If the election really was fraudulent, what would be the best way to expose it? DDOSing like in 2016? What about the next outsider who wanted to get in? No. This is bigger than an 8 year trump term. By making it go as far as it possibly can of course. This reveals not only the local election fraud, but the courts all the way up to the supreme court for God's sake.
Agreed Mr. President, these riots GLOW
Yes we have had so many happenings in the last few days, an hour goes by without one and it seems like its over lol
Trump was calling out election fraud in 2012
Theyre saying people are receiving texts about Q? Lol probably from their friends and family who are woke on it
I wasnt glow more?
Whenever i think this i just remember the military. Who would the military really support? Do you know any military?
Hahahaha look into Q and you will feel your doom wash away, hurry up, youve got a lot of research to do before the 20th
Lol trump is pissed he didnt get that $1,400 extra check. They fucked up
Trump and Elon are both a bit off the mark but are major truth tellers in many ways similar to GEOTUS
This has always been true!
Based. This CNN disinfo about riots being prepared--i visit all the "right wing disinformation" sites and would have seen an invite. Trump's gotta do the inviting.
Thinking about telling my liberal NPC parents please dont report me to the FBI, i promise im not a terrorist, for the love of God. This message is going to really ramp up in the next couple of weeks.
Your terms are acceptable.
Haha rewatch that clip and youll see trump makes the most barely detectable smirk when he is asked about Qanon.
Our role is autistic digging and informing others. The military has this in their control--not our job.
Yes heaven on earth is a bit much, i think the whole thing is an analogy. This isnt actually end times but its inspired by it. Maybe it really was all planned out by elites to put on a show. But there really are satanists, and there really are Christians like you and me. And the divide between good guys and bad guys is reaching a fever pitch. Q said GOD WINS. Who's the good guy in the bible again?
Disinformation is necessary. You think theyd spell out the entire plan? Guaranteed FBI and CIA are combing through Qposts right now. And if you think you, a regular person, know where Trump is right now youre dreaming. No way hes on NIGHT76 or whatever.
The statue alone is worth a gitmo
I think hunter has been singing like a bird.
Disinformation is necessary. These people think top mil intel put all the cards on the table.
Bro, by the end of this, theyre going to be denying they ever voted for biden.
RED 3 decodes to silence pope Godfather III
Yep its all coming together
Ten days of darkness, rolling blackouts- could happen in US or major cities, but remember the plan is swift and smooth-in order to cause as little chaos as possible
Omg look at post #3109
"SRIKE" What was that recent post that had something like "T-32 days overdue"? Cant find it...