers!
I never thought to wonder before, but -- who actually took these pics of Hunter all high and out of it, and how did the pics get onto his laptop?
Maybe some of his courtesans were white hats?
Great find on the drop, btw! "Harmful politically," indeed! PDJT did tell Joe that the 25th Amendment would come back to haunt him...
Remember how there was a folder on the Weiner laptop labeled "Life Insurance"?
I'm getting that same vibe over this news. LOL!
I had no idea they could DANCE like that! Just love it!
Freaking love it!
Any connection to 10% for the Big Guy?
And THAT'S saying something!
The dress appears to be swallowing her whole.
Yeah... that blogger sounds like a shithead and does not represent MAGA values well at all.
That document gives no details whatsoever -- it's mostly court boilerplate stuff -- and doesn't even mention Merchan. WTF?
And an old one! They've been screeching about "threat to Our (their) Democracy" for years now.
So cool! Like father like son, for sure.
My first trip to NYC was around Christmas 1983 as a teen on a school trip, and we stopped in at Trump Tower to see this very escalator and multi-story wall-fountain. It was breathtaking to a kid from the sticks. I had no idea how new the place was at the time!
Was actually pleasantly surprised to find that I couldn't name even half of those presstitutes by sight.
I wondered that too. For one thing, I thought her middle name was Devi, not Iyer.
Ah, thanks, fren!