Lord_Moo 6 points ago +7 / -1

I have another Idea here too, they identify two snakes. King Cobra, and Crait snake. From my understanding it causes blood thinning to cause hemophilia = internal bleeding.

However, that's not everyone sometimes you may have a clot and thinning it will throw the clot and it goes to the brain or heart and you die from that. Then if I'm not mistaken, get something that clots your blood, making it harder on your body leading to heart attacks. There are some venoms I believe that primarily focus on clotting the blood. I think that they might have shotgunned more types of venoms. What if, this whole time, most things like cancers and such can be led to genetically modified serpents or other animals venoms/poisons? What if this whole time the medical industry taught us the opposite. How to poison ourselves.

I wish I was a biologist at times, I'm only an engineer so I don't have the type of smart for this. We need more biologists and scientists!

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some demographics went practically unphased. I live in Southern UT, it never got that bad. Just regular cold and flu season, and they just claimed Covid. The problem is Covid is masking as both the common cold, we know this because the diverted deaths from common cold to Covid deaths to give it justification.

The questions that you should be asking about the how isn't "just the public drinking water" but which public drinking water? What demographic are they trying to PROVE got POISONED so they can predict their death and move on to another outbreak. It's systematically growing and testing to kill particular people with particular problems.

Who has a motive to kill people with inferiorities? Nazis? Is Covid killing a higher percentage of non-white people? Or white people? Or people with problems? Genetics? I mean if 23&Me and google co-founder CEO are married is your genetic data valuable? Are they trying to find weapons and who to target demographics? They have to send you back a test, know your ethnicity, know how to target YOU if you're on the "bad-gene" list.

Just some quick thinking to see the bigger questions are more important than the smaller ones. Let's say poison is targeted, instead of "the water" it's mass accurate targeting of demographic, testing of genes maybe, test scores, valuable demographics vs controllable demographics?

I'd bet you can narrow down the possibilities of demographics by checking cold/flu data of previous years by region and testing which ones are more inflated IF you include all covid deaths. That would read all deaths between covid flu pnemonia, rise in all organ specific risks too over the average. Then find the regions those excess deaths are coming from or how to coordinate the specific people targeted for similarities.

FInd the why, you'll better find the how. Find the why, you'll find the who masquerading as government and health officials We found the companies involved, we know some of the actors involved, we need to also find their supply for snake venom/development. We need to explore funding both federal and private of these companies We need to check things like Panama papers for shell companies that these may have interacted with We need to start correlating all the bread crumbs left over the years concerning how the door was open to full on medical tyranny that we happen to find ourselves in. The method is PERFECT if you consider you control what medicines are required and are bad, how easy it is to advocate for your own belief in medical treatments. This is showing us we had less freedom and transparency, but how did it get to a uni-science party. It's almost as if science is just as polarized as politics. (it has been but it's been famoulsy not labeled the same)

The left, the democratic party, is the same party that believes science is above all and uni-science. Uni-versity. One think. Now if someone disagrees with science or tries to find real answers. Why is it freak accidents, discredation and all these nefarious tactics to silence scientists and drown them with federal funded approved narratives, don't come across as transparently as they should? Like think about this. What if medicine has been poison the whole time. Humans poisoned with something that makes them mortal. What if we were legit immortal before venom. In some way they've always found some way to poison us. Just a little poison and it means death. If we ever cured it, would we be immortal? That's how far a conspiracy CAN go, but it's interesting to question everything about everything. Remember you'd never know to look somewhere unless you had a better reason to. One day it'll just click, this was our one day situations where venom just worked it filled in the missing puzzle piece. What if it's been venom based bullshit this whole time. AIDS/HIV all these conditions that FAUCI tried they were just trying to fine tune genetics and destroy those they though were impure. Very interesting point of view, and really brings home why races and cultures have been at war, it was another cold war, but of genetics. Last time it was space. It's always been cutting edge science is the new weapon to unleash. These conspiracies are bullshit. We need real free discussion and investigations into all governments. It's time the people audit ALL government. That should be standard practice everywhere in the world. We try to enforce democracy, then we need stringent oversight until trust is achieved we have no trust. History was likely rewritten and everytime humanity got close to the idea they'd go to war and wipe out ANY idea it could be that way. The symbology for the great idea of poison the world could likely be tracked to stories of ancient civilizations. The serpent has always been a good symbol for that, and it's always interconnected with medicine isn't it?

Seems strange. What if medicine has always been the big lie. It exposure is tantamount, and it's only one branch out of who knows that was uncovered. We're really tearing into new territory. We can't be so easily swayed from convictions.

This is also me 1 day after getting my wisdom teeth out, I'm a little ranty.

Lord_Moo 18 points ago +18 / -0

Ugh why May, just get on with it. Although for Durham, May is early... but I want happenings now!

To be honest I think everything looks like it resolves in May, I think something happens by Easter because they are losing and it's a matter of time. Project Warp Speeding things to the next phase.

When we see their actions it'll expedite everything. This is just showing them they've got limited time.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

It wasn't about the water the guy even says so himself yesterday he released news segments and it was the interviewer who took hold to that more. The researcher guy only wanted to talk about what we were poisoned with, was a venom. Which sounds crazy but it doesn't matter how it got in, it's about what we do about it now.

Basically he opens the door to critique his theory. He also said the purpose was to do this by people who can check patents and check and observe the legitimacy. It's a matter of time until we see this scientifically debated.

He had me the most when he pointed out that they did block medicine that treats venom. That the alleged cure they offer is the poison that bypasses the "virus" thru the lungs to breach brain blood barrier, and inside that 15 sequence HIV bit are the spike proteins, that was the gain of function that they attached the venom too. The whole thing is not venom. The whole thing is a virus. The part that's killing us is the venom. He focuses on that. The delivery mechanism is irrelevant and that's why the focus never goes past that, that's when "spike protein" info dropped in and talked about widely for like a month and then the spike protein word was never used again for many many more months until now. That spike protein was the "fangs" if you will. The bite was the vaccinations. The fear was being poisoned by water/food/other that led to people going to hospitals to get murdered. "you can die at any time folks! Just when you think you can't take it anymore scared or too sick (because they targeted specific organs to get worse and if you're vulnerable there you're always told to follow up with doctor) doctor says "well we better play it safe, here take vaccine it works! It works so well here's a chart showing you when you should go get more. Once you got those, there are theses ones and these ones. Oh no sick again? well go to the hospital and they will treat you with fluids and start you on redmesivir, the only approved treatment for Covid19, if this doesn't "cure" you then you can try other medications. Who knew that most no one recovers past day 9 of this drug and then you die.

Don't want that treatment? Well it's not approved with insurance, doctors say no. You have to fight for it. They did. States differed on what they could do. It just so happens to be that president Trump got mocked for basically saying "hey these anti-venom drugs are proven to help". Then got torn to shreds by big media. Only to have this resurface and said "see the dots? now connect them. does this prove a conspiracy? the conspiracy of every one of those companies and government? He alleges anyone who promoted these, and that promotion goes deep. The government spent millions on advertising to us, billions I think.

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look it wasn't about "the water" this whole time, that's not the story the follow up interviews the guy does after releasing emphasize this. He wants people who can look at patents and study this stuff to study this in particular. It's a guarantee hit or miss. But from the sounds of it, the ones looking into it are going to be getting hits. They found another type of venom used by rattlesnake from the guy who told him, "if you got bit by a snake would you use antivenom."

Their arguments back are classic misinformation tactics. Say the most inane close to truth parts out of context and only 25% accurately, and it will set the "vibe" of "useless dumb discredited info" like oh boy another one of THESE videos.

They have attacked conspiracy videos at their core for decades. People stopped making them, got discouraged. The phenomenon over the last few years would be interesting because youtube has cleaned a lot of them up. That's when the censorship ramped up. Now they got it down to a social science to discredit. They know what to do, this is a campaign. It's spy vs spy. Accuracy is less important than convincing people their government is not their friend, that the government is an enemy. But it's not just enemy, there are some friends left, but they don't know about the enemy either. It's up to us to spread awareness of the enemy before it's too late.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the observation was interesting enough as it was. But yes you are correct. People are still people at the end of the day. Your choice of not water?

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean I always suspected, but I knew only theory. Now we are learning practice. And it is blowing my mind to see how deep it goes and how close we are.

by 369Q
Lord_Moo 3 points ago +4 / -1

Kinda have to agree, take the time to watch it. You can't measure the gravitas of what can be said simply when your listening ears are turned on. There's an evil plot being conducted by for real evil people. I mean at some point you're here because you believe it's "them" anyway right? This is telling you HOW "they" did it. Because this is what "our" have been proving using surprising method. Did you think biological weapons have to be announced when the war time referee blows his whistle and says go? No. They do it by starting one person having one idea, and sharing it until they convince people to do it. Thing is, i don't think anyone invited us to the knowledge party where they shared the secret to being rich and getting away with crimes seminar, I think we got sold the bullshit work for a living until you die scam mixed in with manufactured struggles such as famine, pestilence, and a long chain of other bad events that have been manipulated for the sake of money and greed. It's the biggest secret that's ever been done.

You choose the sin, design the scam, profit to their detriment, and then lie to them and say they are now better off for it. How would you know unless you questioned EVERYTHING you've ever known.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thing is our government MUST know at this point to a very specific point.

For instance. If these companies are so flagrantly operating with government and with oversite how did a poison get the all clear? How was this data "fact checked" so effectively? How did doctors not catch on like I know snake bites aren't that common it may be hard to find, did they just prey on people trying to whistleblow as they got wise? What is the ultimate motivation?

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this why Trump never drank water and had the fabled "Diet-Coke" button. They gave him shit for it, but it was a tactical device to avoid the literal illuminati. I mean if we are going OG conspiracy the pope was always 100% the funniest joke.

Who knew the joke was on us. This documentary gave me chills because had it not been in front of our faces the whole time, how would you ever know?

You know this sounds like genocide. Specific genetic genocide. This is literal nazism. Nazi's believed in a pure genetic breed. They saw other races as inferior. However... the part that's less noticeable would be to point out imperfect genetics being bred out of "Blonde hair blue eyes" stereo-type. Why not target the weak hearted, the weak liver, spleen, whatever. Maybe someone who would fall to such a ruse would be deemed dumb as well? Force those you see as inferior and target it down to a science.

This is real. They are really doing this. My government poisoned me. Congrats? Now what indentured servitude? They want a thanks? Sweep it under the rug like we wouldn't notice? What's their end game how do they stay on top after a stunt like this? I have questions and I demand answers. I have a million questions and the one everyone's asking is what the fuck is our government doing. We need to pump the breaks and go straight to military tribunals. I'm sure they knew all along. Question is, how'd they target water supplies? Did they put it in our food?

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Specifically exploiting vulnerabilities with our lungs from the sounds of it, the Nicotine part, I know enough about enough to see how that's a problem.

The Pope being implicated though is kind of staggering, I'm not catholic or anything so I'll take their word on it, the dude is sketchy. But can't deny symbolism. However I'd love more evidence to that - religiously motivated for sure is a good enough motivation - literally install a fake pope via intelligence agencies sounds like the worlds biggest ruse that we kinda all felt was there all along.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, I think we have our moments with doubt, so I did a whole day's worth of research. I kind of think things are going to be ok. I think I understand the plan a least for the month or so. I think this particular week will be explosive.

Lord_Moo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm right there with you. I think what we want is validation that "Q" be it a group or AI or whatever intelligence/influence is on the other end of this to validate something because I'm tired of constantly "keeping vigilant" only to gaslight myself into seeing something that may not really even be there because it's so vague.

Some days it feels too coincidental to not be legit. I don't know what to look out for anymore. Where are we looking for clues? Right now I would say that IF we are somewhere, we are right before the final execution of whatever plan there is.

Things have been escalating wildly lately, but slowing down at the same time. Moves are being made, clearly, but sifting through propaganda bullshit just to get close to current events unbiasly is hard.

Like things could literally go nuclear by Easter at this rate. Could be all summer. Could just go cold. Things never amounting to things just like it's felt forever.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree, I think that there is some merit to the Judge's reasoning that actually benefit Trump in the long run if his case is as solid as it is.

The protection here lies within the Durham case alleging facts that are already proven right by his investigation and we already know Trump would, without a doubt, know more about what facts Durham has at the ready and has already presented (known or unknown to the public).

This unseen evidence that has yet to come to trial to be shown, wouldn't be something a judge would be able to meander away if the case is already in motion. He will have his chance to present it. Having asked for a different judge would assume that Trump is seeking additional favor, that his case would be contingent on that.

We also have to say that a judge of 25 years would have a history and would be grilled by anything that seems contrary to anything he's ruled on in the past that goes against the same grain of Trump. But, if he does agree to Trump's point, the public will have a harder time resisting the judge's motives because he already made clear that he has no allegiance to the Clinton's and the deal of time between the appointment I would say is to our benefit to guard against the "he just was a Pro-Trumper" type argument.

THIS IS GOOD - Trump wouldn't make the case if he knew he couldn't win it. It's in the 11th hour right now - no mistakes.

Lord_Moo 12 points ago +12 / -0

Flannel Friday may also be FF meaning False Flag.? He also says it MAY be APRIL but it was 55 = 5/5?

Cursory google search, urban dictionary: Flannel Friday is a holiday on the first Friday of every month during the autumn season.

BUT May 5th = Mid point of Spring for northern hemisphere too...

So First Friday of the moth (today) so they're saying it's fall?

Someone posted Q post 1028 just says 5:5, it was posted in April on the 5th as well.

Lots to go off of here. Just spitting out some stuff to see if anything sticks.

Lord_Moo 25 points ago +25 / -0

That's already happening somewhere else.

They have to separate the court cases, it's not just one big case nor is it just one operation.

Our people are smart, you have to do things with timing, layers of conversations all ending up in the same place.

The Trump haters are starting to realize that Trump isn't just "never losing" but he's winning his cases! Stormy Daniels owes some money to Trump after everything that was done to defame.

Trumps election fraud has been his own project, touting every case win in every state and being very active with recommendations to vote out the more local state level corruption as best he can en-masse. Slowly showing his cases are always being thrown out because they won't take his evidence.

Cue to The media censorship CNN has been bad business and scandals all the way up and down. The corrupt news/journalists has been exposed by project veritas. Where they cite making a big deal over Jan 6th knowing it was bullshit, then doing a 1-year piece to play it back as not a big deal and move on. Now it's heating up because they never wanted Jan 6th to not have an easy answer for them. They can't find anything incriminating to tell their story that it was some sort of coup! It was a bad bait, and they got caught and are trying to spin the story!

The gender/babies/lgtbq crowd all kinda reigned in by Corrupt supreme court pick while simultaneously they are trying to pull one over with Justice Clarence Thomas being in the hospital and now his wife's texts with Jan 6th. But people are having a hard time feeling like the trans agenda and "don't say gay" changing into "Ok, Groomer" and people don't like how closely tied Disney is with furthering a sexually extreme topic to such a young crowd so overtly telling you what is and isn't ok with no tolerance of parents rights to decide for themselves, who knows where that thread is going still!

The Ukraine crowd are drawn into the "Everything bad is Russia's fault including trump" they're coerced to see Russia succeed without radically going to every accusation Russia is gonna do something terrible. It's only to my knowledge been alleged that it was Russia with blind faith. But now the economy is thriving they are working out some diplomatics while holding their objectives they set out to do (as they laid out in their Phase I type discussions)

THIS is where FISA drama meets Russia drama because the Part linking the Russians directly to the enemy is the payments from the Moscow Mayor that Trump JUST asked for publicly and it made headlines and people are giving him shit for it but they don't know he's winning everything so far.

That opens up Ukraine corruption and business dealings with the members of government that did Ukraine business. Ukrainian bio-labs/weapons set up from the Obama administration too

The Clintons stuff will take forever to get thru but it'll start with the pay to play via the Clinton Foundation and Ukrainian donations being the largest contributor and then that goes so far from the U1 deal to the war in the Middle East and things we just can't fathom I bet how corrupt it deep it goes. That's the racketeering part that the laptop could shed light on.

We also get Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the house because her son Paul Pelosi is in the Ukrainian energy sector like Hunter Biden was. That is where we enter the laptop to show the connected stories are authenticated. The laptop is key.

It's either too much research or not enough. I don't have enough yarn and new clippings either.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been looking at the geomagnetic storm ALL day. I caught onto that on the 29th when they first reported on it. Seems as though there is still a lot of activity coming out of the same area. I tried my best to see if it related to anything going on specifically.

Though, unless I'm mistaken for time zones and maybe the lasting effects but from what I gathered the "worst" of it is already behind us. That's not to say it keeps on with the rhythm, but the effects of those would have effected us a few hours ago if I recall. Though, they talk about seeing the Aurora as far south as illinois with the G3 level it stated it acheived. I don't know what all the raitngs mean scientifically but gathering from history this was somewhat notable.

Their forecast seemed to not intend on any more spikes of activity though. But it updates all the time evidently and they have really cool graphics.

Note that there was something reported at 17:17 UTC time as well for a specific flare.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean if you watch his videos and press conferences it's clear there is manipulation. I've scanned over ALL his videos daily for the last few days and I can tell that there are artifacts and shadows that don't match. Also, unless taking artwork off the walls in his own office is a pressing issue they took that down in one of his addresses that was previously there.

When he shows the video of him at his desk (after he walks from window) to show that he is still in Ukraine, if you watch there are some slight errors with the background and items on his desk vibrating subtly in unison. There are also other like things in practically all his videos. The guy is a sham.

There was even a "fake" deep fake video, they wanted to throw out the "deep fake" notion with an almost embarrassingly low effort CGI video so that they could "debunk" this theory on that precedent alone because we all know the media loves rigging the game so they can set it up and knock it down. There are other deep fakes that use competent software to do so.

10/10 Zelenskyy has run off, or might already be dead and they're using a plant that they realistically edit over him for appearances sake, either case we found the puppet, now to oust the puppet masters.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, kinda how I feel. I just want some regrouped effort to see if a few very slight changes could be made. We want to be easily read, and the way I would take it if I saw this mess was that new users would be overwhelmed in seconds, then realize all the info is old because the stickies are so long, making it seem like it's actually behind the pulse on things.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea I just want organization because I'm getting lost in the weeds - quite literally lost in our front page. It's hard to navigate because everything has a red background sticky. I'm not complaining on the content of what's sticky, not directly. From a user standpoint it's hard to know what I've already checked out of what are cold stories vs hot.

Maybe... Change the color depending on how long the sticky has been up? Red 1-3 Hrs Orange 3-8 hrs Light Blue 8-23 Hrs Dark blue 24+hr?

Just idk some sort of rhyme or rhythm to it all would help is what I'm getting at.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I figure top of rising is "Hot" Stickies are super hot

But too many of either and they are as significant. It just makes it seem that mods are just giving a random selection to some at times as well, I've seen people say "this isn't even true" or "it's old news - it's past that" on some stickies.

A little effort in how to approach this will really shine clear to the readers and users I guarantee it.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had this thought earlier today. My question who owns the powerplant? Burisma? I have no idea, but since it's related to power, naturally Hunter Biden and Pelosi's son could have their hands all over this.

It wasn't the actual reactor that got damaged, it was fire from shelling in the admin building of all places.

Does this sound like destruction of evidence? Could be, maybe not. Soldiers are geniuses and could easily just be lack of foresight.

Lord_Moo 7 points ago +8 / -1

If I recall correctly, this was a hoax, I don't think there was a capture off his twitter page that was authentic.

However, this was during a period where several higher ups were getting tours of Antarctica, and so this was highly suspect.

Also, imagine sending your one message to people, saying "fear an unknown danger with no scope of what it could be with a pointy mountain behind t with really weird cloud/snow formation.

I am really into antartica but I'm pretty sure I saw a debunking of why this isn't legit I think it had to do with the original formatting of the picture compared to twitter at the alleged time of tweet.

Also the image OP sent in is basically in shambles quality wise, it's very poor quality, should also speak to some truth there.

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