I hope it’s not suicide that’s the easy way out. I want them greased up with tallow fat and tied to a tree right close to a wolf den. Live-streamed for the rest of them to watch.
The homicide of Tafari Campbell took place on Edgartown Great Pond, a salt pond connected to the ocean by a small inlet. It is southwest of Edgartown proper and just west of South Beach.
Source: personal experience having spent thirteen summers on the island.
My Daddy always said, "Never do anything bad and think you can get away with it. Someone always knows what you did; and if no person knows, God knows and you will have to answer for it either here on earth or in Heaven before our Lord." I guess these evil people were never told that in their lives or when they were growing up. Now they are all about to face their crimes.
OBAMA & ASIAN CHILD on the right photo: Sweater pattern is the same or very similar. Also haircut and shape of face. I don’t think the child in the boat with Obama and Clooney is the same child. But the split photos on the right appear to be the same chid. And Obama doesn’t look very happy someone is watching them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZch1OaXsAAvLld.jpg
Remember what Satanist Queen Hillary said during the 2016 Election: "If that bastard wins, we'll hang from nooses". CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN!!! "For there is nothng hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open" Luke 8:17
Just like Satan, always overplaying his hand. And following that fool of a shepherd leads to death. Eternal death. They chose the wrong path. Best to beg for forgiveness and repent to the one true God. Our Father in Heaven who sent His son Jesus. Sadly I feel many won’t. It won’t end well for them.
Keep praying for Trump’s health. Because if those in charge of the Left know they’ve done things worthy of committing suicide rather facing conviction, then it makes too much scary sense that they’d try harm Trump first. Even if they get caught trying, how can that punishment be worse than getting convicted and executed?
God help all those souls that will be affected by the truths coming their way. Some, particularly, will need our prayers. When a paradigm shifts, reality shifts. Not everybody will handle this well. Suicide is the easiest exit door for those deeply complicit. For the rest, "dey be gonna needs sum helps!"
No sauce? How many guys does he have working that cannot pop up a window of the pic/ video he’s talking about? Come on, man, do better. Otherwise, it’s q porn. It’s the bullshit race to upload content. Doesn’t matter what it is- don’t be like the Left with unsubstantiated content.
Furor fit læsa sæpius patientia aka, Beware the fury of a patient man.
The legal system is supposed to be a deterrent - what happens when suddenly that dial which has been set to 'inconsequential' for so long for the select few, suddenly is wrenched to the other extreme?
If rats are scurrying now to an extent unheard of 2016, that is very good news.
its fascinating watching people like PBD be introduced to the reality of our situation. the pieces are falling together and connections being made. hes in the outter orbit of the Q planet. getting a little closer with every pass
Maybe my question is dumb but if all this were true, lots happened before 2016 so why weren’t these evil people exposed during Trump’s term?
I’ve no doubt there’s a lot of evil deeds to consider before/during/after his Presidency.
They give each other presidential pardons for the crimes. One of the reasons they set up these "presidential libraries". That's where they store the classified papers to keep the evidence in their control. That way, every presidential cycle, you have to wait for them to commit new crimes. It's really dirty.
Let’s see…??? What people could he be referring to here besides Barry? Someone that plays the family man and would kill himself rather than have his wife and family look at him as a monster? Maybe arec bardwin? Who else?
Suicides or firing squads?
Doesn't really matter to me as long as they get what they deserve...
I hope it’s not suicide that’s the easy way out. I want them greased up with tallow fat and tied to a tree right close to a wolf den. Live-streamed for the rest of them to watch.
Instead of the wolf den how about an area where bald eagles migrate?
Let them pick'em apart.
Just make sure there is no lead in their system...
You pick the spot I’ll get the lard fren
Do you have Leticia's address and a big trunk?
I’ve got 18 wheelers good buddy load em up!
10-4…let’s make us a convoy…
Letitia IS a big tree trunk.
They go for the eyes first
I still have a Wood Chipper, set at the slowest setting on my Bingo Card.
I would not wast good tallow on them. Let’s use GMO corn oil.
Pigs eat all but the teeth.
Only thing is, suicide seems like an admission of guilt. Execution probably leaves a lot of the population in denial.
Touché anon
How about put them all in a warehouse , no food , some water, no exit and watch them devolve into what they truly are
…and exposed for what the did. Every detail. Not only can they not walk the streets, but their legacy is forever tied to what they have done
They always do in the face of God, the only variable is how much of that -we- get to witness.
Either way they end up in Hell they deserve.
His estate got a pond where the chef was found “drowned” so maybe he should jump in
The homicide of Tafari Campbell took place on Edgartown Great Pond, a salt pond connected to the ocean by a small inlet. It is southwest of Edgartown proper and just west of South Beach.
Source: personal experience having spent thirteen summers on the island.
If he jumped feet first would his head even get wet? I read somewhere that the pond is only 3' deep
You can definitely drown in a 3' pond if you're hit over the head unconscious.
Obama is like the liberals messiah. His evil needs publicly exposed.
Like Big Mike’s penis😂😂😂
Ya know, I’m really NOT into penises (except my own), but I must admit after all this time of it being discussed sooooo much.
I’d probably take a quick peek. (Stop!?!?)
LOL, you fricking made my day as I clean up the coffee I just spit all over the counter! Have a great weekend
My Daddy always said, "Never do anything bad and think you can get away with it. Someone always knows what you did; and if no person knows, God knows and you will have to answer for it either here on earth or in Heaven before our Lord." I guess these evil people were never told that in their lives or when they were growing up. Now they are all about to face their crimes.
OBAMA & ASIAN CHILD on the right photo: Sweater pattern is the same or very similar. Also haircut and shape of face. I don’t think the child in the boat with Obama and Clooney is the same child. But the split photos on the right appear to be the same chid. And Obama doesn’t look very happy someone is watching them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZch1OaXsAAvLld.jpg
Sick people for sure to do this to an innocent child.
He should be.
Remember what Satanist Queen Hillary said during the 2016 Election: "If that bastard wins, we'll hang from nooses". CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN!!! "For there is nothng hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open" Luke 8:17
Just like Satan, always overplaying his hand. And following that fool of a shepherd leads to death. Eternal death. They chose the wrong path. Best to beg for forgiveness and repent to the one true God. Our Father in Heaven who sent His son Jesus. Sadly I feel many won’t. It won’t end well for them.
Suicide weekend?
Pride is what keeps them prisoners. How freeing it would be to admit fault and repent. But that takes courage.
No fair. He describes Obama looking more miserable than he's ever looked and we don't get to see it?
No kidding. That’s why I don’t listen to podcast people. Content reels faggotry.
Just a guess...maybe referring to this?: https://greatawakening.win/p/199OdKa2cx/watchbarak-obama-is-trying-t/c/
Keep praying for Trump’s health. Because if those in charge of the Left know they’ve done things worthy of committing suicide rather facing conviction, then it makes too much scary sense that they’d try harm Trump first. Even if they get caught trying, how can that punishment be worse than getting convicted and executed?
God help all those souls that will be affected by the truths coming their way. Some, particularly, will need our prayers. When a paradigm shifts, reality shifts. Not everybody will handle this well. Suicide is the easiest exit door for those deeply complicit. For the rest, "dey be gonna needs sum helps!"
“We are the change we’ve been waiting for”…. Bitch
No sauce? How many guys does he have working that cannot pop up a window of the pic/ video he’s talking about? Come on, man, do better. Otherwise, it’s q porn. It’s the bullshit race to upload content. Doesn’t matter what it is- don’t be like the Left with unsubstantiated content.
Perhaps this is what was being referenced, not sure, but I’m with you on wanting the sauce:
Furor fit læsa sæpius patientia aka, Beware the fury of a patient man.
The legal system is supposed to be a deterrent - what happens when suddenly that dial which has been set to 'inconsequential' for so long for the select few, suddenly is wrenched to the other extreme?
If rats are scurrying now to an extent unheard of 2016, that is very good news.
Love it! We're coming for you NWO pedo fuckers!
Yeah...well it's going to come out that Pence and his wife murdered dozens of children
Obama's hot dogs are really little boys
Adam Schiff has a proclivity for raping little black boys
Nancy is the queen of insider trading
Clinton is a satanic witch that rapes and murders children
Huma is a child rapist
satanism and freemasonry are joined at the hip and most of our leaders and hollywood are hardcore satanists and freemasons...
I have heard Barack's preference is pre-pubescent white boys: https://da.sott.net/image/s17/357176/full/Screen_Shot_2016_11_13_at_5_41.jpg
Big Mike shares his preference: https://snuggleduck.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/obama-eating-hot-dog-michelle-watching.jpg
Where is Barry and Mike? Reportedly left on the 6th or 7th on a flight out of the country.
its fascinating watching people like PBD be introduced to the reality of our situation. the pieces are falling together and connections being made. hes in the outter orbit of the Q planet. getting a little closer with every pass
No one can escape God’s judgement. No one
Rightly so
Obama is a narcissist he would never take his own life.
Maybe my question is dumb but if all this were true, lots happened before 2016 so why weren’t these evil people exposed during Trump’s term? I’ve no doubt there’s a lot of evil deeds to consider before/during/after his Presidency.
They give each other presidential pardons for the crimes. One of the reasons they set up these "presidential libraries". That's where they store the classified papers to keep the evidence in their control. That way, every presidential cycle, you have to wait for them to commit new crimes. It's really dirty.
Let’s see…??? What people could he be referring to here besides Barry? Someone that plays the family man and would kill himself rather than have his wife and family look at him as a monster? Maybe arec bardwin? Who else?
Trial, then execution. We need EVERYONE to know what these people did. We also need people to know, you don't try this again.
#700 Suicide weekend?
This is what I have one Maggie Nix from Martha's Vineyard and Barack:
Very good video !
Welp... we've been sayin it for years
Hillary is about to strike again!
Epstein's list will bring Epstein's effects
If they are this fucking terrified why Not I dont know LEAVE the country Before Jan 20th?!
Trump will get the country they are in to extradite them.