MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

She was dressed for a funeral. Her black (dark navy?) suit dress and hat was elegant perfection as she "paid last respects" to clown world.

MamaKnowsBest 1 point ago +1 / -0

We read Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Esselstyn very soon after my husband's heart episode. Life changing for us. Literally.

Dr. Barnard has a book about reversing diabetes that follows a similar food plan as the above. He explains that sugar takes the rap for fat and uses a clogged sink drain as the visual. If the drain is clogged water is going to spill over. But once the drain is clear everything should work as it should.

How Not to Die by Dr. Greger has excellent information as well.

All the above are whole food plant based, not vegan or vegetarian junk/lab food. The documentary Forks Over Knives explains it well and features all the above doctors plus a few more.

MamaKnowsBest 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was coming over here to see if it was done or not. I got nothing. Same as whenever they did it before. No text, no alarms. My phone wasnt wrapped in foil and was turned on as I was driving and using maps at the scheduled time today.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Twenty+ years ago my oldest son was "on the spectrum." I found an interesting book called to the effect of "how I cured my son's autism" -- I don't remember the exact title or author. Anyway, despite all the doctors she linked it to food allergies and his leaky gut. Once she removed the offending foods (dairy being one of them) and a detox period her son was transformed. In passing she mentioned the Feingold diet in the book and that set us on our own journey. Feingold removes artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Once we did that our son became verbal, could hold eye contact, and quit head banging and melting down. Completely different child.

by Ang77
MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wouldn't simple math rule out any possibilities? And biology? There's only 4 or 5 years difference between CF and CS.

MamaKnowsBest 8 points ago +8 / -0

Isn't that what he said last time?

MamaKnowsBest 1 point ago +1 / -0

TBHQ as well. It's in the same family. Interesting he didn't mention the behavior effects the BH's have, especially in children. Hyperactivity, asthma, severe mood swings, tics, bedding wetting and night terrors, speech and learning delays. All of which I've seen firsthand. High fructose corn syrup is just as evil.

MamaKnowsBest 7 points ago +7 / -0

My dad was diagnosed with cushing's in the 70s. It was really rare then. He was one of six or seven patients and the only male across the US that his endocrinologist was treating. He developed it while in Vietnam so I tend to suspect it was AO or other pesticides and chemicals being used then. Today it is much, much more common. Again i think chemicals (food additives and enviromental) are causing havoc. I was very young when my dad had it (corrected by surgery) so I don't remember any odd behavior nor do I recall any talk of it. That woman is beyond erratic and bizarre. I would be very, very surprised to find out drugs weren't involved as well.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to agree. Soy has been heavily consumed for thousands of years in Asian countries with no ill effects. It's the gmo-ing and isolating proteins that is causing the issues.

MamaKnowsBest 8 points ago +8 / -0

The same thing with measels back in the day. The cp vax had just came out when our oldest was born. I asked the pedi how necessary it was. He said it wasn't; it was for convenience and economics. Basically mom doesn't have to take time off from work and Timmy doesn't have to miss any school.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's always interesting to me to look at photos from various decades. Post-WW2 through the 80s, there aren't too many fatties. Almost none. They ate good too. The 90s the pictures begin to change. I suspect food additives, fake food, fractionation, and corn syrup are the biggest contributors. Look around today, the skinnies are few. Better yet compare a shopping trip at Walmart to a shopping trip at Sprouts and look at the clientele and try to argue that diets/way of eating are ineffective.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm, after reading all the comments...wow. Not all vegans (I use that term b/c that's what people associate with those who don't EAT animal products tho I wish I knew a better word) are Starbuck drinking, basement dwelling, cat pee smelling, women's studies degree holding, man bun/boob, trans, social warriors trying to save the planet. Good grief. Some prefer to eat Biblically as close to how/when we were created and are quite healthy and robust. There are vegan baby formulas available. Raising healthy vegan children is total doable. Her fault was not of being vegan but rather not reading the carton of almond milk or any other nondairy milk. Every one of them clearly and boldly state, "Not to be used as an infant formula." I also find it fascinating that "starving" (I don't think it was maliciously done, that's a totally different situation) a child is child abuse but feeding an obese child the standard American diet isn't.

MamaKnowsBest 5 points ago +5 / -0

I still see that from time to time. I kinda feel sorry for them honestly. The hell daily living must be being that terrified. 😥

MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

He doesn't know what's in the documents and was advised by his lawyers not to ask? Nope, that doesn't sound sketchy at all.

MamaKnowsBest 10 points ago +10 / -0

Grocery retail was this way long before the jab. It was this way 30yrs ago when I was in hs and college. The unique thing about grocery retail vs other types of specialty stores is EVERYBODY has to eat, there's not just one type of clientele. You get a much broader view of the big picture...and it's a mess. Chemically altered food and beverages, the air is full of whatever tptb poison us with along with perfumes and artificial scents on/in everything, people are highly overmedicated and chemically altering themselves, nobody has any coping skills or been taught how to use an inkling of logic, etc. It's pretty bad and unfortunately I think it's going to get worse.

MamaKnowsBest 4 points ago +4 / -0

Precision straight lines, no slanting. Perfect spacing. Pretty stinkin' impressive for a youngster learning to write. Quite a few seasoned adults never accomplish that. 🙄🤥

MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting industry medicine is. Astounding that nobody questions why the countries that are the most medically advanced are also the sickest and most unhealthy.

MamaKnowsBest 1 point ago +1 / -0

About every 15 minutes it goes off for a few seconds. Been doing that since last night. No snow, just artic wind and single digit temperture.

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