Personal responsibility has been undermined by technology. A lot of times people are bombarded by technology and forget to take accountability for what they choose to do. it is easy to say someone on social media was mean to me so I did this. Or, someone on facebook blocked me so I had to find a new friend.
Real life accountability should always take precedence over what you see and read. Especially true when we look at social media sites which are infested with bots, shills, advertisers, etc. They are there to manipulate the mind and sway opinion.
President Trump never said everyone should have them (vaxx). President Trump has said it is a personal choice.
President Trump has hinted at the difficult decision he had to make. He made the difficult decision to lockdown country and Operation Warp speed to thwart the long term lockdown of the Great reset that the DS wanted to put in place for a long period of time. President Trump accelerated their time table which is where they have made mistakes and are becoming sloppy. And this is where a massive awakening is happening with big pharma, politicians and people you thought you could trust. That is the big lesson that had to be learned the hard way.
Presideent Trump made a logical pragmatic choice. The insinuation that I am making emotional arguments doesn't make sense when we are talking about why President Trump made a pragmatic difficult choice.
The Chinese have been snatching up gold mines at a furious pace. They are in desperation mode as their economy is going to crumble. They have their sights on Australia. The others are correct that China's close proximity along with Australia's natural resources makes it a prime target for take over.
The defense is simple. President Trump had to thwart the great reset plan and had a tough choice to make. If you can't see it then that is your choice.
So are you willing to give President Trump credit for talking about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin early on while the fake news media was mocking him?
Despite being mocked President Trump gave us the truth but with the help of Dr. Zelenko and others we all figured it out. We just didn't know it at the time but looking back President Trump gave us a lot of clues.
What makes humans unique is that they have delayed ontogeny specifically the human brain.
It is possible these young babies have rapid physical growth due to the experimental inoculations. But the danger is if they also have rapid brain growth to coincide their rapid physical growth.
This is a lesson about you don't follow anyone blindly. Independent thinking is integral for a free society and building crucial critical thinking skills.
President Trump has said it is a choice and it should not be mandated or forced.
Within one year HR will be scrambling to find people to work.