MAGAguitar 4 points ago +5 / -1

It’s about the state but more so the leadership. Think about the Florida’s of the recent past. DeSantis’ Florida. Scott’s Florida. Christ’s Florida. Jeb’s Florida. All radically different. It’s helmsmanship.

MAGAguitar 8 points ago +9 / -1

Biden is a miscreant. A smuggler on many levels

MAGAguitar 5 points ago +6 / -1

She’s such a HATE-Y kind of individual.

MAGAguitar 8 points ago +9 / -1

Someone is managing her account

by Evspra
MAGAguitar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks! May I have an emopepeyes before my name and a guitar, or the word guitar in red-white-blue, after my name? Would appreciate it if possible.

MAGAguitar 5 points ago +6 / -1

Honoring thy mother and father is a hard road - but it is biblical and for good reason. Parents are simultaneously everyday people but also those who God placed you with. The reasons will be tailored, by God, for you and your family alone. Trust in His plan. It is right for to ask for prayer. Praying for you, your father, and for your family.

MAGAguitar 35 points ago +37 / -2

Parents are people too. Subject to the same shortcomings and weaknesses. It may be sad to have to love them while they are in this state - but as a parent you have the next generation to focus on. Blessings fren.

MAGAguitar 1 point ago +2 / -1

They'll never have your heart fren. God bless you VetforTrump and Thank you for that you for all that you have done for our country!!!!!

MAGAguitar 2 points ago +3 / -1

Both occupied territories named after the first President. WW General Washington think?

MAGAguitar 1 point ago +3 / -2

Trump 2021!!!

MAGAguitar 6 points ago +7 / -1

They want your DNA. But remember - God wins. Jesus Christ overcame death for us. He cleansed a man from the demons whose name is "legion" (Luke 9:30). God pursues your heart. The evil ones pursue your DNA.

MAGAguitar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is this picture reversed? Left black eye????

MAGAguitar 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you ever read the satire site “The Banylon Bee” you’ll get a flavor for the humorous side of Reformed Theology. The RT denominations are more away from the cabal than most any other; based. My personal recommendation would be to look for denominations which are more Calvinist in orientation and try those. Like the other posters state, you should start off reading the Bible in the meantime. You could even look into the “red letter” Christian movement which focuses almost exclusively on the words of Jesus in the Bible. To add something to the earlier posters, you certainly should start with daily time in God’s word, but your impulse to find a congregation is equally as biblical.

MAGAguitar 32 points ago +34 / -2

POTUS's line near the end was the best. Something along the lines of "brightest days are JUST ahead." (emphasis mine). I hope it means what I hope it means.

MAGAguitar 7 points ago +8 / -1

Way too much knowledge?? How is there a limit on an amount of knowledge about this topic or any other? And who has the right (you or anyone) to determine how much knowledge someone else should have - about anything.

MAGAguitar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Backing up to the top of post 700 - what do y’all think was the event and/or domino occurring on 2/8?

MAGAguitar 13 points ago +14 / -1

I like this. A LOT. This isn't hopium. This is a vision forward. Thank you for posting.

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