interesting, is this the beginning of deepstate arrests? i mean, this is quite the rabit hole is it not?
same. it would pull the non woke dems and maga together. not a bad idea really
AJ has his place imo
boo friggidy whoo
a couple of things, the antichrist is plural "for there are many antichrists" its a state of mind. same with the mark of the beast "one had the mark of the beast, another the mark of god on their foreheads. again, a state of mind. what is a beast? an animal, they only can use instinct, fight or flight they are in a constant state of fear. remind you of any humans out there? "and he (they) will deceive all men, even the elect IF it were possible" it isnt possible to be deceived if you have the mark of god (us) they are corralling us like cattle right now, are they not?
see, the antichrists have been here all along. now, regarding the rapture, there is a verse where jesus is asked where the people go when raptured and he describes them as being dead. we are taught the exact opposite that we will be spirited away. thats not what jesus said. the rapture i believe is for the deep state and anyone who took the jabs. there will come a day when everyone who took it will drop dead in an instant. we will have to bury billions of people, sadly.
now for the "end of the world" its actually the end of their world not ours. the christians and people who survive whats coming have a 1000 years of peace coming with christ reigning as king of the earth. peace on earth for 1000 years makes sense if we got rid of every single globalist on earth, does it not? and how could we have 1000 years of peace on earth if we get magically teleported away? we arnt going anywhere, they are.
lol was gonna say the same thing
this meme is just silly. no one on test treatment is getting swole lol. 50-400mg/ml a week wont do much to get you muscles. steroids? 1500-3000mg/ml a week? yea you could just sit on the couch and build muscle with that much but no trt doctor in the world would prescribe that much lol those are deadly dosages
this meme is just silly. no one on test treatment is getting swole lol. 50-400mg/ml a week wont do much to get you muscles. steroids? 1500-3000mg/ml a week? yea you could just sit on the couch and build muscle with that much but no trt doctor in the world would prescribe that much lol those are deadly dosages
estrogen in males is not necessarily a bad thing. males need estrogen just as females need testoterone. too much or too little estrogen is horrible for a males health. the only time you need an aromatase inhibitor is if you are producing way too much (on a steroide cycle) or have symptoms of high estrogen. taking 100-300 mg/ml of test a week, you generally dont need an AI. that dosage is to get your levels up to normal, not a cycle. so no need for an AI if youre taking test the right way.
Some people absolutely need testosterone therapy. the people abusing it are giving it a bad name. trannys dont NEED it. its a good thing if used correctly, just like anything.
if youre at 500 you dont need it. just exercise, and eat right and you could naturally hit 700-800 np, probably higher if you take suppliments.
if youre at 500 you dont need it. just exercise, and eat right and you could naturally hit 700-800 np, probably higher if you take suppliments.
this is very true!
true story: im an aquantence with a drug dealer in our town (not really friends but we know each other) whenever i see him and say hi at the store or whatever the dude literally starts to physically shake in my presence. ive been told by friends that they only see him do that around me. i consider myself very close to god and i believe that bothers him deeply on an unconscious level.
this is very true!
true story: im an aquantence with a drug dealer in our town (not really friends but we know each other) whenever i see him and say hi at the store or whatever the dude literally starts to physically shake in my presence. ive been told by friends that they only see him do that around me. i consider myself very close to god and i believe that bothers him deeply on an unconscious level.
322 skull and bones
this! or muay thai.
go super woke? go super broke. Disney is done after this.
the fag would prob like it though
looks like Austin Powers over there got a taste of diversity
if we split the country and declared DJT as our potus... id be down.
yea, so badass that they need to draft 16 yr old girls to fight lol that tells you everything you need to know.
Bush Sr too. The oldest ones have the most horrific crimes.
eating their own. never interupt an enemy when its destroying itself.