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The Pedophile who created the word Birther, get the rope already !
Happy Holy Days, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
There is no right to invade a country.
What did he reasonably think would happen when he set out to destroy the church?
Come to find out you can get a Nobel Prize in a Cracker Jack's Box.
As he chokes on the Soetoro sausage stuck in his throat.
He served himself not the nation.
We can do better, he didn't stop voter/ballot fraud in Detroit.
Invaders must be removed STAT
Absolute BS he will do it.
Have you seen Canada lately ? It has been Invaded..
In the 1st Amendment redress of grievances..
You already look like cowards to the world for allowing a non natural born citizen to reside in our white house and destroy the country from within.🐸
Andy get the Soetoro sausage out of your mouth, Rope is waiting.
Was a 1st Amendment redress of grievances, due to the proven voter/ballot fraud made possible with the manmade Bio Weapon. The non natural born citizen as well.
Justice delayed is justice denied, she should have swung decades ago 🐸
Hang that traitor STAT
Talk about George Soros 24/7
Beyond time for that pedophile to swing.
Expose the murderer Bathhouse Barry Soetoro STAT
Far from affordable health care, price rose to pay for the invaders must end.
When they swing for Treason they will be dead, we have a civic duty to make it happen 🐸
End welfare for able citizens, restore no work no eat, pick crops or starve 🐸🥳
Fauci & Gates murdered more with their gain of function Bio Weapon 🐸
The Pedophile who created the word Birther, get the rope already !