This is an interesting phenomenon.
The extremist-Left will swear up and down that Video games/music/TV shows don't have an effect on violence or behavior in general.
Then in the next breath they will tell you that Alex Jones needs to be banned because he's promoting [insert random -ist/-phobe].
This is awesome!
Do you still consume radio?
My thing has always been local/regional radio shows.
Sportsball is so bad for humanity, it just turns men into zombies in colorful jerseys. 24/7 TV made it so much worse but man, I just don't understand how guys can get absolutely LOST in this shit. Rattling off stats and plays and all the other shit that has absolutely zero impact on their actual lives. At least politics have some kind of partial impact in our lives.
I hear this a lot...
I dunno. I really believe that some people are able to section off this shit in their brains and not be too damaged by it.
For me personally, I have always been WAY too damn inquisitive/nosy/whatever-the fuck you want to call it to NOT look. My friends would give me shit all the time for reading/watching/consooming MSNBCNN articles and shows like I'm some kind of leftist or a traitor and the fact is, I know it's all propaganda. I just want to consume it from as many angles as I can to form the best opinion I can on any given topic.
I suppose everyone is different though and a lot of people are not mature/resilient enough? To be exposed to the machine for long periods of time?
Do yall seriously want him to step down?
I genuinely don't understand what the motivation of this post is.
Is twitter perfect? LOL of course not. But the perfect is the enemy of the good (enough).
I am genuinely confused about this entire post...
I mean, To all those people I would say: gratz on being able to literally see into the future.
The reality of the matter is that 10 or 15 years ago, almost nobody would have believed that cutting off the genitals and breasts of small children would be celebrated and widely accepted in modern societies...
Leftist accelerationism has been absolutely bonkers and at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if these far-left nutters were openly and proudly defending and even promoting pedophilia on MSM platforms in the next 10 years.
Everything is just. so. crazy these days and it's getting crazier and it's happening FASTER.
It really is peak clown world.
The clincher for me was when they started targeting kids. My stance was always very "libertarian" (I know, fuck off) in the sense that consenting adults can do whatever the fuck they want no matter how mentally ill and stupid it may be. Going after kids whose brains are still half-baked play-doh is a bridge too far.
If this country had any decency left, there would be marches in the streets that would rival that of the George Floyd riots. Of course that's not happening...
I don't even like the word RINO. Just call them what they are. Extremist-Left Democrats. I don't care if there is a (R) next to their name, Act like a leftist nutter, Get labeled as a leftist nutter.
The biggest flaw of conservatives is our inability to hold a grudge and be as vengeful as the extremist-Left is.
This woke crap is getting out of control. Even Mussolini is being played by a woman in the reboot...
Is it any good?
My inner jew loves a bargain and my inner fat kid loves ice cream...
Think about it this way. Something like 40% of Americans report owning guns. Maybe the real number is something closer to 50%? Cool. That's a good thing!
What % of Americans do you think have more than a month worth of shelf stable food for their family in their home? I guarantee you that it's vastly less than 40% of American homes. Every American should have at least a years worth of shelf stable food stored for emergencies. It's not as sexy as a new ACOG to show off on Facebook while punching paper in a "Sheep Dog" tee shirt. But it's vastly more important.
For all the buckets and buckets of bullets, mags and firearms that preppers seem to love having, The average American in a SHTF situation is VASTLY more likely to starve to death than they are to ever fire a single shot in anger.
An affordable rifle, pistol and shotgun can accomplish everything that any man could ever need to accomplish in this world that would require a firearm. 3 guns. Anything else is just showing off.
Store food. Store ALOT of food.
Maybe a school isn't the appropriate place to be promoting sexuality clubs? Call me crazy but maybe just STFU and teach reading, writing, math, science and history?
Why do we allow these mentally ill teachers near our kids? They are mentally ill sexual predators and have no business being around impressionable children.
Never a single jab.
I'm changing jobs soon and really concerned that I might be forced to take the jab or forfeit the job. I'm looking at options as far as different jobs or maybe even a doctors note for exemption.
It really sucks that good people have to stress over this kind of bullshit. I just want to live my life without giving myself a fucking heart condition.
Sounds about right. The MSM just keeps censoring everything that hurts their feelings. Like biology and crime statistics.
The Catholics are not doing themselves any favors lately. Their radical pope is driving churches into the arms or tranny drag queens.
What stands out most to me about this is that there is NOTHING crazy or unreasonable about any of this.
If you're a private school and you want to use all kinds of made up terms and words? Go crazy. If you're a Catholic school and want to base your words and terms in reality? That's cool too!
The world used to work this way. Live and let live. Then sometime around the '00s things just started accelerating into the fucking insanity we see today.
As it should be.
A common sense solution to s problem that never should have arisen in the first place.
And of course they have the dyed-haired women in there for diversity.
Serious question: How the fuck does this hold up to the 4th amendment?
And remember, That useless tub of shit is easily making $125k minimum.
How does this even physically happen?
I live in a podunk backwoods part of the country and even our police force must meet physical fitness standards including push ups, sit ups and distance running before being allowed to be sworn officers.
How are these fucking tubs of shit working federal law enforcement??
"We don't like the laws so we're just going to ignore them"
-Extremist-left activist politicians.
As someone who has been blocked from my local police social media page, this is a welcome verdict.