Funny thing is down here in Panama, on TV the government will tell the people to get vaccinated, that vaccines are the only way, while quietly giving ivermectin to all those who test positive and are sent home to quarantine. That last part is not on the news. I have a friend who got vaxxed, got covid and was given ivermectin, but he didn't dare say that around other of our friends because he defends the vaxx.
The ridiculous part on all this is that a twice vaxxed and boosted person who has covid can enter anywhere as long as they were obedient and took all the required shots, while a twice vaxxed person who hasn't taken the booster and doesn't have covid can't enter.
People were fooled into believing in this. Their lives will not go back to normal because from the moment they complied, it's the tyrants who decide when they can do things. They took the vax, and they took their freedom.
I assume that this has to do with people being vaxxed and having a weak immune system as a result. Any minor thing will make them sick. And of course, this will be used as an excuse for more lockdowns and restrictions. It's not omicron.
Sad thing about this is that no other man in that store stood up to that asshole for screaming at the woman. Good thing is that his day was ruined because he saw a woman who is not afraid. Him and his 2 masks, what a pussy.
I hope you and your family have a speedy recovery. Luckily I haven't felt sick after hanging out with the vaxxed down here in Panama, which makes me wonder if this something that they are purposely doing to people in the US. I have wondered if the vaxxed down here got saline instead of the real thing.
Well, they are angry not because of the Let's Go Biden thing. They are angry because Joe Biden personally confirmed what a complete idiot he is by saying "Let's Go Brandon, I agree", and they can't stand it and have to live with the fact that they voted for him.
The funny thing is that a sports reporter started this "Let's Go Brandon" thing in an attempt to cover for Joe and try to hide that the people were chanting "Fuck Joe Biden", and the hilarious part is that because of that phrase, the guy calling Joe got him to repeat it.
Sorry to hear about your family being sick. I have a friend, fully vaxxed, he and his wife are recovering from covid. We hang out some times, I don't wear a mask at all, they do, and use hand sanitizer all the time.
I wish your family a speedy recovery. Hopefully this will open their eyes, unless they are on the "It would have been worse if I hadn't been triple jabbed" bandwagon.