LastGenAm 3 points ago +3 / -0

AGREE. know that only thing that can save America is We the People, through action. Trump can not save us alone, neither can DeSantis or anyone out there. If we sit and seek the magic Wand we lose, no magic wand will do.. It has to be cleaned up in every state, and the criminal elite must be removed. If we do not, we have a clear picture of what is to come, and it will not be good for anyone, including the wealthy who THINK they are insulated. If we start now, maybe in a decade we can restore what has already been destroyed. We owe the children at least that much.

LastGenAm 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need the military to step in, it is a matter of national security and the Peoples right. Congress is the people's servants and accountable to us. We need to start nationally prosecuting these people in a constitutional court set up by the people under the rights given us by the constitution.

LastGenAm 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is time for all of us to hit the streets and make it known we agree with the WCforH, and demand immediate and complete investigation of the vaccine information by independent medical doctors and scientist across this country. Has anybody thought about the future health problems of the vaccinated and disabilities? Time to act like other countries. I'm sure they are waiting for Americans to stand up in solidarity with others around the world. We are only waiting for our own deaths.

LastGenAm 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are public servants, not heroes or special, time to stop this expensive show every time one passed away. We all pay to bury our family members, let them do the same in private. They steal enough during their service and do little for the People.

by BQnita
LastGenAm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really, really. What has changed?

LastGenAm 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let us all demand their release or require Pelosi to join them and wait her turn.

LastGenAm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks DCon4DRats, this is not a secret, studied this in high school and later college back in the 70s, but might surprise those who are graduating from government schools today.

LastGenAm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pride comes before a fall, or the 4 or 5th booster. Kinda as desirable as a Timeshare property. Right.

LastGenAm 1 point ago +1 / -0

And where were Americans, making no sacrifice for anything.

LastGenAm 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sensationalism, it is helping to sink the side of truth. If it is so bad and you can not reveal, keep it to yourself. Secrets are how we all got to this point. Time for truth to be told and exposed. If protection is required I am sure it can be arranged, but sensationalizing stories that can not be revealed leads to misinformation and people questioning the validity of stories if they ever do. We are beginning to sound like what we are trying to change.

LastGenAm 0 points ago +1 / -1

President Trump or any other force will not move on the illegal regime, until we the people stand up, in the streets by the millions for weeks if necessary. He can not do it by himself, and if we wait for the UN troops to arrive there will be a blood bath regardless if we resist or not. They are playing for keeps and we are still fighting to be masked or not. And to make it clear, the 2022 election will be to late the communist are counting on exactly what we are doing now, almost nothing except everybody save themselves. They know conservative are to stupid to work together. The rest of the world is also waiting for us. Wait till they take your retirement and 401k and homes, and well, we pretty much already gave them the children.

LastGenAm 5 points ago +5 / -0

WOW, the simple truth, all it takes is courage. Thanks Man, you are the real thing.

LastGenAm 2 points ago +2 / -0

We do not need the slime called twitter, other avenues to get information. What we need is a free public TV station.

LastGenAm 2 points ago +2 / -0

The DOJ had their chance to investigate before inauguration , and refused, they set a president. Stand back DOJ.

LastGenAm 0 points ago +1 / -1

We need Patriot boots on the ground in AZ, stop DOJ from access. Time to stand up. The military will do nothing.

LastGenAm 3 points ago +3 / -0

One problem I see in my own family. Since Trump and the military allowed lawlessness and disorder to reign last summer, and new RINOs were added to congress, and the deception of the pandemic was allowed to rule the day, even those who are awakening say “what’s the difference, they are all corrupt”. Q to most of them is a made up entity to control conservatives, and last but not lest, they do not believe in the military or the militias to change anything. One said, even if Az is proven ridiculous, it will never be heard, old news. We are our own worst enemy, and the Communist know we will not fight. We have to start to change things on our own.

LastGenAm 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dead beats with money and nothing constructive to do. Gave up TVv12 years ago, have not missed a thing. Try it, you’ll like it and you will also have more of life.

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