MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

This olive branch stuff needs do STOP, propaganda or not! Trump needs to cater specifically to those who have supported and been with him from the beginning and provided cover for his many serious mistakes and missteps! NO FKG QUARTER TRUMP...can you hear me now!

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

The best part about this whole plan is the labeling of ALL the cartels as Terrorists which allows the Trump Administration to consider them Enemy Combatants which means effectively the gloves are off...Military Justice for them! Basically, Trump has declared WAR on ALL the cartels!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

These expensive and ridiculous hearings serve only to accomplish one thing...and that one thing only because good people put the clips on X and forums like this...that one thing is to wake people up to the tyranny going on in our government. Other than that, they are useless. How is it that Fauci can lie directly to the American people under oath and he is not even charged with a crime? Stop wasting taxpayer money if you are not going to do anything but grandstand!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting...never considered cartel involvement? But I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you are accurate about this. Thanks fren...

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Bible has never been proven wrong on anything...ever!

A prophet must be 100% correct in every detail he says and everything he says must line up perfectly with Biblical teaching.

Kim Clement seems to me more entertainment than prophet. Much of the attention is drawn to the man as opposed to the message. The music, his dramatic voice inflection, etc. isn't how the Bible prophets conducted themselves at all. Most of them (if not all) were persecuted and hated by the people because they were the bearers of very bad news directly from on high. The prophets of old were like..."Hey guys, I just got word from on High, if you don't clean up your act, you will be destroyed!" That's my quote...not the Bible's of course...but you get the jest! In other words, they were not there for entertainment and were giving a message that the people didn't want to hear.

And most of the prophecies in the Bible were presented in such a way as they required an interpretation to understand. Much of the prophet Daniel's and Ezekiel's messages were highly cryptic and required interpretation to understand. And again, generally the message was not good news! In fact, now that I think about it, the only prophecies that I can recall having a very positive message were the prophecies foretelling the coming of Jesus? But...again...no fanfare or attention drawn to the speaker himself. It was all about the message.

Jonah is a great example...his entire family was brutally murdered by the Ninevites. So God tells him to go to that very evil nation and tell them that if they don't stop what they are doing, repent and embrace God their time was up and they would be destroyed. Jonah feared that the Ninevites would turn from their sin and be saved and because of Jonah's understandable hatred of the Ninevites, he didn't want that at all...so he basically tries to run from God and then when he couldn't get away, he tries to commit suicide. But God wasn't having it and a large sea creature swallows Jonah and spits him right up on the shores of Nineveh. I am sure he was tired, and looked hideous...closer to a zombie than a human. In any case, there was not a entertaining bone in his body...it was just a very difficult message that God had to use very dramatic means in order to get Jonah to change his mind about giving...again, the message was simply you all either stop what you are doing, repent and embrace God or you will be destroyed...plain and simple as that...no theatrics involved!

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

The general is correct right up until the last paragraph and then he loses me completely! It seems to me this is his MO. He is good on most issues, but the ones he is not good in, he's really bad!

General, it blows my mind after everything you wrote in most of this article that you still massively underestimate the nature of the enemy we are up against. I feel from this article that ultimately you are still hoping for a "meeting of the minds" with the Leftists! Let me clarify something General Flynn...our enemy is for the most part demonic. Yes! They are at their very core demon possessed. If this is not clear to most Americans by now...I just don't know what else our enemy is going to have to do to prove this point to us? The Left hates us, they hate children, they hate our way of life, they hate America, they hate humanity and they viscerally hate Jesus Christ. The way they hate isn't to be taken lightly either. They have proven over and over again in word and deed that they WANT US DEAD!

So, in the interest of being real General, I am sorry but you are flat out wrong if you think we are going to be able to offer and olive branch, have a meeting of the minds and hope they are going to help or side with us in rebuilding the very nation that they have worked so hard to destroy! NO General Flynn...there should be no quarter for these people. The Liberals in this nation need to be investigated and our laws, our Constitution needs to be exercised in a manner that sees them held accountable with no leniency! I truly believe that most, if not all Liberal Demoncraps in this nation have conspired to commit treason (or at least supported it) in some way just by virtue of them manifesting such an incredible hatred for their own species!

This is the reality of what we are up against General and to whitewash and humanize the Left is not the answer to the battle that is currently raging in our nation!

I have been in this Information War for probably more years than you have been in the military and during the many decades I have tried to warn my fellow Americans about the dangers of our government, the leftist, Communism, the NWO, the Zionists, the Cabal, etc...not once that I can remember have I ever witnessed the left in this country EVER out of a spirit of genuine concern for humanity and the wellbeing of our nation as a whole be willing to honestly come to a meeting of the minds on anything. They may lie, they may cloak themselves in a covering of being willing to "come to a meeting of the minds," but given the chance they will brutally take back any and everything they steal!

The reason I am so passionate about this is because it seems after every great battle our side of good and all that's wholesome wins, we always assume that the war is over and we can begin mending relationships, we don't have to be as vigilant, we can afford to let our guard down. This is why at times I have considered it's almost better if we have a tyrant at the helm within our government because at least we are on our toes and willing to fight and hold them accountable for the most part. We at least feel uncomfortable and insecure about our situation. But whenever we get the high ground...EVERY DAMN TIME...I begin hearing our side going on about how we need to move on, forgive, and hold out an olive branch! This is what happened in a big way the first time Trump was elected. We fell for every trick in the book and the culmination was that very dangerous and evil circus that took place at the Capital on January 6, 2020! First, we fell for the steal and then we show up in mass to protest when we should have known it wouldn't change a darn thing! If most Americans had understood the real nature of our enemy, they wouldn't have went...regardless of whether Trump invited them or not! Trump didn't understand either! I NEVER for one second entertained the idea of going to DC that day because I knew people were going to get hurt, I knew it was ripe for infiltration of the enemy in ways that would harm us...NOT THEM!

In any case...now General Flynn...isn't the time to extend any type of olive branch at all. The war is raging and the left is cornered, pissed and dangerous as ever! The only way to win is we must FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT...and not let anyone off the hook for anything! Yes...the leftist have certainly been deceived, but that deception has its roots in demonic possession. This fantasy that they are going to wake up and join us is way off base. Yes...maybe a few who are on the fence may fall off on our side...but for the most part...especially after going through Trump's first administration and the Covid nightmare...the American population has made it's choice...they are either love us or they hate us...the greatest thing that Trump has done is caused a very clear distinction now so that we can see the enemy with 20/20 vision but we must be willing to believe in what our eyes are telling us!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

What part of "We will prosecute any and all who participate in voter fraud to the fullest extent of the law" do the dumb asses in AZ not understand. AGAIN, I think it's up to We The People to force this issue and hold the AZ officials accountable! I am actually not surprised they are getting away with it again...they cheated Lake out in the Midterms as well if I am correct. They are doing it again because they got away with it the first time! Also...I thought this election was supposed to be safeguarded? Was that only for POTUS? If not, then what the hell is going on here?

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you must pay any of your income to an entity that's pointing a gun at you, that's slavery...plain and simple! And...there's only one thing worse than slavery...that's being a slave and at the same time believing you are free!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes...we need to keep the pressure on these Zombies. We cannot afford to sit back and just let DJT bare all the burden.

One area that's a key action point for us as part of "We The People," is to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear! Example:

Most know by now that Jerome Powell seems to have dug his talons in the ground and would refuse to leave if ask to resign by DJT. Well, that's where We The People come in and call, voice our opinions and write letters demanding he resign.

Each and every time someone disrespects our POTUS or thinks they can ignore our MANDATE...this time they are going to feel the wrath of millions of Patriots and be forced into compliance. These Zombies either do what they are told or they will be hounded and humiliated!

We cannot let them forget that they work for us and will do what we require, not what their handlers tell them to do!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah...well it's going to come out that Pence and his wife murdered dozens of children

Obama's hot dogs are really little boys

Adam Schiff has a proclivity for raping little black boys

Nancy is the queen of insider trading

Clinton is a satanic witch that rapes and murders children

Huma is a child rapist

satanism and freemasonry are joined at the hip and most of our leaders and hollywood are hardcore satanists and freemasons...

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump needs to bring back Kayleigh McEnany! The cute blonde who always had the receipts! She was the best Press Secretary I have ever seen...!!!

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is what had me all twisted until I read this post...but you are 100% correct my fren...watch her like a hawk...she has arguably the most important position in his cabinet...

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for this post. I was very wary of her and this post has given me a clear understanding of why Trump would put what seems like a Deep Stater in this position. One of DJT's main issues during his first term was all the back stabbers and leakers. It seems with Wiles in...those days are gone! Bravo!

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love this idea...yes...put them all on a luxury liner bound for say...Chyna...and on the way it could spring a leak! Shark bait one and all!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

As an addendum to my last post, all demands for Powell's resignation should be directed to the FED Board of Governors Comment line at (202) 974-7008.

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

The biggest one for me would be "Impose HUGE fines for anyone caught employing them." This absolutely needs to happen.

MalonLabe777 8 points ago +8 / -0

So...let me get this straight...by DJT getting reelected we are not only going to get all the illegal aliens outta here, but many of the useless, young libtards are going to willingly leave as well? Man! It's a great time to be alive!!!!

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

satanist pedos all!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes...we, as a collective people praise you Lord Jesus! We thank You for Your mercy and grace to have paid our sin debt and then continue to bless us with chance after chance to prove our love and loyalty to You. Thank You so much for Your patience and longsuffering Lord Jesus! Let us not forget that our every breath is in Your hands and that we are nothing without You Father. In Jesus name we pray...Amen!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is my take as well. They got away with it once, they will do it again massively this time as well...very difficult to believe that anyone will be held to account. We need to pray God will put Trump in regardless how much wickedness occurs as it doesn't matter how big Trump's margin of victory is because they will refuse to certify the election anyway. The only way our nation heals is if God's people individually turn back to Him...

MalonLabe777 8 points ago +8 / -0

I firmly believe that the top of the JFK assassination chain of command was the Bankers (Rothschilds, etc.) who own the FED. They stood to lose the most if JFK succeeded in dismantling the CIA and abolished the FED System. They are also the only entity on the planet that had the power to control all the agencies that needed to carry the narrative and carry out an open air hit right in front of the American people without any blowback! We still don't know who the real perps were!

We know that Trump is posturing himself (and I hope it's all smoke and mirrors) as a diehard friend of Israel and I believe that this support for Israel is really what's leading Trump's decision making in so many areas...including his decision NOT to release the JFK files. Like I said, I hope Trump is playing 5D chess with Israel, the Banksters and the Deep State Cabal, etc., but I am 50/50 on the reality of this scenario...regardless what Q says. I have just not been able to bring myself to fully trust what's going on. I have a feeling we will know the true score in just a short time now...good or bad, we are going to find out soon!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did vote early...but I live in Northern Ca...Bay Area...Oakley to be exact. Here, I went to take my ballot and the city office doors were locked up and there was just a drop box outside. This was the only place around to take it? A few day later I received an email saying my vote had been counted. LOL! I am quite sure my vote was either counted for Harris or it was canned! There's absolutely no way to tell for sure if it was counted or not! I am thinking of pushing this further and asking them to prove to me that my vote was counted properly...any ideas? Anyone?

MalonLabe777 7 points ago +7 / -0

Currently listening to Creature From Jekyll Island in my truck. Anyone who has not read this book...it's a must read! I pray that DJT leads a successful effort to end the FED and with it, the IRS!

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +3 / -1

Aussies are a strange batch in my opinion. First, I really have no sympathy for them. They physically turned in their guns! It's one thing for the government to make them illegal, it's quite another for the Aussie citizens themselves to be so obedient to tyranny that they would physically march down and hand them all in...and this is what they did...?

Second, I have had Aussies in America laugh at us Americans because of our strong stand with regard to our 2nd Amendment right to be armed! From all indications I have observed, Aussies don't understand history or the fundamental importance and meaning behind a society being armed to the teeth. So...of course they are now reaping the rewards of their ignorance...

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