MatildaJ 36 points ago +36 / -0

There will be no peace talks until Zelensky resigns and new elections are held, without coercion. Only when a NEW President is elected by the people and the elections are fair and legal, can they begin. President Putin does not recognise Zelensky as the President because he has stopped all elections which makes him an illegitimate President. If Zelensky signs any documentations, Russia will deem it unacceptable.

MatildaJ 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Bushes. The Bushes are bad news and they supported DeSantis politically. He doesn’t trust anyone that is involved with the Bush family.

He was a proxy for the Bush family (Jeb). POTUS commented on this on Truth Social

MatildaJ 2 points ago +2 / -0

George would know as up until 6? Months ago, he was a politician in the UK Parliament.

MatildaJ 8 points ago +8 / -0

The UK have 40 tanks left and Russia have around 9,000. As reported by George Galloway.


If I was in the UK Military, I would be resigning NOW. With no tanks to protect them and bunched up in groups, they are sitting ducks. Russia rules the air. They have hundreds of drone operators sitting in comfortable rooms scanning every inch of Ukraine. The results of drone drops are devastating. They even go into bunkers seeking out the enemy. Russia is not fooling around. Those that are not Ukrainian will be dealt as enemy combatants and ARE NOT covered by the Geneva Convention.

MatildaJ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why was Trudeau in Europe. He’s been there for a week before Zelensky went to USA. He met with Zelensky and together had meetings with macron and Starmer. I’m beginning to think that because both Macron and Starmer were virtually sent packing by POTUS that Zelensky then after trotting around Europe. Trudeau has nothing to do with the EU. 1). Why was he there?? Could it have been planned that the green goblin planned the antagonistic behaviour to show POTUS and his team up? To use the occasion to whip up the media? After begging POTUS to revisit the begging, where did he go? He flew straight back into the arms of Starmer.

EU then put out a copy paste reply using the same words that they would support Zelensky and of course we have the Zelensky sycophants- including Trudeau, Let the peace process begin. Putin will NOT meet with Zelensky full stop. He does not regard him as the President. Elections will need to be completed and the new President installed. On the other hand, if UK and EU send troops into Ukraine, they will be wiped out. Putin is not mucking around and does not bluff. He knows what is in Ukraine and who is involved. Remember. POTUS has not been involved in Ukraine other than sending javelins at the recommendation of the corrupt generals in 2016. There is something in Ukraine that the DS is trying to hide or bring out. Ever thought that if Fort Knox has been pilfered, that’s where the gold might be??

MatildaJ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you aware that Alexander Dugin daughter,Daris Dugina, was murdered by the Zelensky regime. She was just 30. She was killed when her car was bombed. The device was meant to kill Alexander.

MatildaJ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Next Charlie will be selling the family jewels. Literally.

MatildaJ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Turn her upside down and shake her and see how much comes out of her pockets. This woman is best friends with the Democrats and votes with them on EVERYTHING. She needs to be investigated- urgently.

MatildaJ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Stacy Adams. Now just when did we hear this question debate feeding witchs name before?? Oh - wasn’t she and Debbie washerman Shultz at the hospital when they bought Seth Rich in?

MatildaJ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ll remember for ever the day when nazis were attacking those in the Donbas and Patrick ran for cover. This lady in a nearby home had been scalped and her husband and invalid daughter were just seconds ahead of her to get inside They survived but she died sitting in the sun. Another elderly couple who lived in upper floors where his wife had been hit. Her back was broken. Patrick and others moved her down to ground level and called the Russian medics. They came and told the old man her back was broken and it appeared she had a stroke. Any movement would mean her death anyway. He was asked to say his goodbyes. The cries from this poor old man were terrible as he said his goodbyes to his still alive wife. The medic urged all to pray as he said his goodbyes. They had to move urgently as the bombing increased. It was heartbreaking.

MatildaJ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I figure if the Russians trust him well he’s doing a great job. The nazis nearly killed his wife and children when a huge bomb landed in their backyard a few feet from their home in the then Donbass area. They are living further into Russia. now.

MatildaJ 1 point ago +1 / -0

He’s in a war zone and often has to run for cover if there was incoming shells. Most times at the beginning of the SMO you can hear bombs landing. It’s not a Hollywood production , just real raw and bloody war.

MatildaJ 7 points ago +7 / -0

Never, ever forget the victims in the Maui fires and the North Carolina floods. Biden gave Zelensky $billions and up until the election, still hadn’t given anything to these areas. Americans under the Biden nazi regime was funneling money to Ukraine - even paying for their social security while Americans suffered. No more!

MatildaJ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Go to telegram - DD Geopolitics age and they have the European leaders comments sporting Zelensky. The euros are going to be in for a shock very, very soon.

MatildaJ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you sure?? Go to telegram Chanels ddgeopolitics IntelSlavaZ who support Russia but give excellent coverage at what is happening. The euro LEADERS are behind Zelensky 100%. The postings are dreadful!! It’s a disgusting show of biting the hand that feeds you. Beware if you wander around their pages - there is some pretty graphic pages.

MatildaJ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The telegram Channels - ddgeopolitics, Slavyangrad, IntelSlavaZ - are posting dangerous replies by European leaders in the support of Zelensky and condemning POTUS and JDs ‘attack’. They’ve gone absolutely bonkers!! No wonder Europe have no idea what is going on.

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