deleted 4 points ago +4 / -0
MashedPotatus 2 points ago +4 / -2

Well that strange 12th Amendment can be worked around. Lest we forget George Bush 43 and Dick Cheney were both Texas residents 1993-1998 per IRS records / public docs.

All of a sudden Dick Cheney re-declared Wyoming residency in a small vacation / hunting home.

Courts actually had to clear : https://www.cbsnews.com/news/court-rules-cheneys-no-texan/

And TBH there is ZERO, perhaps LESS THAN ZERO (great B.E. Ellis book BTW) chance DeSantis would take a VP role. He is Alpha // Sigma. He is the future of the GOP FWIW... and he knows it.. and he leans into it every opportunity. He is 2006 Obama. Everyone in their heart of hearts knows - that either 2024 (maybe too early?) or 2028 DeSantis will be 1600 Penn bound.

MashedPotatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also body dysphoria - even more bizarre. PBS had a doc in the early 2000's about people who 'hated' like a hand or foot etc. It was fascinating but can not find it anywhere (licensing issues). They had a lady who would not swing 1 arm when she walked (like humans do for balance) because she said 'If I see this hand I will start tearing up'. Nuts.

MashedPotatus 2 points ago +3 / -1

TBH who has time to protest/act? I can only read .win / post like 2 Saturdays a month because of business commitments / family and lastly maybe catch 9 innings on TV etc. Consider these movements:

Woke side: BLM and Portland protests a few years ago and the 99%ers / Occupy Wall Street 10 years ago were mainly Welfare or College kids living off their parents $.

Redpilled side: the 'Truckers for Freedom', 'Freedom Truckers', 'American Convoy' spiraled into a 'Judean Peoples Front' Monty Python sketch and imploded because everyone was sponsored by Youtube / Patreon / Gofundme's and started segmenting over bills / money. It was fascinating to watch. They were OTR truckers who didn't haul. It was unsustainable. All that happened was they wasted a ton of gas and somebody got a sweet RV out of it.

MashedPotatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Consider this : Gender Dysphoria. It's been a known term since around since the 1920's. It's thought to be caused by chemical imbalance hormonally by kids starting at age 7-10 (when growth spurts start dramatically) don't get the correct re-balance. It's why most LGBT people say 'they've been gay or trans etc since 5th grade' etc.


MashedPotatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Going to channel SB2 from the depths of Arkham Asylum or wherever he and his abacus and slide rule went to..

"Where Did Serial Brain Go?" (using A=1, B=2 etc.) equals 206

206 is also the Area code of Seattle Washington. You know the Seattle Seahawks record last year? 9 and 8. You know what 9+8 is?



MashedPotatus 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's more fun though to make a big deal over it though.

Like 'covfefe' was supposed to be 'coverage' (look at a QWERTY you'll get it) . The line was 'despite negative press covfefe'.


MashedPotatus 6 points ago +8 / -2

OT (but actually the real reason for term) Literally all Brackets are broken thanks to Fairleigh Dickinson over Perdue and Furman over Virginia. March Madness is freaking the best...

MashedPotatus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well if you are 'SerialBrain2' ing this (VoatGoat flex) also 'DECLAS' is missing the 2nd 'S'

MashedPotatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Supreme Court has dominion over the CAAF (top of Military Tribunal chain) and can do whatever they want... in fact they just flipped a case a year or so ago with Alito leading the charge.


MashedPotatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

It depends if they 'dismissed with prejudice' or not. But IIRC it would have to go thru County / State / District / Supreme all over again once Supremes spike a case.

MashedPotatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Question: Is there a way to appeal to something higher than the Supreme Court in the US (on Earth that is , not Biblical things) ?

Answer: No.

MashedPotatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well Marco fell about 40-50 feet from a wave and destroyed himself in Portugal surfing Nazare (largest waves in the world sometimes 80 ft) like Swayze in 'Point Break'


MashedPotatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also Lula was NOT going to be near the Presidential palace anytime soon per news feeds days ago they were going to fix roof / flooring etc.


MashedPotatus 8 points ago +8 / -0

First (obvious) question.

Why storm on Sunday when Congress / Court is adjourned (and most out of town per Twitter) and Lula was 400 miles away when it habbened?

Stinks to high hell...

MashedPotatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are multiple Reps who said the Mike Rogers (Alabama) was drunk and said 'I will end your career'... Richard Hudson (N.C.) tried holding him back but the guy went lower and his hand hit his neck / face (mouth uncovered) .


MashedPotatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah that was weird and had to read it 2-3x...

MashedPotatus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Going to wager Fentanyl. Like when Andy Dick or Artie Lange dies nobody should be shocked - honestly these guy have multiple arrests and rehabs. His heart stopped in 1989 from Valium OD even:


MashedPotatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gaetz sworn in standing next to what most think is a obvious weirdo plant Santos (NY) changed this rando with a whole 7k follows' mind? Sounds great to me. All in on McCarthy / McConnell clan !! I'd tell Gaetz to keep Nestor away from Santos though..

MashedPotatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Read this tweet like 4-5 years ago:

Edit: She's some bot, there for 8 days in 2018


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