LogicalLutheran 4 points ago +4 / -0

He should come out and say “After long consideration of Pokahantus aka Elizabeth Warren for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, I have to go in another direction otherwise the Indians would hate me and we like the Indians. We don’t want her doing to the Native Americans what she’s done to Massachusetts and the rest of America.”

LogicalLutheran 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Trump could run a successful recall campaign on 3 of those

LogicalLutheran 1 point ago +1 / -0

God has written the law on the hearts of men. Because of this humanity can discern good from evil and therefore have no excuse before God. The law cannot make us righteous, it only exposes our corruption which is why we need a Savior. The Gospel is the fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God and second person of the Trinity, became a human, suffered as a human, and died a human to atone for the sin of all humans, then rose again a human thus bringing humanity into the Trinity and all who are baptized in Christ are one with Christ and therefore one with God, clothed in His righteousness. The blood of the righteous cries out to God from the grave and justice belongs to God and He IS a just God.

I certainly see evidence of Divine intervention in what is happening to expose the wickedness in the world and eliminating those things that hinder the Gospel from going forth. God raises kings and princes among the people and the rise of Donald Trump certainly appears to be a work of God as His instrument of justice. I wouldn’t call it a Christian movement, but a movement by God through the hearts of men to expand His kingdom opening the eyes of many and leading to repentance.

LogicalLutheran 7 points ago +7 / -0

A Trump led recall effort in South Dakota would end Thune’s career…he better tow the line.

LogicalLutheran 9 points ago +9 / -0

She needs to get 52.3% of the remaining votes to win

LogicalLutheran 1 point ago +1 / -0

We keep hearing this, but if I were running a criminal operation, I would have all the illegals register as republicans then vote Democrat…so this tempers my optimism.

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

No business leaders other than Elon are supporting Trump


The business leaders supporting Trump view it as transactional…🥴

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you write obviously false statements like this:

“ He was a Christian Kabbalist that attempted to merge Christianity & Jewish Gnostism.”

It’s hard to take anything g you have said seriously. In fact you are a joke…good day

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so rich…everything you write is laden with ad hominem attacks, logical falsifies and conclusions drawn from incomplete information. You know exactly what are doing and it’s evil. Lutherans do not place their faith in Luther…Luther didn’t place his faith in Luther, he was a flawed man firmly rooted in Christ. We don’t follow Luther, we follow the objective truth of God’s Word, and the Lutheran Confessions are the right interpretation. Luther didn’t create 45,000 denominations, Leo did by refusing to hear out a monk who happened to be correct. Nothing you have said is compelling, but you are the victim of the anti-Christ lies… I have nothing else to say.

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

More lies and half-truths. You know, bearing false witness is a sin right? You’re either extremely ignorant of true history or intentionally twisting history to fit your narrative…must be a Jesuit. Repent.

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did Luther not add words Alone to his altered Bible to justify his new Theology?

Yes, the meaning however was not changed? Whenever there is a translation words are added and removed to make the passage understandable in the vernacular because Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic cannot be translated word for word and account for idioms or phrases that are embodied in a single word. That passage that you call into question is Romans 3:28 whether it reads “justified by faith without the deeds of the law” or justified by faith alone without the deeds of the law” the passage conveys the same meaning…Faith is what justifies, not works.

Did Luther not say the following about the Apostle St. James "Therefore St James’ epistle is really an epistle of straw, compared to these others, for it has nothing of the nature of the Gospel about it. (Luther’s Works 35, 362)@

Yes, he did say that…but he also translated it and wrote an entire commentary to clarify what was meant and often quotes James in other theological writings. As you may or may not be aware, the Council of Nicea formalized the canon and not all books were unanimously adopted (antilegomena), James was one of those books. Luther merely assigns more weight to those books that were unanimous (homolegoumena) that those that were not.

Aside from the fact that Luther was a Heretical Catholic Monk, what authority did he have to add words, remove books & re-arrange the bible?

That’s your opinion…but I’m sure you find the selling of indulgences to pay off the exorbitant usury that Leo had to pay the bankers who funded Peter’s Basilica to be A OK? Luther preserved the church that your corrupt and anti-Christ popes were doing their best to destroy.

Did he commit some great miracle work like split the Red Sea?

No, but he was an instrument of God used to stand up against a corrupt and evil infection within the church. Someday you may come to realize that the immense courage that Luther displayed in the face of certain death, and God rescued him. Probably the most consequential figure in the last 1,500 years.

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look, I’m not one to go hard against Roman Catholicism, but your response to me is just plain inaccurate and intentionally misleading with half-truths. You need to check your sources rather than copy and paste from a biased pro-Roman Catholic website. You’re putting the worst possible construction on Luther and it’s disingenuous at best.

LogicalLutheran 2 points ago +2 / -0

Luther never removed a single book, in fact he translated all of them in his German bible that he presented to Frederick.

LogicalLutheran 1 point ago +1 / -0

Persecuting political rivals is a powerful example indeed…one worthy of forced applause or you may be persecuted as well.

LogicalLutheran 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the problem with a top-down hierarchical church structure…the pope is not the legitimate authority in the church. God’s Word, the Scriptures are the objective authority for the Body of Christ.

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