Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I dreamed of having my own R2D2 when I was a kid, the last thing I would have thought it to be is a spy for the fucking empire yet here we are.

I would love to own some of this "smart" technology for home automation, but the fucking scumbag paranoid filth have captured that market ... you basically pay to have your technology spy on you!

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Am I missing something here? Isn't this entire situation WORSE than the Cuban Missile Crisis? Why isn't the media saying anything about this?

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh no. If both he and Robert Reich get together on this garden gnome strategy, we are f'ing done for. Robert DeNiro could be a part of their army. I am literally shaking. Any of these circus midgets can get their money dumped into one of many offshore accounts ... that's why they're free to roam about front yards everywhere. Yikes.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

When it comes to precipices, I'll take nuclear war and ebola vs seeing Hillary naked. I need to go throw up now. Thanks for ruining my Saturday. :-p

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still think there's something to the way Trump says China and the town in Ukraine that, when looked at on an English language map that looks as of its pronounced Chy-na

Megadeth 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't remember if they were demolished on site or not ... Maybe they were taken. One can hope.

I want people hundreds of years from now to see what these powder mongering woke faggots tried to do to mankind with tangible proof.

Sorry you got beat up for that ... I would have sided with you regardless.

Megadeth 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd keep them. There need to be museums made so that people can see for themselves what narcissistic fucking pricks will do for power. Reading about history is one thing. Being able to see it is another. People need to see the sickening depths the media/left would sink just to keep their illegal scams safe and sound.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ivan's great. I'd also never want to piss him off :-). I'm pretty sure he could crush my skull one handed. He's gonna be in the history books if he is leading the stuff he's been talking about.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you're right about this. Your use of quotes from The Hunt for Red October confirms that :-).

That judge is going to make sure Trump is frog marched to jail come hell or high water. The media will be celebrating. If there was a.time to make a move, doing.it.while Trump is in jail gives him a lot of cover.

We will know pretty soon it seems.

Megadeth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Free tip to any lurking woke faggots : Have them investigate Burisma. I hear Trump was up to all sorts of things with that Ukrainian company.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess what I meant was media showing diddlers in a bad light. I can only think of the Michael Jackson news coverage and this episode of Diff'rent Strokes.

Nick, besides the rape, made the kids do sick shit on camera in episodes of various shows that aired.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know who you think this pope is channeling, but it certainly isn't anything I'd recommend as I don't believe God is a flaming communist.

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember the old Wired ... I also know what "new" woke Wired is like. That's why I am surprised that video came from Wired. You'd think they'd hide that information.

Megadeth 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm kinda stunned that the video came from WIRED of all places. Last I saw, they were a woke tech rag run by idiots.

Megadeth 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it was part of the plan.

I also think acquiring Disney is part of the plan. We need one of the alphabet networks to report real news ... not this woke shit. I don't think it is Musk, but I do think there's more news heading Disney's way. Their stock is going to get into that region where people could buy a controlling interest in the company.

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can relate to that quote. Big time.

I've lost most of my friends since 2016. Many of them I couldn't care less about. Occasionally, I'd get some DMs about how some of them agree with everything I said yet they're too afraid to do the same thing I was doing. I can't respect them after seeing them do shit like that.

What's pathetic is I was only posting memes on Facebook (quality ones). It wasn't like i was doing some revolutionary work like Ivan's done. I also got a lot of "Facebook Achievements" for my work (1 day ban, 2 day ban, 5 day ban, 14 day ban, 30 day ban (twice), and some really strange sentencings where I was not allowed to use Facebook video and some other thing I never use.

I have 5 friends I trust though ... that's more than enough. And if the shit hits the fan, I'll be ready.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

The left is screaming that Maggot Hagerman was the mouthpiece for the Trump Administration @ the NYT ... and Cohen was the middleman.

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