Trump has always crossed his arms like this. Always! There are thousands of photos of him like this. I think he does it to emulate Kennedy and his famous White House portrait of him standing there with his arms crossed!
Mitch the Bitch willingly and with malice aforethought deliberately colluded to prevent any investigations into the stolen election on January 6th. He is a traitor to the American People and we need to keep reminding the Republican Party that unless they get rid of the Rinorats there will be NO PEACE, to borrow a phrase!
Ovomit and his Merry Band of Haters! Ovomit and Manchelle really hate white people, especially those in authority such as the police and military! They started this and they have every intention of keeping it up! Along the way they have indoctrinated many people-Ovomit's 8 years in office, then 4 years when Trump was Prez, so plenty of time to put together a coalition!
Why would Simon Parkes, a British national, know more than Americans? He seems very plausible, but again, why would he be the "Chosen One" to carry the message to American patriots? Doesn't make sense! Bottom line: I don't waste my time listening to him anymore.
Lin is telling you that when the US Corporation is dissolved, our country currently being governed as a corporation, will return to being a Republic, as originally founded, and we will also return to go the GOLD standard, meaning our currency will be backed by gold and known as the US Mark, and not the US dollar.
The Durham Report will indict a few minor players is what is being predicted. As usual, the real criminals get off scot-free!