MammasAlwaysRIGHT 3 points ago +3 / -0

It just keeps getting worse and worse. Bad health abound in my small circle. Strokes, Afib, Turbo Cancer, & Heart Failure!

MammasAlwaysRIGHT 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my mind, Trump team designed this character to resemble Liz Cheney for the KEKs.

MammasAlwaysRIGHT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen! Bless you, I will do that tomorrow once I know more.

MammasAlwaysRIGHT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen. Unfortunately, my suggestion to try Rife, Food, Nutrition, Ivermectin, Fenben, and forgo the vax was met with strong opposition in favor of Chemo X2, Morphine, Vanilla Shakes, Bread, and junk. I am making restorative juices for when he comes home and ask again if everybody is ready to ditch the 3% chance that the poison will work.

                                                                                    ...it may already be too late.  
MammasAlwaysRIGHT 2 points ago +2 / -0

SuzyQ, you have a prayer closet? How cool! Thank you for your words of support.

MammasAlwaysRIGHT 2 points ago +2 / -0


Look at that chin. So pronounced in younger years. Methinks this was the substrate for the Biden Balls Chin 🤔

MammasAlwaysRIGHT 15 points ago +15 / -0

You speak as if Trump has an advanced biochemistry degree and mixed the vaccine himself. And who gives a fuck about Tracy Beanz…she’s a deserter.

People need to grow up about this. Seriously, think about what he was dealing with at the time. Project Warp Speed was about the distribution of the vaccine as well as the development.

You act like PWS was solely the development when we all have seen the patents of mRNA existing back before 2019.

Stop blaming a real estate developer for mistakes made in the vaccine space. He obviously needed to rely on experts and his experts consistently lied to him and to the America people.

When declass about Covid comes out…and it will; the American people will be able to reconcile that.

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