I would imagine the criteria would be they must be farmers with proof. When this happened before, many South Africans farmers were green lighted straight into Australia. There are many SA farmers in Western and South Australia.
What children. Family member is absolutely besotted with this musical. Raging lefty. She has asked me to watch it and managed around 15 minutes. Pitiful. To this day I have no idea why they carry on so much. It reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome where you sympathise with the oppressor. In this case they sympathise with the terrible plot etc. I think the mass hysteria is a mental disease like TDS.
Research what they have done in Europe. They are dangerous thugs and the women are as hard as nails and Europe want them gone. There was 2 reasons Putin went into Ukraine. To DeMILITARISE it and to DeNAZIFY it. You think ANTIFA are bad - the AZOV and Bandarites are murderous raping thugs.
You cannot be serious?? Many of these Ukrainians are nazis. They follow Stepan Bandara. They can be found across America in a myriad of protests and it’s common knowledge that this is still happening. The problems in different countries across Europe are well documented. Do your research.
See, if this guy has been down in the dirt, then he might just have a point. There is a reason why he was suddenly released from jail and is allowed back on US soil. Research involves taking apart those that want him and his brother dead. Listening to MSM is the mistake of many a patriot. Listening to those evil mongrels is what has gotten the world in the place it is today.
The Bible in Psalms tells me this.
For you formed my innermost parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well
Even today, the Psalms of David are beloved around the world. This one is understood fully when you become a parent and a family.
Without our children there is no future for mankind. Those pushing the trans agenda, are not of God, but of satan- the father of lies. Children from the unborn, to trafficking, to physical abuse, to pedophilia -“and now with this mental anguish have suffered long enough. These demonic people - what else can you call them - have made it their agenda to destroy children and the family unit - the very social structure of mankind. Continue to pray for these little ones. This EO is a good start but still more needs to be done in bringing those that push this agenda to justice. Nothing less than life imprisonment . They kill a child and remove their identity. And for what? It’s an evil perversion.
The EU are trying to access $200billion of sanctioned Russian money there. This money would then fund the continuation of the war. They wouldn’t need US money in this case. They are just salivating on how they can get their hands on this money.
Listening to ALEX CHRISTOFORU. He believes that Macron and Starmer are planning to send their troops into Ukraine (with a ceasefire in place) and create a false flag to get US troops into Ukraine then use this to attack Russia. This would lead to WW3.
Do not give your money to the RNC or anyone purportedly saying they are. Last election the Lincoln Project and other RINO groups made millions off the backs of MAGA. RING JDs office to check. 1. It will bring this to their attention. 2. It doesn’t look legitimate to me.
There will be no peace talks until Zelensky resigns and new elections are held, without coercion. Only when a NEW President is elected by the people and the elections are fair and legal, can they begin. President Putin does not recognise Zelensky as the President because he has stopped all elections which makes him an illegitimate President. If Zelensky signs any documentations, Russia will deem it unacceptable.
The Bushes. The Bushes are bad news and they supported DeSantis politically. He doesn’t trust anyone that is involved with the Bush family.
He was a proxy for the Bush family (Jeb). POTUS commented on this on Truth Social
The UK have 40 tanks left and Russia have around 9,000. As reported by George Galloway.
If I was in the UK Military, I would be resigning NOW. With no tanks to protect them and bunched up in groups, they are sitting ducks. Russia rules the air. They have hundreds of drone operators sitting in comfortable rooms scanning every inch of Ukraine. The results of drone drops are devastating. They even go into bunkers seeking out the enemy. Russia is not fooling around. Those that are not Ukrainian will be dealt as enemy combatants and ARE NOT covered by the Geneva Convention.
Why was Trudeau in Europe. He’s been there for a week before Zelensky went to USA. He met with Zelensky and together had meetings with macron and Starmer. I’m beginning to think that because both Macron and Starmer were virtually sent packing by POTUS that Zelensky then after trotting around Europe. Trudeau has nothing to do with the EU. 1). Why was he there?? Could it have been planned that the green goblin planned the antagonistic behaviour to show POTUS and his team up? To use the occasion to whip up the media? After begging POTUS to revisit the begging, where did he go? He flew straight back into the arms of Starmer.
EU then put out a copy paste reply using the same words that they would support Zelensky and of course we have the Zelensky sycophants- including Trudeau, Let the peace process begin. Putin will NOT meet with Zelensky full stop. He does not regard him as the President. Elections will need to be completed and the new President installed. On the other hand, if UK and EU send troops into Ukraine, they will be wiped out. Putin is not mucking around and does not bluff. He knows what is in Ukraine and who is involved. Remember. POTUS has not been involved in Ukraine other than sending javelins at the recommendation of the corrupt generals in 2016. There is something in Ukraine that the DS is trying to hide or bring out. Ever thought that if Fort Knox has been pilfered, that’s where the gold might be??
While this is important (to many) I believe there are many more important things to get moving on. Illegal migration. Homelessness. Education. Perhaps the DS are using this issue and keeping Bondi, Patel et al in the headlines to cause DIVISION, bringing pressure on these new teams. Remember. United we stand. Divided we fall. There is so much work to be done and after reading that nurses email to the world, the West needs to bringing illegal migration into check urgently.