Agreed, with over half of staff being non medical, the cuts need to be much higher.
I never heard this song before, it was very stimulating.
Is this an admission of guilt?
True, it happened to me, I have been here for years, but never made posts.
Just upvoted posts I liked, then lost access, saw an article I wanted to share, made a new account, and it got took down.
Got told to read the rules, but I can's see anything about not being allowed to make a post....
Perhaps new accounts with new posts should just get "held" and checked. Not all newbies are trolls!
In a modern society, the money to pay for communally used services has to come from somewhere. You know, the Police, Fire Service, Military, etc.
So where does Paul think this money comes from? I don't know if he does have a solution for that?
Another thing, by not paying Income tax, people will have more money in their pocket, to be able to afford those luxury, exotic or items otherwise unavailable except by importation.
Every country should be producing as much of its own needs as possible. Other items should be if possible, secondary needs, nice to haves. Or where you cannot produce it and that is where you negotiate with countries on reciprocal tariffs. (I got something you want, and you got something I want!).
People with spare cash, can afford to pay more for imported goods. Those with less income, should still be able to get by comfortably with a good standard of living, purchasing local, nationally produced goods and services.
Leading to another pet hate of mine, International Telesales centres, Tariff the shit out of those companies that offshore jobs like that overseas!
Well said. There does have to be a line.
I love Ron Paul and believe strongly in Liberty.
However, there are some areas where you can not allow complete freedom to do anything.
Common sense means regulations are necessary to create fairness and harmony.
Complete de-regulation means the wolves snap at everything in their path.
"When we get back in the White House, I will totally obliterate the Deep State"
Always uses a great piece of music too, thanks for posting these videos.
Is that a Ma'am ?
It has been a whirlwind since he took office.
To be honest, I would not know if the flag was hung correctly.
Would be easier if they had evenly spaced out the stripes.
I believe that Thatcher killed those industries at the behest of the Globalists, its the same thing as is happening now, just done in the name of Climate Change - a new tactic to get people to shut up bleating about rising energy costs, loss of industry and jobs going overseas.
We became less self reliant, and depend on other countries to provide our citizens needs and survive.
I heard someone once say, that Thatcher was a Bildersberger, but also a Patriot who loved her country and believed she was doing what was best at the time.
She realized too late that the push to become more deeply entrenched in the EU was not in our best interests and that is when they stabbed her in the back.
Indeed, there were even Nazi Soldiers were also Jewish too. Can't find the original article I read years ago, which alluded to some of Hitler's top men being Jewish.
The Jews Who Fought for Nazi Germany Traitors or survivors, cowards or brave men—fools or wise heeders of Jewish parables on the sanctity of each individual life?
What was the safest place for a Jew in Hitler’s Germany? A cellar or an attic? A forest? At home with a well-connected Aryan spouse? The answer was in Hitler’s military—in the Wehrmacht, the Kriegsmarine, or the Luftwaffe—at least until the tide of war turned and all three began to suffer staggering losses. Some said the Luftwaffe was the best bet because Goering protected his own. Whichever branch, wearing a uniform was like slipping into a coat of armor, or invisibility.
I made this astonishing discovery while delving into the literature of the war and the Nazi occupation of France for my novel, Paris Never Leaves You. According to Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg, thousands of full Jews and more than a hundred-thousand part-Jews joined the military of the Third Reich. The stories of these men and of the psychological as well as the physical hazards they endured altered the book I had originally set out to write.
Some of the Jewish men who fought in Hitler’s military had been drafted. Others were patriots whose fathers, grandfathers, and uncles had served in the Imperial Army in WWI, and dutifully enlisted. One survivor described himself as a German first and a Jew second. Jewish allegiance to Germany in the early days of the Third Reich is one of the great unrequited love stories of history.
I wish this was real!
I don't know why anyone would downvote considering Free Healthcare in a civilized society.
You have Free Fire Service. Free Education Free Police Free Defence/Military.
But looking after the most important asset, The People, nope not free, need Medical Assistance, get out your credit card or pay a corrupt Insurance Company beholden to SHAREHOLDERS and INVESTORS.
Its ok to be taxed, taxed taxed for everything else.
The US taxpayer probably already pays enough to care for its people 10 times over.
Get rid of USAID and all those TAXPAYER funded handouts to Big Pharma, Corrupt Politicians, NGO's etc
The theory is Americans speak very close to an older English accent.
The standard British accent was the one that changed significantly in the last two centuries while the American accent stayed more or less the same.
A new wealthy sector emerged during the industrial revolution. These citizens were born with a low birth rank and they were desperately seeking for a way to distinguish themselves from others. They wanted to show by speech that they were much more than simple middle class or lower middle class citizens. They started to use the prestigious non-rhotic** pronunciation in order to demonstrate their new upper-class status. This is where the "posh British accent" comes from.
Most of us speak in regional accents.
John Adams sounds like a mix of South West England and Irish.
Americans today pronounce some words more like Shakespeare than Brits do… but it’s in 18th-Century England where they’d really feel at home
I love the American accent!
2:50 - Follow the wives, finding connections between board members etc.
Implicates Biden too.
Britain finished paying off its debt to the USA for World War 2 in 2006 after 61 years.
Why on earth would the USA just "gift" that sort of money, and don't the citizens get a say?
Britain finally pays off WWII debt.
By the end of December 2006, the British government had paid the sum of 83.25 million US dollars (equivalent to 42.5 million British pounds) to the U.S and 22.7 million US dollars to Canada.
Yep, I don't know how it effects your daylight hours, and the flipping about of clocks twice a year is a pain.
But here in England, I want the Summer Time to become fixed as our official time, not GMT, it is horrible when the clocks change at the end of October going dark at 4.30pm in winter, when it should be 5.30pm.
Maybe a petition vote for the people?
Edit: I just looked up our definitions and Daylight Saving is British Summer Time over here, so I would be delighted with staying on Daylight Saving forever, the early dark winter evenings are depressing, I can put up with dark early morning as it soon goes light.
I remember the comments in real time on the chan board over these posts, trying to figure out what the N was, Nephilim was one Anon's suggestion!
It intrigued me for years, whenever I hear of the NWO. Wish there was more discussion on it.
Black Agenda Report - The Lobito Corridor: US imperialism's latest plot against the Democratic Republic of Congo
Rwanda Invades DRC on Behalf of Corporate Critical Minerals Supply Chains
Rwanda invaded the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on January 26, 2025
I don't understand either, is there more to this?
In North West England, we have the Irish Sea, lapping at our shores.