There's no going back from this. These cretins and all their ilk need to be separated from sane society. There is no appeasement, no negotiating, no compromise. They will NEVER leave us alone and it is NOT equitable to leave even a tiny section of society free to take, consume, and destroy what the rest of us work hard to constantly build on and improve. They are psychopathic and need to be behind locked doors.
"Treason, it's treason" - DJT 2020
Yet again, no WHY. They NEVER give a reason WHY they 'detest' him.
Because the answer is that they are told to, and it's comforting not having to think for yourself. The same reason they believe NOvid and cLIEmate change.
Interestingly to me The Morning Star is the name of that spiked ball and chain that was used for medieval torture. In Ken Russell's film of Aldous Huxley's non-fiction work The Devils Of Loudon, the Mother Superior uses it to flagellate herself with after masturbating, which fits with that Venusian dichotomy theme.
There was a stat the other day that these SLUDJES have tried to Block the government in a first three months more times than all previous presidencies combined.
When precedent is set, you need a test case.
Make Sedition Great Again
Trump has no love for the CDC. He casually referred to Pfizer and Moderna as 'being in bed with CDC in an interview with Hannity, in 22 I think. She's there for a reason. As for big pharma, he deliberately set up Bourla for that humiliation at the WH recently.
Trump says it was one of the 'staff'. Here's a selection of them
It clearly stood for Death To America.
Which was obviously their intention by planning to steal the election and keep NOvid going until the end of the 16 year plan.
It's disturbing that they've adopted this moniker of 'educator' over plain and simple 'teacher'. 'Educator' has its roots in the Latin for rearing and bringing up children. That is not YOUR job with OUR kids you filthy groomer POS's.
Indeed. They already accepted the first male First Lady.