Apologies to Ireland
That’s a really old picture, I’ve seen a recent one and he looks his age
Very sad news…
“Performance” is subjective…
Praying that reports of no serious injuries are true!
Somebody gave Marco some big boy pants
Patience is the most difficult of virtues…
Oh well it was fun while it lasted :(
Depends on who sets the criteria
Response from President Matthew Harrison regarding LIRS and other NGOs that bear the name “Lutheran”
3 equal branches of government means that one branch can’t tell another branch how to handle internal operations.
Easy solution on the autism statement. Leave it up, but place an additional statement below about who conducted the studies and why their independence might be compromised and also link studies that show causality.
Controlled articulate rage with well-placed f bombs…
When do we liberate these states from foreign occupation?
I like Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswany, and Usha Vance. I think they are very successful people who demonstrate virtuous attributes for their given roles….but they are Hindus, meaning they are demon worshippers and therefore lost because they do not have faith in Christ, the one true God and King. Pray for them, pray that Christ comes to them and gives them faith to repent and believe in Him for the forgiveness of sins.
They should have known that any church with a female pastor is not a church that adheres to divine authority
She doesn’t meet the biblical qualifications to be a pastor
Roberts didn’t give her time to take her position
Even more of a reason to erase his presidency from history by overturning the 2020 selection.
Jesus is God…that’s Christianity. Nothing changes.
He should come out and say “After long consideration of Pokahantus aka Elizabeth Warren for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, I have to go in another direction otherwise the Indians would hate me and we like the Indians. We don’t want her doing to the Native Americans what she’s done to Massachusetts and the rest of America.”
I think Trump could run a successful recall campaign on 3 of those
God has written the law on the hearts of men. Because of this humanity can discern good from evil and therefore have no excuse before God. The law cannot make us righteous, it only exposes our corruption which is why we need a Savior. The Gospel is the fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and second person of the Trinity, became a human, suffered as a human, and died a human to atone for the sin of all humans, then rose again a human thus bringing humanity into the Trinity and all who are baptized in Christ are one with Christ and therefore one with God, clothed in His righteousness. The blood of the righteous cries out to God from the grave and justice belongs to God and He IS a just God.
I certainly see evidence of Divine intervention in what is happening to expose the wickedness in the world and eliminating those things that hinder the Gospel from going forth. God raises kings and princes among the people and the rise of Donald Trump certainly appears to be a work of God as His instrument of justice. I wouldn’t call it a Christian movement, but a movement by God through the hearts of men to expand His kingdom opening the eyes of many and leading to repentance.
Other than Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, Constantine was arguably the most consequential person in the first millennia. He saved the world from tyranny, and saved Christianity from Arianism that had overtaken ~80% of Christianity. Did he have flaws? Of course he did, he was human, but he was instrumental in the spread of Christianity.