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It's a slap in the face isn't it. I hope that very soon she will be dragged out into the street and receive a Colonel Gadaffi lynching.
There will be a great reset. Our great reset. The ending won't be for everyone. 💪
Turtle looking mofo.
Not sure if they serve hotdogs at Gitmo though.
Just take Ivermectin you dumb cunt.
Yeah that looks about right. They don't even try to hide it anymore do they. Sick fucks.
Oh they are gonna rig 2024 100%
Agreed fren.
Probably due to the fact that those arseholes rig elections. Trump won't win because they are gonna scam it again in 2024.
Why is it that the other side has some very ugly people?
Looks beautiful. God, I need a holiday so bad 🙁
What a rancid looking whore. Looks like she smells of cat piss and lentils.
She's still a sexy woman.
This is what I believe tonight is about.
Omg, it's lurch!!!
She's a looker 🤢
Piss Gobblin.
I feel ya fren.
Military time?
Scruffy looking cunt.
May God have mercy on us all. 🙏
I live in this shithole, nothing surprises me anymore 😢
"What?" Old school wwe was tbe best.
It's a slap in the face isn't it. I hope that very soon she will be dragged out into the street and receive a Colonel Gadaffi lynching.