LoafersNale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, after posting this question I realized it wasn’t really asking what I wanted to get at. You’re right, the conversation I was actually curious about was whether the events surrounding nazi Germany were controlled by globalists. And whether this idea - that Germany fought globalists - was common around here at great awakening. You literally can’t talk about this else where LOL

LoafersNale 1 point ago +2 / -1

You’re saying so many things I’ve just been thinking.

The minute you question the narrative about Nazi Germany, you’re a nazi and racist and anti semite. You can’t have an opinion on it, you’re just told this is the way it is. And you’re told to shut up. Similarly, if you question vaccines or the Covid narrative, you’re considered anti-science and more and even racist LOL. You’re told it’s settled, and told to shut up. You’re silenced. This is literally the pattern for everything that is true that they do not want us to know. So it makes you wonder.

Weve been lied to about vaccines/Covid, climate change, pedophilia in Hollywood, communism in America, mass shootings, weapons of mass destruction, Cuba, Muhammad Gaddafi, ISIS, our currencies and economies. Literally everything. How can I not question the history that’s been “settled”?

Especially given that Hitler was Germany first, like Trump is America first. We were told Trump would GENOCIDE Mexicans and Jews and black people. We were told he was racist. MAGA supporters were slandered and the media turned the whole world against Trump and the people he represented (for a time anyway, now more are awake). This is the same media and narrative setters that want me to believe Hitler was racist and a genocider? Maybe he was, but fuck, let us at least be able to discuss it.

Anyway, thanks for your input and helping me think out loud as I respond with you

LoafersNale 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, I’m gonna have to look into that as well. Do you recommend any good documentaries or books?

LoafersNale 6 points ago +7 / -1

Currently watching Europa the Last Battle and it got me thinking that Hitler was the first nationalist country to end up in a war with the globalists. Everyone here is way more up to speed with what’s going on today than I am (and what’s happened in the past) so was hoping to hear some thoughts.

Also, I know that sometimes people ask Q questions and Q responds, would love for someone to ask about this sometime.

LoafersNale 5 points ago +5 / -0

Looks like he squirts it onto the forearms of the other cop and some gets onto the cement as well. The one cop just extends his arms out so I’m assuming that’s what happened

LoafersNale 7 points ago +7 / -0

It’s a husky. They’re not herding dogs. They like to get out and will hunt other animals. I had a Siberian husky who got out once, allegedly attacked some farm animals, and then got shot in the leg

LoafersNale 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m going out for Halloween as a giant pussy. I’ll be wearing latex gloves, a blue mask, and a face shield

LoafersNale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm maybe they’ve been bought and paid for by crypto. I remember watching a debate with Peter Schiff v Alex Mashinsky with Michele makori (from Kitco news) as the moderator. Peter felt like Michelle wasn’t being objective, taking crypto side, and called kitco out as being sponsored by crypto currencies. Or that she personally owned them. Can’t exactly remember but something along those lines

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LoafersNale -1 points ago +1 / -2

I say we make all sins illegal. This moral degeneracy HAS to stop and since people won’t do it themselves it’s up to us to do it for them by force. There is no other way. Amen brother

LoafersNale 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thought Q said aliens exist?

LoafersNale 0 points ago +1 / -1

Felt pressure to take the shot when my employer made it mandatory. My wife was pregnant with twins at the time, and due in 2.5 months. There was obviously pressure from her parents to get it. I was put on unpaid leave for 2 weeks, then kept off work for another 5 weeks (while they debated and stalled my religious exemption). I ended up getting the religious exemption.

I felt more pressure to take the vaccine when the hospitals implemented a mandate requiring all visitors to have had their second shot. This meant that I wouldn’t be able to watch the birth of my two sons. I still didn’t get the shot, but that was the most pressure I’d felt to take the vaccine. One week before her due date, my wife was rushed to the hospital for what we thought were contractions, and the hospital staff ignored the rule for me. The pain she was experiencing weren’t contractions. The hospital team did an emergency c section but we lost both boys. My wife lost a lot of blood and almost died herself. I was able to watch the hospital team try and resuscitate my boys for 25 minutes. This and several hours afterwards was the only time I had with my boys. We spent three days in the hospital. I suspect they bent the rules for me because the whole unit felt bad for us. I’m angry these rules were made in the first place, and I’m angry at healthcare in general. But I’m super grateful for the nurses those days.

I can’t even imagine what it would have been like if they did not bend the rules for me. And I’m sure in those moments I would’ve regretted not getting my vaccines.

LoafersNale 1 point ago +1 / -0

I kept reading this as Bill Burr and I was like wtf did I miss

LoafersNale 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL I was looking for something a bit more than that. Sure, it’s confirmation for us, but it’s not anything to anyone else (at this time).

LoafersNale 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah okay I remember that. Any thing else you can think of?

LoafersNale 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yeah I agree. Do we have any evidence for that?? I thought I remember her getting caught up in some pizza gate shit but I can’t remember rightly

LoafersNale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone else sick of hearing “there’s good people at the FBI, it’s just the top that are bad”. Seems like a way to say, let’s not get rid of the FBI bc they’re mostly good guys

LoafersNale 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great read, thanks for sharing

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