McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea I’m with you. It’s like when Pinkberry was a thing in LA and how the hollyweirdos were frequenting it and going there.

But I’m also biased cause I like their hotdogs 😂

McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

yea but I don't think the dead shooter and who the media is claiming to be the shooter matches up either

McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha I didn't realize Ariel was so polarizing until I read his comments on how Michael Flynn is a black hat. Lost me there. Wouldn't have posted it otherwise.

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

My bad, I was being sarcastic. I was hoping it would play that way lol

McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, his manager use to work for Disney. And yea that can be suspicious but I do think there were white hats infiltrating and taking advantage of black hat resources like Elon Musk did. But yea even then, there isn’t a direct connection to Disney.

McFartington 5 points ago +5 / -0

What? GME ran to 80 a few weeks ago and that was after the 4 for 1 split. Fed can intervene if they want at the expense of losing all financial credibility in the international community.

McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, I'm asking you. What was the evidence? It's fine to speculate. Where was the evidence you based it off of?

McFartington 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lmfao I can read fine. “Based off a lot of evidence.” Like holy shit lmfao trying to claim I can’t read. “BASED OFF A LOT OF EVIDENCE.” You sad soul

McFartington 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lmfao stfu shill. “Based off a lot of evidence.” Trying to fuck people over and stop people from investing. You dirty shill fuck. Gtfo of here.

McFartington 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yo are you a shill? Lol spreading that ubs narrative based off “a lot of evidence.” Hahaha you’re a shill

McFartington 1 point ago +2 / -1

Okay, just wanted to make a few additional anecdotes to your comment Datasinc:

-Gamestop did not just sell 2 billion dollars worth of stock. They sold around $933 million (45 million shares) and it was announced/confirmed on Saturday May 24, 2024. They sold shares previously to pay off debt and the cash at hand was around $1.3 billion. They spent around $200 million and the next filing should show what it was spent on. So with the additional $933 million and the original $1.1. billion (minus the $200 million that was spent), they are now at $2 billion. Just want to clarify for anyone reading.

-There is speculation that it could be UBS covering their positions through buying a shit ton of call options. But one of the issues is that the amount of call options there are is not enough to cover the swaps UBS would owe. There is also speculation that it could be RoaringKitty since the frequency of which the options were bought were mimicking his tweets, in 15-10-5 minute increments.

-Interesting to also note, is that the subreddit r/Superstonk, which has been compromised for some time now, has repeatedly told people to avoid options and has spread the narrative that it is just UBS trying to cover their swaps through call options and for people to remain calm and expect nothing. On the other hand, X.com, a platform that is supposedly not censored but riddled with bots, follows the narrative that it is indeed RoaringKitty and that an acquisition of Bed Bath and Beyond is in the works.

McFartington 2 points ago +2 / -0

its cause you are starting to have excess energy as well.

McFartington 17 points ago +17 / -0

I feel like a photo op with Trump is inevitable since Milei is visiting Florida. I do not think this is a coincidence at all and a formal agreement is being put in place to enact the next phase of the plan: financial reset.

Key parts that are currently in place: -$DJT is one of the top 5 most short stocks in the entire stock market -$GME is the number 1 most shorted stock in the market -Milei announced that Argentina will be moving towards a crypto (Bitcoin) backed currency -$TSLA was extremely shorted and Elon was able to maneuver the company to backfire on the shorts. This is why the price has been blasting off the past couple years but as of late has underwent a lot of bad press as to discredit and undermine Elon's white hat actions. -Gold is at an all time high. Silver is still completely suppressed as JP Morgan holds majority supply of silver in the world and manipulates the price. -BRICS nations are putting everything in place to replace the US as the reserve currency of the world. -The US dollar is just a few rate cuts from imploding -Most US citizens have some form of drsed GME shares, gold/silver, crypto, or some shorted stock. -At lot of pension funds and 401ks have acquired GME shares as well.

I believe this will be a controlled demolition of the central banking system.

All the parts are being put in place to ensure the people are safe and the collateral damage has been reduced to its lowest possible amount. People who did not have any assets mentioned above will have the support of neighbors who has now come across some healthy wealth.

We will enter a severe recession that is quickly recovered through the good will of people and people reinvesting the newfound wealth into actual organizations and programs that improve the country as the veil has been lifted, and we better navigate how to function as a country and individual.

McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, ladies clothes and make up and his boobs are coming in from the hormones. Shows his nips as well

McFartington 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah man, I been keeping up with mrbeast to see how much exposure chris gets. Chris is full on transitioning and its being shown

McFartington 2 points ago +2 / -0

First question I’m asking is who really won the 2020 presidential election and to break down the data of which countries had illegal counts and questionable methods

McFartington 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand where you're coming from and I have friends that fit your description but I wouldn't disregard them as hopeless just yet.

We still have a year long stretch before the elections. I see this period of time as more of preparation of mind to accept difficult truths and in time, they will come around. We're just ahead of the curve cause we happen to know how this movie ends. Most people only consume what is handed to them and don't invest the time to look ahead. They will continue to ride the waves of whatever is handed to them until they can't take it anymore. Until small epiphanies begin to take root in their minds, that the individual and the collective people are more powerful than we ever allowed ourselves to believe.

McFartington 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can someone please explain something to me. I know our oil reserves have been going down but oil mining in the USA is nearly back to all time highs. Why hasn’t this been curbing the oil prices? And where is all of this oil being mined going to?

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