These are good points, thank you. I've spoken with him about this here and there since 2018. We've definitely talked about false flags and stuff too, so he's aware more so than other normies, but again you make some good points so thanks for the response.
My response: Yeah I have a hard time believing that this guy was “enlightened by Qanon” and therefore killed his kids. For a couple reasons. One, “Qanon” isn’t really a thing. You have Q, and you have anons. Q is the person or team or whatever who posted the comms, and anons are the people who read the comms and dig and do all the research and theorizing. So to say he “followed Qanon” is wrong, because Qanon is the media name for the whole package. Second, if you read the message that Q put out, it was decididely not “kill your children.” It was more “raise your children right.” They say this guy is a Christian, that he killed them because they were gonna grow up into monsters. I don’t believe it. Seems like a false flag, or a fake story all together.
Here’s a perfect example. I’m regularly on the boards where the anons hangout and share memes and stuff. The media wants you to believe that “Qanon supporters are planning a march on Washington.” False. Completely totally false. The entire community is not only NOT planning a march, but is regularly telling each other that they should not be going to any “marches” because that’s the FBI setting the stage for a false flag
His response: Idk, i’ve heard q can damage peoples minds. if you ever need to talk, im here. I don’t want you to take another leg from your three-legged friend (context: my dog has 3 legs)
So many people in this pic seem photoshopped
Is that the same guy in the picture twice? Pelosi’s shoulder and far right?
Yeah for sure, I’m not saying Q left it for me. I just think it’s interesting.
If you’re into Q you’ll know that Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass have a lot of history here. Check out the link I commented for more.
Any chess fags know what’s going on in the chess pic?
Another month till red October. Anywhere in q drops where the word dent is used?
Sorry about your head, u/winsanon
What’s the word for “I know it happened, but I also know they’re not gonna do anything about it”
That's a man, man
If there aren’t any studies on the effectiveness, how can there be studies on any of its effects?
That’s why I’m not taking it
Wonder if his parents are defendants too, since they obviously allowed this.
I think I’m addicted to hopium
Kamala is in Singapore indefinitely, so they say. She returns from an extended vacation to assume the throne?
What does EO stand for?
Facelift. Extra skin that was pulled back was connected to ear lobes to look more natural.
Comirnaty. Co(vid) mirna (mRNA) ty (thank you for being good little citizens and taking our poison jabs)
It’s about freedom of choice and nothing else. This is America, bitches
Then fucking release it already
Pray for them. It’s all you can do now.
That’s not the real Biden. None of those kids are being touched.