Litehouse 3 points ago +3 / -0

They changed it. Early this year, around Jan or Feb they did state on their website that they would not accept convalescent plasma from vaccinated individuals. They changed it a few days later.

A few news stations picked up the original statement, and they are still out there if you search (February), but now it’s mostly “fact checkers”

Here’s another news story from that time: “ The Red Cross said vaccinated people can't donate plasma because the shot counteracts existing antibodies.” https://www.komu.com/news/covid19/vaccine/american-red-cross-says-vaccinated-donors-can-give-blood-not-convalescent-plasma/article_d137f5c8-7616-11eb-9715-6707fa0d47d6.html

And another (original story, not the May update) “Officials say the vaccine depletes antibodies created by a person’s body that has successfully recovered from COVID-19. As a result, their plasma is no longer useful to someone critically ill with the virus. Convalescent plasma therapy was authorized by the FDA to be used by people suffering from COVID-19.” https://www.kmov.com/news/can-i-donate-blood-after-receiving-the-covid-19-vaccine/article_ab882f7c-761c-11eb-a260-3ffd6acbb688.html

Litehouse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here’s another news story from that time:

“ The Red Cross said vaccinated people can't donate plasma because the shot counteracts existing antibodies.”


And another (original story, not the May update)

“Officials say the vaccine depletes antibodies created by a person’s body that has successfully recovered from COVID-19. As a result, their plasma is no longer useful to someone critically ill with the virus. Convalescent plasma therapy was authorized by the FDA to be used by people suffering from COVID-19.”


Litehouse 6 points ago +6 / -0

They changed it. Early this year, around Jan or Feb they did state on their website that they would not accept convalescent plasma from vaccinated individuals. They changed it a few days later. A few news stations picked it up and they are still out there if you search (February), but now it’s mostly “fact checkers”.

Litehouse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Here is a start:

FAILURE – Highest risk of Covid-19 hospitalisation and death is in the most vaccinated nations worldwide according to official data


Litehouse 15 points ago +16 / -1

In the past we have heard of people getting trampled at concerts and sports events. Even people dying of drug overdoses. I have never in my lifetime heard of so many people suffering or dying of cardiac issues in one concert, FWIW

Litehouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, dialing in your weight on the tube gives you the right preventative dose.

The math is for the skeptics who say "hello you aren't a horse", lol.

Litehouse 6 points ago +6 / -0

I prefer the human version, BUT...

Million-dollar racehorses are given this medicine, so you can bet they have some very good quality controls.

As for the dosage, it is not difficult to calculate:

Durvet brand has 113.6mg of ivermectin total for the entire tube (see calculations below). There are 25 notches on a tube, each representing 50 lbs. 113.6/25=4.54. So that is 4.54mg PER NOTCH

A 150 lb person, taking 3 notches is getting 13.62mg of ivermectin.

That is the amount of ivermectin for a preventative dose according to FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf

From their site, 150 x .09 mg = 13.5mg

For treatment, that amount is doubled or tripled (dosing on the FLCCC site)


Calculations as to amount of ivermectin in 1.87% tube with 6.08g of paste Convert grams to mg: 6.08g x 1,000 = 6080mg

To calculate amount of ivermectin in the tube: 6080mg x 1.87%/100 = 113.6mg Ivermectin


Litehouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was very loud at one point - I was listening on sports talk radio. Fox sports was on a delay and did not air it.

There were many fans holding LGB signs and such

Litehouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Deon Sanders, a former Braves player, brought it here from Florida State (Seminoles). They originated it. But it stuck.

In the 70s and 80s we had a teepee and chief Noc-A-Homa at the ballpark too, but I’m sure Ted Turner/Jane Fonda had something to do with his removal when they owned the team.

Litehouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

The leftists have tried for decades to cancel the Braves, the chop, etc. The Braves organization and fans have not kowtowed to them. Even the local native Americans have spoken out in support of the Braves and the chop.

This is just more ginned up “outrage” from the left.

Litehouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know how you feel about Christian based curriculum, but for history and language arts, we liked Abeka. They do not whitewash communism and socialism, and that was important to me. For high school, we added in books such as a Patriots Guide to History, and fiction such as Animal Farm, 1984, and Atlas Shrugged. I had my kids read a lot of biographies in middle and high school as well.

Litehouse 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is hard to overdose on ivermectin but I would not recommend 4 times the recommended amount

Litehouse 8 points ago +8 / -0

That’s not correct. 4 notches is 18.16mg of ivermectin, not 4mg.

Durvet brand has 113.6mg of ivermectin total for the entire tube (see calculations below). There are 25 notches on a tube, each represent 50 lbs. 113.6/25=4.54. So that is 4.54mg PER NOTCH

A 150 lb person, taking 3 notches is getting 13.62mg of ivermectin.

That is the amount of ivermectin for a preventative dose according to FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf

From their site, 150 x .09 mg = 13.5mg

For treatment, that amount is doubled or tripled (dosing on the FLCCC site)

————— Calculations as to amount of ivermectin in 1.87% tube with 6.08g of paste Convert grams to mg: 6.08g x 1,000 = 6080mg

To calculate amount of ivermectin in the tube: 6080mg x 1.87%/100 = 113.6mg Ivermectin


by gamepwn
Litehouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a doc so this is not medical advice.

First off, your mom may be eligible for monoclonals, they have worked wonders for many. But I also know many who were not helped by that but were helped by ivermectin. Her oxygen has to be over a certain number to get the monoclonals so time is of the essence.

If it were me, I would do both.

FLCCC will take too long to get ivermectin or HCQ. I would try pushhealth.com, you put in what med you want and you are connected with a dr. My family has used them 3 times and got a script sent to our local pharmacy the same day. Cost was about $65 for the consult. Check to be sure your pharmacy has it in stock.

If that doesn’t work, there are other options that folks here have suggested.

Whatever you so, be sure and take the zinc, etc recommended by the protocols, such as FLCCC: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf

by skanon
Litehouse 2 points ago +2 / -0

My husband take it prophylacticly. He doesn’t notice a difference, but I have had friends who say they have felt better than they have in years (maybe they actually had parasites)

Litehouse 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yep, I also think a lot of people close to retirement are choosing to go ahead and retire rather than be a guinea pig.

I wonder too if a lot of 2-income families are choosing to go one income rather than be subjected to the experimental shot. Or choosing to have a parent stay home to homeschool so their kids won’t be.

Litehouse 9 points ago +9 / -0

It is more effective early, but it HAS been used in severe hospitalized cases successfully:

COVID Patient in Coma Gets Ivermectin After Court Order https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210506/covid-patient-in-coma-gets-ivermectin-after-court-order - Her daughter has since reported that her mom is now recovering at home - https://twitter.com/desifype/status/1411114705092030465

After judge orders hospital to use experimental Covid-19 treatment, woman recovers https://buffalonews.com/news/local/after-judge-orders-hospital-to-use-experimental-covid-19-treatment-woman-recovers/article_a9eb315c-5694-11eb-aac5-53b541448755.html

Ivermectin Wins in Court Again: For Human Rights (story details 3 patients who came off a ventilator after starting ivermectin) https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/ivermectin-wins-in-court-again-for-human-rights/article_98d26958-a13a-11eb-a698-37c06f632875.html

Court orders Rochester General to give experimental COVID treatment to patient (improvement within 12 hours) https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/court-orders-rochester-general-to-give-experimental-covid-treatment-to-patient/ar-BB1d4Ax4

Houston Hospital Chief of Medical Staff Successfully Used Ivermectin to Treat COVID Patients https://cleverjourneys.com/2021/08/31/houston-hospital-chief-of-medical-staff-successfully-used-ivermectin-to-treat-covid-patients/

Litehouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not a doc. White pine needle tea is supposed to be good.

I suggest you check for interactions of everything you’re taking.

Litehouse 2 points ago +2 / -0


Personally, I like a Berkey filter. My plan if it comes to this - Get creek, lake water, rain water, etc., run it through a t-shirt, boil it, run it through a Berkey. Probably don’t need the boiling step, but doesn’t hurt. Don’t have to filter through a shirt, but will make the ceramic filters last longer.

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