LateToTheShow 4 points ago +4 / -0

"There are WAY more scrolls, books, texts etc than just 66 books in the Bible. Many amazing books were removed to preserve the power and control of the church and its leaders."

While it's true that there are numerous ancient texts beyond the 66 books of the Bible, the process of canonization involved careful consideration and theological scrutiny. The decision to include certain books and exclude others was not solely driven by a desire for power and control. Early Christian communities sought to preserve teachings consistent with apostolic tradition and the message of Jesus.

"They also removed central tenets of Christianity to give the church and its leaders the false attribute of being needed by the individual, when clearly, you do not need others to have a connection to the Creator and the Holy Spirit."

The process of canonization aimed at preserving the core tenets of Christianity based on theological criteria. While individual connection to the Creator and the Holy Spirit is emphasized in Christian spirituality, the organized church plays a role in providing communal worship, fellowship, and guidance. The removal of certain texts was often due to concerns about their theological consistency with established doctrines. However, the belief in a personal connection to the divine doesn't negate the importance of communal aspects within Christianity. The exclusion of specific texts does not inherently invalidate the profound individual connection to God that many believers experience.

LateToTheShow 3 points ago +3 / -0

The assertion that conflating Pauline writings with the teachings of Jesus is a misdirection and that the Gospel of Thomas aligns seamlessly with Jesus' recorded sayings requires careful consideration of both Paul's letters and the content of the Gospel of Thomas.

  1. Distinctive Messages:

    • Pauline Epistles: Paul's letters often focus on theological explanations, Christian doctrine, and practical instructions for Christian communities. They are distinct from the Gospel narratives, emphasizing themes like justification by faith and the role of grace.
    • Gospel of Thomas: This non-canonical gospel consists of sayings attributed to Jesus. While some sayings may resemble canonical Gospels, others differ significantly, presenting a more esoteric or Gnostic flavor.
  2. Theological Emphasis:

    • Pauline Theology: Paul emphasizes concepts like justification, redemption, and the role of faith in Christ. His writings contribute significantly to the theological foundation of Christianity.
    • Gospel of Thomas: The Gospel of Thomas contains sayings that often focus on hidden knowledge and spiritual insight, aligning more with Gnostic perspectives than the overtly theological emphasis found in Paul's writings.
  3. Jesus' Teachings in Canonical Gospels:

    • Unique Emphases: The teachings of Jesus in the canonical Gospels, such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, cover a range of topics including love, forgiveness, the Kingdom of God, and ethical conduct. While some themes may overlap with Thomas, the contexts and nuances can differ.
  4. Authorship and Historical Context:

    • Authorship of Thomas: The authorship of the Gospel of Thomas is debated, and attributing it to the brother of Jesus lacks strong historical evidence. Its dating and origin are subjects of scholarly discussion, and it likely emerged from a different theological milieu than the canonical Gospels.

Here are a few examples that highlight the distinctive nature of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas compared to the teachings found in canonical Gospels and Pauline writings:

  1. Example of Hidden Knowledge:

    • Gospel of Thomas (Logion 2): "Jesus said, 'Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.'"
      • This saying emphasizes the seeking of hidden knowledge that leads to a higher state of understanding.
  2. Example of Gnostic Themes:

    • Gospel of Thomas (Logion 114): "Simon Peter said to him, 'Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.' Jesus said, 'I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'"
      • This saying introduces a Gnostic theme of transcending gender for spiritual enlightenment, reflecting a departure from traditional Christian teachings.
  3. Example of Spiritual Insight:

    • Gospel of Thomas (Logion 3): "Jesus said, 'If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you.'"
      • This saying encourages a deeper, metaphorical understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing spiritual insight over literal interpretations.

It's important to note that the Gnostic flavor in the Gospel of Thomas lies in its emphasis on esoteric knowledge, spiritual transformation, and unique perspectives on gender and salvation. These aspects distinguish it from the more straightforward ethical teachings and narratives found in canonical Gospels and the theological focus of Paul's letters.

LateToTheShow 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the books not included in the 66 book cannon actually have doctrine that contradicts Christ's and the Apostle's teachings. The early Christian community recognized this, which is why those books were never included in the cannon to begin with.

LateToTheShow 5 points ago +5 / -0


People think they're exposing the Beast System by exposing all the "conspiracies" revealing the "prison planet" we live in, but, in reality, they're only exposing the Harlot System (the Chooish led NWO).

The Beast System, according to Revelation 17 (17 you say?) is what turns on, and destroys, the Harlot system. We are witnessing this very turning in this current Age.

The Beast system, however, is what brings the Anti Christ onto the scene.

This entire video - as good as the information in it is - is exposing only the Harlot System. The Harlot System will be destroyed - by the Beast (Kingdoms/Nations) whom she rode. This is all laid out in Rev 17.

The Harlot is identified by John (the author of Revelation) as Jerusalem in Rev 11:8.

Jerusalem = the Harlot/Mystery Babylon who rides the Kings of the Earth (Beast), but then the Kings of the Earth (Beast) turn on her and destroy her.

Notice the Great Awakening is awakening us to the oppressive Matrix led and run by the choos?

LateToTheShow -8 points ago +4 / -12

I'm beginning to think O'keefe is a 1st tier Matrix guard.

LateToTheShow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent comment! I would add one small distinction:

USURY is the beast system.

USURY is the Harlot system

LateToTheShow 4 points ago +5 / -1

Great info. I would add a slight distinction. You say:

The New World Order will be the Antichrist’s counterfeit of Christ’s true coming kingdom during the 1,000 year millennium

I would clarify that the "Great Awakening" we are witnessing is exposing the Jewish led NWO, not the Beast system. The Awakening is [unbeknownst to many] helping to usher in the Beast system. The Beast system is what ushers in the reign of the AntiChrist. The Anti Christ will usher in an age (a short age) of Peace and safety ("...he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many." Daniel 8:25)

See Revelation 17 where the Harlot (Jerusalem) rides the Beast (Kings of the earth). The Harlot = the Jewish led NWO.

The Beast then turns on the Harlot and destroys her. We are witnessing this turning....

LateToTheShow 7 points ago +10 / -3

What you see in this article is Beast Propaganda against the Harlot (NWO).

Christians: Read Revelation 17 now.

The Harlot System (NWO/Talmudic World Order) is what the false "light" is exposing. The NWO is not the Beast system, it's the Harlot system. Luciferian slight of hand is at play here (who disguises himself as an Angel of Light?). Discernment needed.

The Beast, whom the Harlot rides, will turn on the Harlot and destroy her. We are seeing the "turning against her" right before our very eyes.

Light vs Dark is an oooold Occult (Satanic) trick.

LateToTheShow 1 point ago +2 / -1

In 1823, the Rothschilds took control over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide. They became the official bankers of the Holy See and managed its debts, assets, and investments.

In 1832, the Rothschilds arranged a loan for the Holy See, which was in financial distress after the Napoleonic Wars. The loan was for a sum of £400,000 (equivalent to £4 billion in 2021) and was negotiated by James Mayer de Rothschild and Alessandro Torlonia, acting for the Pope Gregory XVI

In 2020, the Rothschilds formed an alliance with the Vatican of Pope Francis, under the name of 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican'. The alliance claims to promote a more sustainable and equitable economic system, but some critics see it as a dangerous and secretive partnership.

Catholic Church = Chooish Controlled

LateToTheShow 13 points ago +13 / -0

But...but...he was wearing a white medical coat while saying those things?

LateToTheShow 1 point ago +1 / -0

NWO = Harlot System (Rev 17) = Jewish World Order

The NWO =/= The Beast system. There is a distinction between the two, for the Beast the Harlot rides ends up destroying the Harlot. See below:

The Harlot - a.k.a. "the Great City," is identified by the Apostle John as Jerusalem in Rev 11:8. Furthermore, Jerusalem is constantly called the unfaithful wife or Harlot in the OT. Johns imagery and symbols come straight from the OT. See Hosea 9:1 for a good example.

The Beast the Harlot rides = The Nations she controls

The Beast then turns on the Harlot and Destroys her in one day (see later part of Rev 17). Makes you see the BRICS nations in a different light, huh? Also makes you think about the "Great Awakening" in a different "light." Because the Beast then ushers in the rule of the Antichrist.

Dont forget: Satan masquerades as an angel of Light

2 Corinthians 11:14

LateToTheShow 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you’re not on a list somewhere at this point in the game, then you’re not proud to be an American

LateToTheShow 3 points ago +3 / -0

All good points...

Fun to think about.

LateToTheShow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct. But how did ancient man know about those deep oceanic ridges? They have submarines? I'm leaning towards God revealing this truth to the author while recording this event.

LateToTheShow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here’s another interesting one speaking of the Great Flood:

Genesis 7:11:

"In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up…”

How did the author know there were deep oceanic fissures??

LateToTheShow 2 points ago +2 / -0

When do we collectively stop paying these lizards and have our own Boston Tea Party?

LateToTheShow 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, if we have our positioning correct, then it appears the "suspect" is to the right of the main stairwell that Biden is walking up in the OP image, correct?

LateToTheShow 7 points ago +7 / -0

I remember seeing a high res, interactive, panoramic picture of the inauguration that day....lemme see if I can find it again.


Found it

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