Hope he got all his valuable artwork out…kek
Kevin O’Leary wants to buy tic tok
Our kid never left our room in the hospital. They did everything in one room. No need for them to take your kid anywhere. We get no pushback on the no vax. It’s becoming more common in our area.
I’m 43 never vaccinated and my daughter is 2 and not shot up. Say no don’t do it. Certain day care will take the kid. About 2 min at health department signing a waiver for school records. 7 other kids in my family are un vaccinated, as well as my brother and sister are unvaccinated. When the dr asked at checkup I would say. Quit asking she is not being poisoned, I got to the point where I told them to read the records and asked them to add is they kept asking me it was harassment.
I’m tired of hearing about the same stuff and no results. Florida counted 12 million ballots in 3 hours, AZ can’t count 3 million in 6 days. Las Vegas can’t count 1,5 million in 3 days and numbers are their business. I hope someone finally sticks to their word and holds every last one accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
They are going to have a hard time, no other country gives you everything we do to “relocate.” And then to have a visa or work permit to stay in said country long term, they will then find out the truth that most countries don’t like illegals. We lose 25 million of them and 15 million illegals we will have all kinds of budget surplus and red states.
Now that no one is looking they are trying to cheat. One day voting!!
You can have people you know donate for you. I just did for my dad two weeks ago and it goes only to him if he needs it. Company is called Versiti. Not sure your area but there are ways to get. What you need.
The old man should have been killed already for rape. Protect the children LET THE FATHER GO. He’s protecting his family because no one else will.
I saw a post the other day wondering the same question. 14 storms in 175 years have started in Mexico and came back to FLA. but watching the storm last night and moving it on future cast on my weather app made things even weirder. Now seeing how fast it disappeared and made it through FL after seemingly moving super slow.
They should all be shown gallows and how they work first hand
Send him a stongly worded letter see if that helps
They will probably be dancing on a Trump stage soon infront of alot more than some county fair would offer.
Most the union workers I know are Trump supporters. It's their leadership that is not. Union leadership get paid sucking money from dues paid by the membership for "protection" on their employment, much like congress. They live the high life while us slaves pay the bills.
The name is GREAT
I wouldn't want to use someone else last name either if it wasn't really mine
Wasn't one of the drops about watching or following Huma or where's Huma..something like that
Capital punishment on a short timeframe would change alot. People don't steal if you lose your hand when your caught, they don't run away if punishment is losing a foot. Pedo's don't deserve this niceness.
The few ruling the many. Stand up and take your stuff back. I'm really getting sick of all this few vs many b.s.
I think it's H. W. BUSH we can thank for seed co. And the first Middle East war And killing JFK What else was he good for? A way to pass a note?
Thanks everyone. May try the silver- I use silver spray orally along with tons of vitamins, chiropractic care (needs more) and garlic drops. She is on 4th diagnosed infection so trying ivermectin before tubes.
You say that about Dave and not going against Isreal, but Trump is one of the biggest Isreal supporters. Go to Charlie Ward's site and his show with Chris Sky and see what Chris says about Trump and Isreal. I support Trump, but definitely makes you think.
9 days of voting On demand ballot printing More electronic equipment What could be wrong with this.
In 42 never vaxed EVER. 2 siblings, 1 kid, 6 nieces and nephews all never vaxed and ALL heslthy.
He wouldn’t commit to not taking a cut from the lawsuits IF OR WHEN he sues them.